CRouterInterface Class Reference

#include <routerinterface.h>

Public Member Functions

 CRouterInterface ()
 ~CRouterInterface ()
int Initialize (u16 LocalPort, char *LogsDirectory)
void Stop ()
void Send (StrMsg *Msg)

Private Member Functions

void ProcessMsg (StrMsg *Elem)
void ProcessNew (StrMsg *Elem)
void ProcessPending (StrMsg *Elem)
void SendNodeInfo (StrMsg *Msg)
void SendDiskInfo (StrMsg *Msg, int Disk)
void ProcessCancel (StrMsg *Elem)
void SendDiskServiceTimeInfo (StrMsg *Elem, int Disk, int DiskId)
void SendStatus (StrMsg *Msg, u16 Type, u32 RouterId, s32 Error)
void ProcessInitialization (StrMsg *Elem, bool Restart)
 Processa a mensagem de inicializacao recebida pelo servidor de despacho.
void SendConfirmation (StrMsg *Elem)
 Funcao para enviar, ao servidor de despacho, a confirmacao de que a inicializacao do servidor de armazenamento foi feita com sucesso.
void ProcessStartSearchInLogs (StrMsg *Elem)
 Funcao para processar a mensagem que inicializa uma solicitacao de busca nos logs do servidor de armazenamento.
void ProcessBlockSearchFile (StrMsg *Elem)
 Funcao para obter um dos blocos de um dos arquivos com o resultado de uma busca executada nos logs do servidor de armazenamento.
void ProcessRemoveSearchFile (StrMsg *Elem)
 Funcao para remover um um dos arquivos com o resultado de uma busca executada nos logs do servidor de armazenamento.

Static Private Member Functions

static void * WaitThread (void *Param)
static void * TxThread (void *Param)
static void * RxThread (void *Param)

Private Attributes

CvsiTCPwait m_Connection
CvsiThread m_WaitThread
CvsiThread m_TxThread
CvsiThread m_RxThread
CMsgQueue m_TxQueue
int m_Status
int m_ConnectionActive
int m_DisconnectFlag
CvsiCondition m_ConnectCondition
CvsiCondition m_DisconnectCondition
bool m_InitializedRequestManager
 Nova variavel usada para verificar se o objeto RequestManager ja foi inicializado.
char * m_LogsDirectory
 Nova variavel usada para armazenar o caminho em que os logs do servidor de armazenamento sao armazenados (usada ao inicializarmos o objeto de busca nos logs).

Detailed Description

Definition at line 36 of file routerinterface.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CRouterInterface::CRouterInterface (  ) 

Definition at line 54 of file routerinterface.cpp.

00055 {
00056     m_Status           = InterfaceInactive;
00057     m_Socket           = NULL;
00058     m_ConnectionActive = 0;
00059     m_DisconnectFlag   = 0;
00060     // Nova variavel usada para verificar se o RequestManager ja foi 
00061     // inicializado.
00062     m_InitializedRequestManager = false;
00063     // Inicializa a variavel que aponta para o diretorio com os logs.
00064     m_LogsDirectory = NULL;
00065 }

CRouterInterface::~CRouterInterface (  ) 

Definition at line 68 of file routerinterface.cpp.

00069 {
00070     // Remove a variavel com o caminho dos logs.
00071     if( m_LogsDirectory != NULL )
00072         delete[] m_LogsDirectory;
00074 }

Member Function Documentation

int CRouterInterface::Initialize ( u16  LocalPort,
char *  LogsDirectory 

Definition at line 80 of file routerinterface.cpp.

00081 {
00082     if(m_Status == InterfaceActive)
00083     {
00084         return ERROR_SS_PROGRAM_ERROR;
00085     }
00087     vsiIPaddress MyAddress;
00090     MyAddress.Port = LocalPort;
00092     int stat;
00094     stat = m_Connection.Initialize(&MyAddress,1);
00095     if(stat < 0)
00096     {
00097         RioErr << "CRouterInterface.Initialize - "
00098                << "Failed to initialize TCP socket:"
00099                << stat
00100                << " HOST: " << MyAddress.Host
00101                << " PORT: " << MyAddress.Port
00102                << endl;
00103         Stop();
00104         return ERROR_SS_TCP_INITIALIZATION;
00105     }
00107     m_Status = InterfaceActive;
00109     stat = m_WaitThread.Create(WaitThread,(void*) this);
00110     if(stat < 0)
00111     {
00112         RioErr << "Failed to create Wait Thread: "
00113                << stat << endl;
00114         return ERROR_SS_THREAD_CREATE;
00115     }
00117     // Inicializa a variavel que aponta para o diretorio com os logs.
00118     m_LogsDirectory = new char[ strlen( LogsDirectory ) + 1];
00119     if( m_LogsDirectory == NULL )
00120       return ERROR_SS_MEMORY;
00122     strcpy( m_LogsDirectory, LogsDirectory ); 
00124     return (0);
00125 }

