RioBrowserPlugin.c File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "npapi.h"
#include "npupp.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <X11/X.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <errno.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  _PluginInstance
struct  _ThreadParam


#define MASK_MPLAYER   1
#define MASK_RIOCLIENT   2
#define MASK_TGIF   4
#define MASK_INDEX   8
#define MAX_PLUGINS   16
#define PLUGINS_MASK   ( ( 1 << 16 ) - 1 )
#define PLUGIN_NAME   "RIO Browser Plug-in version "VERSION


typedef struct _PluginInstance PluginInstance
typedef struct _ThreadParam ThreadParam


void ChangeSlide (void *param)
void * listenerThread (void *param)
static int startListenerThread (NPP instance)
static void startRioClient (PluginInstance *this, int port)
static int isComplete (void)
char * NPP_GetMIMEDescription (void)
NPError NPP_GetValue (NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *value)
NPError NPP_Initialize (void)
void NPP_Shutdown (void)
NPError NPP_New (NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc, char *argn[], char *argv[], NPSavedData *saved)
NPError NPP_Destroy (NPP instance, NPSavedData **save)
NPError NPP_SetWindow (NPP instance, NPWindow *window)
NPError NPP_NewStream (NPP instance, NPMIMEType type, NPStream *stream, NPBool seekable, uint16 *stype)
int32 NPP_WriteReady (NPP instance, NPStream *stream)
int32 NPP_Write (NPP instance, NPStream *stream, int32 offset, int32 len, void *buffer)
NPError NPP_DestroyStream (NPP instance, NPStream *stream, NPError reason)
void NPP_StreamAsFile (NPP instance, NPStream *stream, const char *fname)
void NPP_Print (NPP instance, NPPrint *printInfo)
void NPP_URLNotify (NPP instance, const char *url, NPReason reason, void *notifyData)


int mID = 0
int rID = 0
int tID = 0
int iID
int MaskComplete = 0
int CurMask
char server [128]
char media [254]
char SlideUrl [255]
sem_t ChangeSlideSemaphore
int UseChangeSlide

Define Documentation

#define MASK_INDEX   8

Definition at line 25 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

#define MASK_MPLAYER   1

Definition at line 22 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

#define MASK_RIOCLIENT   2

Definition at line 23 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

#define MASK_TGIF   4

Definition at line 24 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

#define MAX_PLUGINS   16

Definition at line 27 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

"This plug-in allows RIO client to be embeded "\
                            "into browser frames."

Definition at line 325 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

#define PLUGIN_NAME   "RIO Browser Plug-in version "VERSION

Definition at line 324 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

#define PLUGINS_MASK   ( ( 1 << 16 ) - 1 )

Definition at line 28 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _ThreadParam ThreadParam

Function Documentation

void ChangeSlide ( void *  param  ) 

Definition at line 57 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00058 {
00059     NPP     instance;
00060     NPError Error; 
00061     int     error;
00063     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00064     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - ChangeSlide] Start\n" );
00065     #endif
00067     instance = ( NPP ) param;
00069     // Muda a transparencia.
00070     Error = NPN_GetURL( instance, SlideUrl, "slide" );
00072     if( Error != NPERR_NO_ERROR )
00073     {
00074         // Imprime a mensagem informando sobre as transparencias.
00075         NPN_Status( instance, "Error loading slide." );
00076     }
00078     // Librea a thread listenerThread bloqueada em ChangeSlideSemaphore, que
00079     // esta esperando pela mudanca da transparencia
00080     if( sem_post( &ChangeSlideSemaphore ) < 0 )
00081     {
00082         error = errno;
00083         fprintf( stderr, "[cederj]: sem_post failed with error %d (%s)\n", 
00084                  error, strerror( error ) );
00085     }
00087     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00088     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - ChangeSlide] Finish\n" );
00089     #endif
00090 }

