... LAND0.1
LAND: Laboratory for Modeling/Analysis and Development of Computer and Communications Systems.
URL: http://www.land.ufrj.br
UFRJ: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Remeber that Tangram-II's variables start from $0$.
This file is part of MTK, and can be found in $<$diretório X$>$.
... observations11.2
OK, so this is an unreal number of observations to collect in a scenario like this, but so is a parrot standing on top of a casino table, right?
... gain11.3
By log-likelihood gain we mean the difference between the log-likelihood in iteration $i$ and iteration $i-1$.
... group11.4
$N = G \cdot E$
... group11.5
$N = G \cdot E$
... transition11.6
The initial state in the lower-level chain is chosen according to a initial state probability distribution associated with this lower-level Markov chain. Keep in mind that after every transition in the upper-level chain, which includes transitions to the same state, a new initial lower-level state is chosen, and the symbol emission process statrs from that state.
... gain11.7
By log-likelihood gain we mean the difference between the log-likelihood in iteration $i$ and iteration $i-1$.
... group11.8
$N = G \cdot E$
... group11.9
$N = G \cdot E$
... transition11.10
The initial state in the lower-level chain is chosen according to a initial state probability distribution associated with this lower-level Markov chain. Keep in mind that after every transition in the upper-level chain, which includes transitions to the same state, a new initial lower-level state is chosen, and the symbol emission process statrs from that state.
... transition11.11
The initial state in the lower-level chain is chosen according to a initial state probability distribution associated with this lower-level Markov chain. Keep in mind that after every transition in the upper-level chain, which includes transitions to the same state, a new initial lower-level state is chosen, and the symbol emission process statrs from that state.
... plugin11.12
Which can be found in the $MTK_HOME/plugins directory.