void CRouterInterface::ProcessBlockSearchFile ( StrMsg Elem  )  [private]

Funcao para obter um dos blocos de um dos arquivos com o resultado de uma busca executada nos logs do servidor de armazenamento.

Elem ponteiro para a estrutura onde esta armazenada a mensagem com os parametros usados pela inicializacao. Esta mensagem, do tipo MsgRSSBlockSearchFileReq, contem o identificador do arquivo, o numero do bloco, o par IP, porta UDP do cliente (para o qual devemos enviar o resultado da busca) e o identificador usado ao enviar o bloco ao cliente.

Definition at line 1156 of file routerinterface.cpp.

01157 {
01158     int status;
01159     MsgRSSBlockSearchFileReq* Msg = &( Elem->Msg.Router.BlockSearchFile );
01160     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01161     struct in_addr ip;
01162     ip.s_addr = Msg->IPaddr;
01163     RioErr << "CRouterInterface::ProcessBlockSearchFile recebida uma "
01164            << "requisicao para o pedido do bloco " << Msg->Block 
01165            << " do arquivo com a ID " << Msg->FileId << " do cliente com o IP " 
01166            << inet_ntoa( ip ) << " e a porta " << ntohs( Msg->Port ) 
01167            << ", usando a Id " << Msg->ClientId << endl;
01168     #endif
01169     status = SearchPackagesLogs.SearchResultDataRequest( Msg->IPaddr, Msg->Port,
01170                                                          Msg->FileId, 
01171                                                          Msg->Block, 
01172                                                          Msg->ClientId );
01174     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01175     if( status != S_OK )
01176     {
01177         RioErr << "CRouterInterface::ProcessRemoveSearchFile erro " << status 
01178                << "(" << GetErrorDescription( status ) << ") ao remover o "
01179                << "arquivo com o resultado da busca." << endl;
01180         SendSearchLogsStatus( Elem, Msg->IPaddr, Msg->Port, Msg->ClientId, 
01181                               MSG_RSS_BLOCK_SEARCH_FILE_REQ, 
01182                               ERROR_SS_REMOVE_SEARCH_FILE );
01183     }                                               
01184     else
01185         SendSearchLogsStatus( Elem, Msg->IPaddr, Msg->Port, Msg->ClientId, 
01186                               MSG_RSS_BLOCK_SEARCH_FILE_REQ, S_OK );
01187     #endif       
01188 }

void CRouterInterface::ProcessCancel ( StrMsg Elem  )  [private]

Definition at line 884 of file routerinterface.cpp.