static int isComplete ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 278 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00279 {
00280     int mask;
00281     int result;
00283     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00284     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - isComplete] Start\n" );
00285     #endif
00287     result = 0;
00288     if( CurMask == MaskComplete )
00289     {
00290         mask = 0;
00291         if( ( CurMask & MASK_MPLAYER ) != 0 && mID != 0 )
00292             mask |= MASK_MPLAYER;
00293         if( ( CurMask & MASK_RIOCLIENT ) != 0 && rID != 0 )
00294             mask |= MASK_RIOCLIENT;
00295         if( ( CurMask & MASK_TGIF ) != 0 && tID != 0 )
00296             mask |= MASK_TGIF;
00297         if( ( CurMask & MASK_INDEX ) != 0 && iID != 0 )
00298             mask |= MASK_INDEX;
00300         if( mask == MaskComplete )
00301             result = 1;
00302     }
00304     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00305     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - isComplete] Finish\n" );
00306     #endif
00308     return( result );
00309 }

void* listenerThread ( void *  param  ) 

Definition at line 92 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00093 {
00094     int          END;
00095     int          byread;
00096     int          error;
00097     char         pkt[ 255 ];
00098     ThreadParam *p;
00099     NPError      Error; 
00101     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00102     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - listenerThread] Start\n" );
00103     #endif
00105     END = 0;
00106     p = ( ThreadParam * ) param;
00107     do
00108     {
00109         byread = recvfrom( p->soc, pkt, 254, 0, NULL, 0 );
00110         if( byread > 0 )
00111         {
00112             if( strncmp( pkt, "quit", 4 ) == 0 )
00113                 END = 1;
00114             if( strncmp( pkt, "chgu", 4 ) == 0 )
00115             {
00116                 if( UseChangeSlide )
00117                 {
00118                     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00119                     fprintf( stderr, "listenerThread: Usando a funcao " );
00120                     fprintf( stderr, "NPN_PluginThreadAsyncCall\n" );
00121                     #endif
00122                     // Copia a Url para a estrutura FileUrl.
00123                     strcpy( SlideUrl, &pkt[ 5 ] );
00124                     // Chama assincronamente a funcao para mudar a transparencia 
00125                     // (isso e necessario no Firefox 3.0 em diante, pois somente
00126                     // a thread principal pode usar as funcoes do browser a 
00127                     // partir desta versao.
00128                     NPN_PluginThreadAsyncCall( p->instance, ChangeSlide, 
00129                                                ( void * ) p->instance );
00130                     // Espera que a transparencia seja mudada pela thread 
00131                     // principal do browser.
00132                     if( sem_wait( &ChangeSlideSemaphore ) < 0 )
00133                     {
00134                          error = errno;
00135                          fprintf( stderr, "[cederj]: sem_wait failed with " );
00136                          fprintf( stderr, "error %d (%s)\n", error,
00137                                   strerror( error ) );
00138                     }
00139                 } 
00140                 else
00141                 {
00142                     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00143                     fprintf( stderr, "listenerThread: Usando a funcao " );
00144                     fprintf( stderr, "NPN_GetURL como antes\n" );
00145                     #endif
00146                     Error = NPN_GetURL( p->instance, &pkt[ 5 ], "slide" );
00147                     if( Error != NPERR_NO_ERROR )
00148                     {
00149                         // Imprime a mensagem informando sobre as 
00150                         // transparencias.
00151                         NPN_Status( p->instance, 
00152                                   "Error loading slide. Upgrade your browser" );
00153                     }
00154                 }
00155             }
00156         }
00157     }
00158     while( !END );
00160     NPN_MemFree( param );
00162     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00163     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - listenerThread] Finish\n" );
00164     #endif
00166     return( NULL );
00167 }

NPError NPP_Destroy ( NPP  instance,
NPSavedData **  save 

Definition at line 545 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00546 {
00547     NPError         result;
00548     PluginInstance *This;
00550     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00551     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_Destroy] Start\n" );
00552     #endif
00555     if( instance != NULL )
00556     {
00557         This = ( PluginInstance* ) instance->pdata;
00558         if( This != NULL )
00559         {
00560             if( This->pid )
00561                 kill( This->pid, 15 );
00562             NPN_MemFree( instance->pdata );
00563             instance->pdata = NULL;
00564         }
00565         result = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
00566     }
00568     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00569     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_Destroy] Finish\n" );
00570     #endif
00572     return result;
00573 }

