How to use the Matrix Visualization - State Ordering

To use the Matrix Visualization - State Ordering, choose the Analytical Model Solution button, and then, the View Matrix button. The interface is shown in Figure [*].

Figure: The Matrix Visualization - States Permutation Interface.

The main options of the Matrix Visualization - State Ordering interface are :

  1. Ordering of States
  2. Color Options. This option is used to associate colors to probabilities of states (Low, High and Zero probabilities). All the colors can be chosen from the following set black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, purple. The color depth defines the number of colors used to represent the probabilities. For example, if color depth is 4 then the number of colors used is $2^{4}=16$.
  3. Extra Options
The interface to visualize the matrix is shown in Figure [*].

Figure: The Matrix Visualization Interface.

The main options of the Matrix Visualization interface are:

Guilherme Dutra Gonzaga Jaime 2010-10-27