00885 {
00886     MsgRSSpendRequest* Msg = & (Elem->Msg.Router.Request.Pending);
00888     // Compute right reply type in case an error is detected at this stage
00889     u16 Command = Msg->Type &0xf;
00890     u16 Reply;
00891     switch (Command)
00892     {
00893         case MSG_RSS_CANCEL:
00894             Reply = MSG_RSS_CANCELCOMPLETE;
00895             break;
00896         default:
00897             MsgManager.Free(Elem);
00898             RioErr << "UNEXPECTED ERROR: Processing cancel request. "
00899                    << "Request has unexpected type:" << Command << endl;
00900             return;
00901     }
00903     // Check if Request ids are valid
00904     // First, try to get request structure associated with request id
00905     StrRequest* Request = RequestManager.Get(Msg->StorageId);
00907     // If did not find request send error message (status) to router
00908     if( Request == 0 )
00909     {
00910         RioErr << "ProcessCancel:Request " << Msg->StorageId
00911                << " not found !!!"<<endl;
00912         SendStatus( Elem,
00913                     Reply,
00914                     Msg->RouterId,
00915                     ERROR_RSS_INVALID_REQUESTID );
00916         return;
00917     }
00919     // Double check if router request id match request
00920     if( Request->RouterId != Msg->RouterId)
00921     {
00922         RioErr << "ProcessCancel:Request " << Msg->RouterId
00923                << " != of " << Request->RouterId << "!!!"<<endl;
00924         SendStatus( Elem,
00925                     Reply,
00926                     Msg->RouterId,
00927                     ERROR_RSS_INVALID_REQUESTID );
00928         return;
00929     }
00931     // Finally, check if request status is the right one (expecting command
00932     // from router)
00933     if( ( Command == MSG_RSS_CANCEL ) &&
00934        ( Request->Status != RequestStatusWaitSendCommand ))
00935     {
00936         RioErr << "ProcessCancel:Request invalid !!!"<<endl;
00937         SendStatus( Elem,
00938                     Reply,
00939                     Msg->RouterId,
00940                     ERROR_RSS_INVALID_REQUESTID );
00941         return;
00942     }
00943     // free buffer
00944     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00945     RioErr << "ProcessCancel:Request canceled ( " << Msg->StorageId << " )!!!"
00946            <<endl;
00947     #endif
00949     RequestManager.Free(Request);
00951     //send the cancel is completed
00952     SendStatus( Elem, Reply, Msg->RouterId, 0 );
00953 }

void CRouterInterface::ProcessInitialization ( StrMsg Elem,
bool  Restart 
) [private]

Processa a mensagem de inicializacao recebida pelo servidor de despacho.

Elem ponteiro para a estrutura onde esta armazenada a mensagem a ser processada.
Restart valor booleano que indica se esta e a primeira mensagem enviada pelo servidor de gerenciamento ou se e uma nova mensagem (indicando que o servidor de gerenciamento caiu e depois voltou).

Definition at line 1052 of file routerinterface.cpp.

01053 {
01054     // Extrai o numero de blocos da mensagem
01055     MsgRSSInitializationReq* Msg = &( Elem->Msg.Router.Initialization );
01056     if( Restart )
01057     {
01058         // Neste caso, em que a mensagem nao e a primeira enviada pelo servidor
01059         // de geranciamento (o que provavelmente indica que o servidor caiu e
01060         // voltou), precisamos somente, para garantir, verificar se o tamanho
01061         // do bloco e o mesmo (para evitar que o disco seja incorretamente 
01062         // usado). Caso o tamanho do bloco nao seja o mesmo, o servidor de
01063         // armazenamento terminara a sua execucao.
01064         RioErr << "Received a duplicated initialization message. Block size = "
01065                <<  Msg->BlockSize << endl;
01066         if( Msg->BlockSize != Config.FragSize )
01067         {
01068             RioErr << "Fatal error: new block size " << Msg->BlockSize 
01069                    << " is different of actual block size " << Config.FragSize
01070                    << endl;
01071             exit( -1 ); // O que deveremos fazer neste caso?      
01073         }
01074     }
01075     else
01076     {
01077         // Esta e a primeira mensagem recebida. Devemos inicializar os objetos
01078         // RequestManager e SearchPackagesLogs.
01079         Config.FragSize = Msg->BlockSize;
01080         // Inicializa o gerenciador de requisicoes
01081         int stat = RequestManager.Initialize( Config.MaxReq, Config.FragSize );
01082         if( stat < 0 )
01083         {
01084             RioErr << "Error when initializing Request Manager: " << stat << endl;
01085             exit( 1 ); // O que deveremos fazer neste caso?
01086         }
01088         m_InitializedRequestManager = true;
01090         RioErr << "Request Manager started. Max number of requests: "
01091                << Config.MaxReq << " (array created). Block size: " 
01092                << Config.FragSize << endl;
01094         // Inicializa a classe de busca nos logs.
01095         stat = SearchPackagesLogs.Initialize( &SentPackagesLog, &NetManager,
01096                                               m_LogsDirectory, "Storage-", 
01097                                               Config.FragSize, &NetInterface );
01098         if( stat != S_OK )
01099         {
01100             RioErr << "Error when initializing SearchPackagesLogs: " << stat 
01101                    << endl;
01102             exit( 1 ); // O que deveremos fazer neste caso?
01103         }
01104     }                                             
01105     // Envia uma mensagem ao servidor informando que o tamanho do 
01106     // bloco foi recebido corretamente, para que o servidor possa
01107     // enviar as mensagens de informacao.
01108     SendConfirmation( Elem );
01109 }

void CRouterInterface::ProcessMsg ( StrMsg Elem  )  [private]

Definition at line 490 of file routerinterface.cpp.