NPError NPP_DestroyStream ( NPP  instance,
NPStream stream,
NPError  reason 

Definition at line 725 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00726 {
00727     PluginInstance *This;
00729     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00730     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_DestroyStream] Start\n" );
00731     #endif
00733     if( instance == NULL )
00734     {
00736         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00737         fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_DestroyStream] Finish1\n" );
00738         #endif
00740         return NPERR_INVALID_INSTANCE_ERROR;
00741     }
00742     This = ( PluginInstance * )instance->pdata;
00744     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00745     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_DestroyStream] Finish2\n" );
00746     #endif
00748     return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
00749 }

char* NPP_GetMIMEDescription ( void   ) 

Definition at line 313 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00314 {
00316     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00317     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_GetMIMEDescription] Start-" );
00318     fprintf( stderr, "Finish\n" );
00319     #endif
00321     return( "application/x-rio:xrio:RIO Browser Plug-in" );
00322 }

NPError NPP_GetValue ( NPP  instance,
NPPVariable  variable,
void *  value 

Definition at line 328 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00329 {
00330     NPError err = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
00332     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00333     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_GetValue] Start\n" );
00334     #endif
00336     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00337     fprintf( stderr, "NPP_GetValue : inicio da funcao. instance = %p ",
00338              instance );
00339     fprintf( stderr, "variable = %d\n", variable );
00340     #endif        
00342     if( variable == NPPVpluginNameString )
00343         *( ( char ** ) value ) = PLUGIN_NAME;
00344     else if( variable == NPPVpluginDescriptionString )
00345         *( ( char ** ) value ) = PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION;
00346     else
00347         err = NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR;
00349     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00350     fprintf( stderr, "NPP_GetValue : fim da funcao. err = %d\n", err );
00351     #endif        
00353     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00354     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_GetValue] Finish\n" );
00355     #endif
00357     return err;
00358 }

NPError NPP_Initialize ( void   ) 

Definition at line 368 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00369 {
00370     int plugin_major, plugin_minor, netscape_major, netscape_minor;
00371     int error;
00373     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00374     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_Initialize] Start\n" );
00375     #endif
00377     // Obtem as versoes do plugin e do browser.
00379     NPN_Version( &plugin_major, &plugin_minor, &netscape_major, 
00380                  &netscape_minor );
00382     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00383     fprintf( stderr, "NPP_Initialize: NPP_New plugin_major = %d\n", 
00384              plugin_major );
00385     fprintf( stderr, "NPP_Initialize: NPP_New plugin_minor = %d\n", 
00386              plugin_minor );
00387     fprintf( stderr, "NPP_Initialize: NPP_New netscape_major = %d\n", 
00388              netscape_major );
00389     fprintf( stderr, "NPP_Initialize: NPP_New netscape_minor = %d\n", 
00390              netscape_minor );
00391     #endif         
00393     // Cria o semaforo, se a versao for a adequada do plugin e do browser.
00395     if( netscape_minor < NPVERS_HAS_PLUGIN_THREAD_ASYNC_CALL )
00396     {
00397         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00398         fprintf( stderr, "NPP_Initialize: NPN_PluginThreadAsyncCall nao " );
00399         fprintf( stderr, "disponivel. Usando a implementacao original do " );
00400         fprintf( stderr, "plugin!\n");
00401         #endif         
00402         UseChangeSlide = 0;
00403     }
00404     else
00405     {
00406         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00407         fprintf( stderr, "NPP_Initialize: NPN_PluginThreadAsyncCall " );
00408         fprintf( stderr, "disponivel. Usando a nova implementacao!\n" );
00409         #endif         
00410         // Cria o semaforo ChangeSlideSemaphore. O semaforo e inicializado com
00411         // 0 porque a thread startListenerThread deve ser bloqueada ao executar
00412         // sem_wait, pois precisa esperar que a transparencia seja mudada.
00413         if( sem_init( &ChangeSlideSemaphore, 0, 0 ) < 0 )
00414         {
00415             error = errno;
00416             fprintf( stderr, "[cederj]: sem_init failed with error %d (%s) ", 
00417                      error, strerror( error ) );
00418             fprintf( stderr, ". Using previous implementation!\n" );
00419             UseChangeSlide = 0;
00420         }
00421         else
00422         {
00423             #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00424             fprintf( stderr, "NPP_Initialize: Semaforo criado com sucesso!\n" );
00425             #endif         
00426             UseChangeSlide = 1;         
00427         }
00428     }
00430     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00431     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_Initialize] Finish\n" );
00432     #endif
00434     return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
00435 }

