RioProxy.h File Reference

#include "DataConversion.h"
#include "RioTCP.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


const unsigned int MaxBlockMapSize
const unsigned int MaxStorageNodes
const unsigned int RioClassSessionManager = 1
const unsigned int RioClassStreamManager = 2
const unsigned int RioClassObjectManager = 3
const unsigned int RioClassRouter = 4
const unsigned int RioClassUserManager = 5
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerOpen = 1
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerClose = 2
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerOpenStream = 3
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerCreateObject = 4
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerDeleteObject = 5
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerRenameObject = 6
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetBlockSize = 7
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetnStorageNodes = 8
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerFirstObject = 9
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerChangeDir = 10
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetCurrentDir = 11
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetObjectInfo = 12
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetNumberOfDisks = 13
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetNumberOfStorageNodes = 14
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetStorageNodeInfo = 15
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetNumberOfActiveAndMaxSessions = 16
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerSaveMeasures = 17
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetServerAddress = 19
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetMonitorTable = 20
const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerCheckStreamControl = 21
const unsigned int RioMethodStreamManagerClose = 1
const unsigned int RioMethodStreamManagerOpenObject = 2
const unsigned int RioMethodStreamManagerMaxRequests = 3
const unsigned int RioMethodStreamManagerOpenObjectSubmitToCAC = 4
const unsigned int RioMethodStreamManagerClientCanStart = 5
const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerClose = 1
const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerGetSize = 2
const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerSetSize = 3
const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerGetType = 4
const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerGetnBlocks = 5
const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerGetBlockMap = 6
const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerNextObject = 7
const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerGetVideoRate = 8
const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerSetVideoRate = 9
const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerReallocBlocks = 10
const unsigned int RioMethodRouterDataRequest = 1
const unsigned int RioMethodRouterSetNATMappings = 2
const unsigned int RioMethodRouterSearchLogsRequest = 3
const unsigned int RioMethodRouterSearchResultDataRequest = 4
const unsigned int RioMethodRouterRemoveSearchResultFile = 5
const unsigned int RioMethodUserManagerCreateUser = 1
const unsigned int RioMethodUserManagerRemoveUser = 2
const unsigned int RioMethodUserManagerChangePassword = 3
const unsigned int RioMethodUserManagerUserList = 4

Variable Documentation

const unsigned int MaxBlockMapSize
Initial value:

Definition at line 29 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int MaxStorageNodes
Initial value:

Definition at line 32 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioClassObjectManager = 3

Definition at line 38 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioClassRouter = 4

Definition at line 39 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioClassSessionManager = 1

Definition at line 36 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioClassStreamManager = 2

Definition at line 37 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioClassUserManager = 5

Definition at line 41 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerClose = 1

Definition at line 93 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerGetBlockMap = 6

Definition at line 100 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerGetnBlocks = 5

Definition at line 99 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerGetSize = 2

Definition at line 94 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerGetType = 4

Definition at line 98 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerGetVideoRate = 8

Definition at line 105 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerNextObject = 7

Definition at line 101 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerReallocBlocks = 10

Definition at line 112 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerSetSize = 3

Definition at line 95 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodObjectManagerSetVideoRate = 9

Definition at line 106 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodRouterDataRequest = 1

Definition at line 115 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodRouterRemoveSearchResultFile = 5

Definition at line 127 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodRouterSearchLogsRequest = 3

Definition at line 121 of file RioProxy.h.

Definition at line 124 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodRouterSetNATMappings = 2

Definition at line 118 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerChangeDir = 10

Definition at line 56 of file RioProxy.h.

Definition at line 79 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerClose = 2

Definition at line 45 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerCreateObject = 4

Definition at line 47 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerDeleteObject = 5

Definition at line 48 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerFirstObject = 9

Definition at line 55 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetBlockSize = 7

Definition at line 50 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetCurrentDir = 11

Definition at line 57 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetMonitorTable = 20

Definition at line 73 of file RioProxy.h.

Definition at line 54 of file RioProxy.h.

Definition at line 64 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetNumberOfDisks = 13

Definition at line 61 of file RioProxy.h.

Definition at line 62 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetObjectInfo = 12

Definition at line 58 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerGetServerAddress = 19

Definition at line 71 of file RioProxy.h.

Definition at line 63 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerOpen = 1

Definition at line 44 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerOpenStream = 3

Definition at line 46 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerRenameObject = 6

Definition at line 49 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodSessionManagerSaveMeasures = 17

Definition at line 65 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodStreamManagerClientCanStart = 5

Definition at line 90 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodStreamManagerClose = 1

Definition at line 82 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodStreamManagerMaxRequests = 3

Definition at line 86 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodStreamManagerOpenObject = 2

Definition at line 83 of file RioProxy.h.

Definition at line 87 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodUserManagerChangePassword = 3

Definition at line 144 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodUserManagerCreateUser = 1

Definition at line 140 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodUserManagerRemoveUser = 2

Definition at line 142 of file RioProxy.h.

const unsigned int RioMethodUserManagerUserList = 4

Definition at line 146 of file RioProxy.h.

Generated on Wed Jul 4 16:03:30 2012 for RIO by  doxygen 1.6.3