00491 {
00492     MsgRSSrouter* Msg = &(Elem->Msg.Router);
00494     // Ignore Flag bits in Request Type
00495     u16 Type = Msg->Header.Type & 0xff0f;
00497     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00498     // u16 type2 = Msg->Header.Type & 0xf;
00499     // RioErr << "ProcessMsg (Msg->Header.Type "<< Msg->Header.Type
00500     //        << " " << Type << " " << type2 << ") ";
00501     #endif
00502     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
00504     // Verifica se a classe RequestManager foi inicializada e, se nao foi,
00505     // somente aceita a mensagem , dando um aviso caso alguma outra mensagem
00506     // seja recebida.
00508     if( m_InitializedRequestManager )
00509     {
00510         // Neste caso, fazemos o processamento normal como antes, dando um
00511         // erro caso uma nova mensagem seja recebida.
00512         switch( Type )
00513         {
00514             case MSG_RSS_READ:
00515             case MSG_RSS_WRITE:
00516             case MSG_RSS_FETCH:
00517             case MSG_RSS_RECEIVE:
00518                 ProcessNew ( Elem );
00519                 break;
00520             case MSG_RSS_SEND:
00521             case MSG_RSS_FLUSH:
00522                 #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00523                 RioErr << "processpending" << endl;
00524                 #endif
00525                 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
00526                 ProcessPending ( Elem );
00527                 break;
00528             case MSG_RSS_CANCEL:
00529                 // to free blocks that will not be used
00530                 #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00531                 RioErr << "processcancel" << endl;
00532                 #endif
00533                 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
00534                 ProcessCancel ( Elem );
00535                 break;
00536             // --------------------------------------------------------------------
00537             // Request for node info
00538             case MSG_RSS_NODEINFO_REQ:
00539                 #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00540                 RioErr << "sendnodeinfo" << endl;
00541                 #endif
00542                 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
00543                 SendNodeInfo( Elem );
00544                 break;
00545             // Request for disk info
00546             case MSG_RSS_DISKINFO_REQ:
00547                 #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00548                 RioErr << "sendiskinfo" << endl;
00549                 #endif
00550                 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
00551                 SendDiskInfo(Elem, Msg->DiskInfo.Disk);
00552                 break;
00554                 // to send service time of disks
00555                 #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00556                 RioErr << "routerinterface - sendiskservicetimeinfo" << endl;
00557                 #endif
00558                 SendDiskServiceTimeInfo(Elem, Msg->DiskServiceTimeInfo.Disk,
00559                                         Msg->DiskServiceTimeInfo.DiskId );
00560                 break;
00561             case MSG_RSS_INITIALIZATION_REQ:
00562                 // Recebemos novamente a mensagem de inicializacao. Isso 
00563                 // significa que o servidor de gerenciamento reiniciou a sua
00564                 // execucao. Neste caso, deveremos chamar ProcessInitialization
00565                 // com true, pois as inicializacoes ja foram feitas 
00566                 // anteriormente.
00567                 ProcessInitialization( Elem, true );
00568                 break;   
00570             // Novas mensagens para processar logs no servidor de armazenamento
00571             // (no caso, somente os logs de trafego).
00572             // Mensagem para inicializar uma busca nos logs.
00573             case MSG_RSS_START_SEARCH_IN_LOGS_REQ:
00574                 #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00575                 RioErr << "startsearchinlogs" << endl;
00576                 #endif
00577                 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
00578                 ProcessStartSearchInLogs( Elem );
00579                 break;
00581             // Mensagem para enviar, ao cliente que fez a busca, um bloco de um
00582             // dos arquivos com os resultados de uma bas buscas.
00583             case MSG_RSS_BLOCK_SEARCH_FILE_REQ:
00584                 #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00585                 RioErr << "blocksearchfile" << endl;
00586                 #endif
00587                 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
00588                 ProcessBlockSearchFile( Elem );
00589                 break;
00591             // Mensagem para remover um dos arquivos com os resultados de uma das
00592             // buscas.
00593             case MSG_RSS_REMOVE_SEARCH_FILE_REQ:
00594                 #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00595                 RioErr << "removesearchfile" << endl;
00596                 #endif
00597                 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
00598                 ProcessRemoveSearchFile( Elem );
00599                 break;
00601             // --------------------------------------------------------------------
00602             // Invalid message (Ignore)
00603             default:
00604                 MsgManager.Free (Elem);
00605                 RioErr << "Received invalid message type from router: "
00606                        << Msg->Header.Type << " " << Type <<  endl;
00607         }
00608     }
00609     else
00610     {
00611         if( Type == MSG_RSS_INITIALIZATION_REQ ) {
00612             #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00613             RioErr << "routerinterface - initialization" << endl;
00614             #endif
00615             // Recebe e inicializa a variavel Config.FragSize com o tamanho do
00616             // bloco recebido do servidor. Como esta e a primeira mensagem, 
00617             // vamos chamar ProcessInitialization com false, para que as 
00618             // inicializacoes sejam feitas.
00619             ProcessInitialization( Elem, false );
00620         } 
00621         else
00622         {
00623             MsgManager.Free( Elem );
00624             RioErr << "Received a message type from router: "
00625                    << Msg->Header.Type << " " << Type << " after initialization"
00626                    << endl;
00627         }
00628     }
00629 }