NPError NPP_New ( NPMIMEType  pluginType,
NPP  instance,
uint16  mode,
int16  argc,
char *  argn[],
char *  argv[],
NPSavedData saved 

Definition at line 486 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00488 {
00489     int             i, mask;
00490     NPError         result;
00491     PluginInstance *This;
00493     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00494     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_New] Start\n" );
00495     #endif
00498     if( instance != NULL )
00499     {
00500         instance->pdata = NPN_MemAlloc( sizeof( PluginInstance ) );
00501         This = ( PluginInstance * ) instance->pdata;
00502         if( This != NULL )
00503         {
00504             This->window = 0;
00505             This->fMode = mode;
00506             This->mask = 0;
00507             This->pid = 0;
00508             for( i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
00509             {
00510                 if( strcasecmp( argn[ i ], "server" ) == 0 )
00511                     strcpy( server, argv[ i ] );
00512                 if( strcasecmp( argn[ i ], "file" ) == 0 )
00513                     strcpy( media, argv[ i ] );
00514                 if( strcasecmp( argn[ i ], "mask" ) == 0 )
00515                 {
00516                     mask = atoi( argv[ i ] );
00517                     This->mask = ( mask & PLUGINS_MASK );
00518                     if( MaskComplete == 0 )
00519                         MaskComplete = ( mask >> MAX_PLUGINS );
00521                     /* Sanity Check */
00522                     if( ( mask >> MAX_PLUGINS ) == MaskComplete )
00523                     {
00524                         CurMask = CurMask | ( mask & PLUGINS_MASK );
00525                         /* All plugins are loaded */
00526                     }
00527                 }
00528             }
00529             result = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
00530         }
00531         else
00532         {
00533             result = NPERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR;
00534         }
00535     }
00537     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00538     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_New] Finish\n" );
00539     #endif
00541     return result;
00542 }

NPError NPP_NewStream ( NPP  instance,
NPMIMEType  type,
NPStream stream,
NPBool  seekable,
uint16 stype 

Definition at line 649 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00651 {
00652     PluginInstance* This;
00654     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00655     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_NewStream] Start\n" );
00656     #endif
00658     if (instance == NULL)
00659         return NPERR_INVALID_INSTANCE_ERROR;
00661     This = ( PluginInstance* ) instance->pdata;
00663     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00664     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_NewStream] Finish\n" );
00665     #endif
00667     return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
00668 }

void NPP_Print ( NPP  instance,
NPPrint printInfo 

Definition at line 769 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00770 {
00771     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00772     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_Print] Start-Finish\n" );
00773     #endif
00774 }