void CRouterInterface::ProcessNew ( StrMsg Elem  )  [private]

Definition at line 633 of file routerinterface.cpp.

00634 {
00635     // First check if message parameters are valid
00636     // Reply with Status error if any parameter is not valid
00637     MsgRSSnewRequest* Msg = &(Elem->Msg.Router.Request.New);
00639     // Compute right reply type in case an error is detected at this stage
00640     u16 Command = Msg->Type &0xf;
00641     u16 Reply;
00642     switch (Command)
00643     {
00644         case MSG_RSS_WRITE:
00645             Reply = MSG_RSS_WRITECOMPLETE;
00646             break;
00647         case MSG_RSS_RECEIVE:
00648             Reply = MSG_RSS_RECEIVECOMPLETE;
00649             break;
00650         case MSG_RSS_READ:
00651             Reply = MSG_RSS_SENDCOMPLETE;
00652             break;
00653         case MSG_RSS_FETCH:
00654             Reply = MSG_RSS_READCOMPLETE;
00655             break;
00656         default:
00657             MsgManager.Free(Elem);
00658             #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00659             RioErr << "UNEXPECTED ERROR: Processing new request. "
00660                    << "Request has unexpected type:" << Command << endl;
00661             #endif
00662             return;
00663     }
00665     // Check disk number
00666     unsigned int disk = Msg->Disk;
00667     if(disk >= Config.nDisks)
00668     {
00669         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00670         RioErr << "ProcessNew:Request invalid disk!!!"<<endl;
00671         #endif
00672         SendStatus( Elem,
00673                     Reply,
00674                     Msg->RouterId,
00675                     ERROR_RSS_INVALID_DISK );
00676         return;
00677     }
00679     // Check Data position on disk
00680     if( ( Msg->Pos + Msg->DataSize) > Config.Disk[disk].Size )
00681     {
00682         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00683         RioErr << "ProcessNew:Request invalid position!!!"<<endl;
00684         #endif
00685         SendStatus( Elem,
00686                     Reply,
00687                     Msg->RouterId,
00688                     ERROR_RSS_INVALID_POSITION );
00689         return;
00690     }
00692     // Check Data size
00693     if( ( Msg->DataSize > (Config.MaxReqSize * Config.FragSize )) ||
00694        ( Msg->DataSize == 0 ))
00695     {
00696         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00697         RioErr << "ProcessNew:Request invalid data size!!!"<<endl;
00698         #endif
00699         SendStatus( Elem,
00700                     Reply,
00701                     Msg->RouterId,
00702                     ERROR_RSS_INVALID_DATASIZE );
00703         return;
00704     }
00706     StrRequest* Request = RequestManager.New();
00708     if( Request == 0 )
00709     {
00710         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00711         RioErr << "ProcessNew:Request not available!!!"<<endl;
00712         #endif
00713         SendStatus( Elem,
00714                     Reply,
00715                     Msg->RouterId,
00716                     ERROR_RSS_MAX_REQUEST );
00717         return;
00718     }
00721     Request->Command    = Msg->Type;
00722     Request->Status     = RequestStatusAccepted;
00723     Request->ClientId   = Msg->ClientId;
00724     Request->RouterId   = Msg->RouterId;
00725     Request->IPaddress  = Msg->IPaddr;
00726     Request->Port       = Msg->Port;
00727     Request->Disk       = Msg->Disk;
00728     Request->Pos        = Msg->Pos;
00729     Request->Size       = Msg->DataSize;
00730     /*not send ack*/
00731     Request->StreamTraffic = Msg->StreamTraffic;
00732     // Inicializa o novo campo que define a taxa de transferencia de um video.
00733     Request->VideoRate = Msg->VideoRate;
00735     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00736     struct in_addr client_IP;
00737     client_IP.s_addr = Request->IPaddress;
00738     struct sockaddr_in client_PORT;
00739     client_PORT.sin_port = Request->Port;
00741     RioErr     << " ------------------------------- "               << endl;
00742     RioErr     << " ClientId: "       << Request->ClientId          << endl;
00743     RioErr     << " IPaddress "       << inet_ntoa( client_IP )     << endl;
00744     RioErr     << " Port "            << htons(client_PORT.sin_port)<< endl;
00745     RioErr     << " Request->Disk "   << Request->Disk              << endl;
00746     #endif
00748     // Don't have to send any error message if reached this point.
00749     // Free Message Slot
00750     MsgManager.Free(Elem);
00752     switch (Command)
00753     {
00754         case MSG_RSS_READ:
00755         case MSG_RSS_FETCH:
00756             #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00757             RioErr << " RouterInterface: Device : ProcessRequest " << endl;
00758             #endif
00759             Device[Request->Disk].ProcessRequest( Request );
00760             break;
00761         case MSG_RSS_WRITE:
00762         case MSG_RSS_RECEIVE:
00763             #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00764             RioErr << " RouterInterface: sending to client " << endl;
00765             #endif
00766             Client.Receive(Request);
00767             break;
00768         default:
00769             RioErr << "UNEXPECTED ERROR: Router interface processing a "
00770                    << "new request and found invalid request type: "
00771                    << Command << endl;
00772     }
00773 }

void CRouterInterface::ProcessPending ( StrMsg Elem  )  [private]

Definition at line 777 of file routerinterface.cpp.

00778 {
00779     MsgRSSpendRequest* Msg = & (Elem->Msg.Router.Request.Pending);
00781     // Compute right reply type in case an error is detected at this stage
00782     u16 Command = Msg->Type &0xf;
00783     u16 Reply;
00784     switch (Command)
00785     {
00786         case MSG_RSS_FLUSH:
00787             Reply = MSG_RSS_WRITECOMPLETE;
00788             break;
00789         case MSG_RSS_SEND:
00790             Reply = MSG_RSS_SENDCOMPLETE;
00791             break;
00792         default:
00793             MsgManager.Free(Elem);
00794             RioErr << "UNEXPECTED ERROR: Processing pending request. "
00795                    << "Request has unexpected type:" << Command << endl;
00796             return;
00797     }
00799     // Check if Request ids are valid
00801     // First, try to get request structure associated with request id
00802     StrRequest* Request = RequestManager.Get(Msg->StorageId);
00804     // If did not find request send error message (status) to router
00805     if( Request == 0 )
00806     {
00807         RioErr << "ProcessPending:Request " << Msg->StorageId
00808                << " not found !!!"<<endl;
00809         SendStatus( Elem,
00810                     Reply,
00811                     Msg->RouterId,
00812                     ERROR_RSS_INVALID_REQUESTID );
00813         return;
00814     }
00816     // Double check if router request id match request
00817     if( Request->RouterId != Msg->RouterId)
00818     {
00819         RioErr << "ProcessPending:Request " << Msg->RouterId
00820                << " != of " << Request->RouterId << "!!!"<<endl;
00821         SendStatus( Elem,
00822                     Reply,
00823                     Msg->RouterId,
00824                     ERROR_RSS_INVALID_REQUESTID );
00825         return;
00826     }
00828     // Finally, check if request status is the right one (expecting command
00829     // from router)
00830     if(   (( Command == MSG_RSS_FLUSH ) &&
00831            ( Request->Status != RequestStatusWaitFlushCommand ))
00832        || (( Command == MSG_RSS_SEND  ) &&
00833            ( Request->Status != RequestStatusWaitSendCommand )) )
00834     {
00835         RioErr << "ProcessPending:Request invalid !!!"<<endl;
00836         SendStatus( Elem,
00837                     Reply,
00838                     Msg->RouterId,
00839                     ERROR_RSS_INVALID_REQUESTID );
00840         return;
00841     }
00844     // Update request command to new operation
00845     Request->Command     =  Msg->Type;
00847     // Update ip, port, reqid
00848     // It is necessary because using buffers at the Router (Server side),
00849     // the Storage reads the block before the request is sent by the client
00850     // so it has to update the ip, port and reqid that will be used
00851     // to send the block to the client
00852     Request->ClientId   = Msg->ClientId;
00853     Request->IPaddress  = Msg->IPaddr;
00854     Request->Port       = Msg->Port;
00855     /*not send ack*/
00856     Request->StreamTraffic = Msg->StreamTraffic;