NPError NPP_SetWindow ( NPP  instance,
NPWindow window 

Definition at line 575 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00576 {
00577     int             port = 0;
00578     NPError         result;
00579     PluginInstance *This;
00581     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00582     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_SetWindow] Start\n" );
00583     #endif
00586     if( instance != NULL )
00587     {
00588         This = ( PluginInstance * )instance->pdata;
00590         /*
00591          * PLUGIN DEVELOPERS:
00592          *  Before setting window to point to the
00593          *  new window, you may wish to compare the new window
00594          *  info to the previous window (if any) to note window
00595          *  size changes, etc.
00596          */
00597         This->window  = ( Window ) window->window;
00598         This->x       = window->x;
00599         This->y       = window->y;
00600         This->width   = window->width;
00601         This->height  = window->height;
00602         This->fWindow = window;
00603         This->display = ( ( NPSetWindowCallbackStruct * ) window->ws_info )
00604                                                                       ->display;
00606         switch( This->mask )
00607         {
00608             case MASK_MPLAYER:   
00609                 mID = This->window; 
00610                 break;
00611             case MASK_RIOCLIENT: 
00612                 rID = This->window; 
00613                 break;
00614             case MASK_TGIF:      
00615                 tID = This->window; 
00616                 break;
00617             case MASK_INDEX:     
00618                 iID = This->window; 
00619                 break;
00620         }
00622         if( isComplete() )
00623         {
00624             if( ( MaskComplete & MASK_MPLAYER )   != 0 &&
00625                 ( MaskComplete & MASK_RIOCLIENT ) != 0 )
00626             {
00627                 if( ( MaskComplete & MASK_TGIF ) == 0 )
00628                     if( ( port = startListenerThread( instance ) ) == 0 )
00629                     {
00630                         fprintf( stderr, "[cederj]: Could not find a free " );
00631                         fprintf( stderr, "UDP port\n" );
00632                     }
00633                 startRioClient( This, port );
00634             }
00635             MaskComplete = CurMask = 0;
00636             mID = rID = tID = iID  = 0;
00637         }
00638         result = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
00639     }
00641     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00642     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_SetWindow] Finish\n" );
00643     #endif
00645     return result;
00646 }

void NPP_Shutdown ( void   ) 

Definition at line 454 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00455 {
00456     int error;
00458     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00459     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_Shutdown] Start\n" );
00460     #endif
00462     // Remove o semaforo, se estivermos usando a nova implementacao
00464     if( UseChangeSlide )
00465     {
00466         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00467         fprintf( stderr, "NPP_Shutdown: Removendo o semaforo criado!\n" );
00468         #endif
00469         if( sem_destroy( &ChangeSlideSemaphore ) < 0 )
00470         {
00471              error = errno;
00472              fprintf( stderr, "[cederj]: sem_destroy failed with error " );
00473              fprintf( stderr, "%d (%s)\n", error, strerror( error ) );
00474         }
00475     }
00477     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00478     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_Shutdown] Finish\n" );
00479     #endif
00480 }

void NPP_StreamAsFile ( NPP  instance,
NPStream stream,
const char *  fname 

Definition at line 752 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00753 {
00754     PluginInstance *This;
00756     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00757     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_StreamAsFile] Start\n" );
00758     #endif
00760     if( instance != NULL )
00761         This = ( PluginInstance * )instance->pdata;
00763     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00764     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_StreamAsFile] Finish\n" );
00765     #endif
00766 }

void NPP_URLNotify ( NPP  instance,
const char *  url,
NPReason  reason,
void *  notifyData 

Definition at line 778 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00780 {
00781     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00782     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_URLNotify] Start-Finish\n" );
00783     #endif
00784 }

int32 NPP_Write ( NPP  instance,
NPStream stream,
int32  offset,
int32  len,
void *  buffer 

Definition at line 706 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00708 {
00709     PluginInstance *This;
00711     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00712     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_Write] Start\n" );
00713     #endif
00715     if( instance != NULL )
00716         This = ( PluginInstance * )instance->pdata;
00718     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00719     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_Write] Finish\n" );
00720     #endif
00722     return len; /* The number of bytes accepted */
00723 }

int32 NPP_WriteReady ( NPP  instance,
NPStream stream 

Definition at line 686 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00687 {
00688     PluginInstance *This;
00690     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00691     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_WriteReady] Start\n" );
00692     #endif
00694     if( instance != NULL )
00695         This = ( PluginInstance * )instance->pdata;
00697     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00698     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - NPP_WriteReady] Finish\n" );
00699     #endif
00701     /* Number of bytes ready to accept in NPP_Write() */
00702     return STREAMBUFSIZE;
00703 }

static int startListenerThread ( NPP  instance  )  [static]