00857     // Inicializa o novo campo que define a taxa de transferencia de um video.
00858     Request->VideoRate = Msg->VideoRate;
00859     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
00861     // Don't have to send any error message if reached this point.
00862     // Free Message Slot
00863     MsgManager.Free(Elem);
00865     // Send request to right place: client (send), or device (flush)
00866     switch (Command)
00867     {
00868         case MSG_RSS_FLUSH:
00869             Device[Request->Disk].ProcessRequest(Request);
00870             break;
00871         case MSG_RSS_SEND:
00872             RioErr << "YJYJYJYJYJYJYJYJY" <<endl;
00873             Client.Send(Request);
00874             break;
00875         default:
00876             RioErr << "UNEXPECTED ERROR: Router interface processing a "
00877                    << "pending request "
00878                    << "and found invalid request type "<< Command << endl;
00879     }
00881 }

void CRouterInterface::ProcessRemoveSearchFile ( StrMsg Elem  )  [private]

Funcao para remover um um dos arquivos com o resultado de uma busca executada nos logs do servidor de armazenamento.

Elem ponteiro para a estrutura onde esta armazenada a mensagem com os parametros usados pela inicializacao. Esta mensagem, do tipo MsgRSSRemoveSearchFileReq, contem o identificador do arquivo e o par IP, porta UDP do cliente.

Definition at line 1190 of file routerinterface.cpp.

01191 {
01192     int status;
01193     MsgRSSRemoveSearchFileReq* Msg = &( Elem->Msg.Router.RemoveSearchFile );
01194     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01195     RioErr << "CRouterInterface::ProcessRemoveSearchFile recebida uma "
01196            << "requisicao para remover o arquivo com a ID " << Msg->FileId 
01197            << endl;
01198     #endif
01199     status = SearchPackagesLogs.RemoveSearchResultFile( Msg->FileId );
01200     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01201     if( status != S_OK )
01202     {
01203         RioErr << "CRouterInterface::ProcessRemoveSearchFile erro " << status 
01204                << "(" << GetErrorDescription( status ) << ") ao remover o "
01205                << "arquivo com o resultado da busca." << endl;
01206         SendSearchLogsStatus( Elem, 0, 0, 0, MSG_RSS_REMOVE_SEARCH_FILE_REQ,
01207                               ERROR_SS_REMOVE_SEARCH_FILE );
01208     }                                               
01209     else
01210         SendSearchLogsStatus( Elem, 0, 0, 0, MSG_RSS_REMOVE_SEARCH_FILE_REQ, 
01211                               S_OK );
01212     #endif       
01213 }

void CRouterInterface::ProcessStartSearchInLogs ( StrMsg Elem  )  [private]

Funcao para processar a mensagem que inicializa uma solicitacao de busca nos logs do servidor de armazenamento.

Elem ponteiro para a estrutura onde esta armazenada a mensagem com os parametros usados pela inicializacao. Esta mensagem, do tipo MsgRSSStartSearchInLogsReq, contem o tipo da busca, o tempo inicial, o tempo final, o par IP, porta UDP do cliente (para o qual devemos enviar o resultado da busca) e o identificador usado ao enviar a resposta da busca.