Definition at line 169 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00170 {
00171     int          soc, port;
00172     unsigned int size_myaddr;
00173     pthread_t    tid;
00174     struct       sockaddr_in saddr, myaddr;
00175     ThreadParam *param;
00177     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00178     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - startListenerThread] Start\n" );
00179     #endif
00181     port = 0;
00182     soc = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 );
00183     saddr.sin_port = 0;
00184     saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
00185     saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
00186     if( bind( soc, ( struct sockaddr * ) &saddr, sizeof( saddr ) ) == 0 )
00187     {
00188         param = NPN_MemAlloc( sizeof( ThreadParam ) );
00189         param->instance = instance;
00190         param->soc = soc;
00191         if( pthread_create( &tid, NULL, listenerThread, ( void * ) param ) 
00192             != 0 )
00193         {
00194             fprintf( stderr, "[cederj]: Could not create listener thread\n" );
00195             NPN_MemFree( param );
00196         }
00197         else
00198         {
00199             size_myaddr = sizeof( myaddr );
00200             getsockname( soc, ( struct sockaddr * ) &myaddr, &size_myaddr );
00201             port = myaddr.sin_port;
00202         }
00203     }
00204     else
00205         perror( "bind" );
00207     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00208     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - startListenerThread] Finish\n" );
00209     #endif
00211     return port;
00212 }

static void startRioClient ( PluginInstance this,
int  port 
) [static]

Definition at line 214 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

00215 {
00216     int   argc;
00217     char *argv[ 20 ];
00218     char  serverAndFile[ 255 ];
00219     char  aux_str[ 16 ];
00221     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00222     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - startRioClient] Start\n" );
00223     #endif
00225     signal( SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN );
00227     if( ( this->pid = fork() ) != 0 )
00228     {
00229         if( this->pid < 0 )
00230             perror( "fork(). Failed to fork process." );
00231     }
00232     else
00233     {
00234         argc = 0;
00235         argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( "riommclient" );
00236         argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( "--usecache" );
00237         argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( "0" );
00239         /* client window */
00240         argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( "--mainwindow" );
00241         sprintf( aux_str, "%d", rID );
00242         argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( aux_str );
00244         /* mplayer window */
00245         argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( "--vid" );
00246         sprintf( aux_str, "%d", mID );
00247         argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( aux_str );
00249         if( tID )
00250         {
00251             argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( "--tgifWindow" );
00252             sprintf( aux_str, "%d", tID );
00253             argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( aux_str );
00254         }
00256         if( port )
00257         {
00258             argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( "--pluginport" );
00259             sprintf( aux_str, "%d", port );
00260             argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( aux_str );
00261         }
00263         /* Server and file name*/
00264         sprintf( serverAndFile, "%s:%s", server, media );
00265         argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( serverAndFile );
00267         argv[ argc++ ] = NULL;
00269         if( execvp( argv[ 0 ], argv ) < 0 )
00270             perror( "execlp(): Failed to execute riommclient" );
00271     }
00273     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00274     fprintf( stderr, "[RioBrowserPlugin - startRioClient] Finish\n" );
00275     #endif
00276 }

Variable Documentation

Definition at line 54 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

int CurMask

Definition at line 50 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

int iID

Definition at line 48 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

int MaskComplete = 0

Definition at line 49 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

char media[254]

Definition at line 52 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

int mID = 0

Definition at line 48 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

int rID = 0

Definition at line 48 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

char server[128]

Definition at line 51 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

char SlideUrl[255]

Definition at line 53 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.


Definition at line 682 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

int tID = 0

Definition at line 48 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

Definition at line 55 of file RioBrowserPlugin.c.

Generated on Wed Jul 4 16:03:30 2012 for RIO by  doxygen 1.6.3