Definition at line 1123 of file routerinterface.cpp.

01124 {
01125     int status;
01126     MsgRSSStartSearchInLogsReq* Msg = &( Elem->Msg.Router.StartSearchInLogs );
01127     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01128     struct in_addr ip;
01129     ip.s_addr = Msg->IPaddr;
01130     RioErr << "CRouterInterface::ProcessStartSearchInLogs recebida uma "
01131            << "requisicao de busca do tipo " << Msg->SearchType 
01132            << ", do tempo " << Msg->StartTime << " ate o tempo " 
01133            << Msg->EndTime << " para o cliente com o IP " << inet_ntoa( ip )
01134            << " e a porta " << ntohs( Msg->Port ) << ", usando a Id " 
01135            << Msg->ClientId << endl;
01136     #endif
01137     status = SearchPackagesLogs.SearchLogsRequest( Msg->StartTime, Msg->EndTime,
01138                                                    Msg->IPaddr, Msg->Port,
01139                                                    Msg->ClientId );
01140     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01141     if( status != S_OK )
01142     {
01143         RioErr << "CRouterInterface::ProcessStartSearchInLogs erro " << status 
01144                << "(" << GetErrorDescription( status ) << ") ao processar a "
01145                << " solicitacao de busca." << endl;
01146         SendSearchLogsStatus( Elem, Msg->IPaddr, Msg->Port, Msg->ClientId,
01147                               MSG_RSS_START_SEARCH_IN_LOGS_REQ,
01148                               ERROR_SS_SEARCH_IN_LOGS );
01149     }                                               
01150     else
01151         SendSearchLogsStatus( Elem, Msg->IPaddr, Msg->Port, Msg->ClientId,
01152                               MSG_RSS_START_SEARCH_IN_LOGS_REQ, S_OK );
01153     #endif       
01154 }

void * CRouterInterface::RxThread ( void *  Param  )  [static, private]

Definition at line 334 of file routerinterface.cpp.

00335 {
00336     int res;
00338     StrMsg* Elem;
00339     MsgRSSrouter* Msg;
00341     // Get this class pointer
00342     CRouterInterface* Interface = (CRouterInterface*) Param;
00344     // Get members of this class
00345     CvsiTCPsocket* &m_Socket = Interface->m_Socket;
00346     int            &m_ConnectionActive    = Interface->m_ConnectionActive;
00347     int            &m_DisconnectFlag      = Interface->m_DisconnectFlag;
00348     CvsiCondition  &m_ConnectCondition    = Interface->m_ConnectCondition;
00349     CvsiCondition  &m_DisconnectCondition = Interface->m_DisconnectCondition;
00351     int& m_Status = Interface->m_Status;
00353     RioErr << "RXTHREADID " << syscall( SYS_gettid ) << endl;
00355     m_ConnectCondition.Lock();
00356     while( m_ConnectionActive == 0)
00357     {
00358         m_ConnectCondition.Wait();
00359     }
00360     m_DisconnectFlag = 0;
00361     m_ConnectCondition.Unlock();
00363     while(1)
00364     {
00365         // Get free message slot to store next message
00366         Elem = MsgManager.New();
00367         Msg  = &(Elem->Msg.Router);
00369         // Get only first 4 bytes of messages to check message size
00370         res = m_Socket->Receive ( (char*)Msg, 4 );
00372         // Exit thread if interface is not active anymore
00373         if(m_Status != InterfaceActive)
00374         {
00375             // Free message buffer
00376             MsgManager.Free(Elem);
00377             RioErr << "Exiting Rx thread ..." << endl;
00378             return (void*) 0;
00379         }
00381         // Wait for connection change if previous connection was shut down
00382         if( m_ConnectionActive == 0 )
00383         {
00384             // Free message buffer
00385             MsgManager.Free(Elem);
00387             // Signal end of previous connection
00388             m_DisconnectCondition.Lock();
00389             m_DisconnectFlag = 1;
00390             m_DisconnectCondition.Signal();
00391             m_DisconnectCondition.Unlock();
00393             m_ConnectCondition.Lock();
00394             while( m_ConnectionActive == 0)
00395             {
00396                 m_ConnectCondition.Wait();
00397             }
00398             m_DisconnectFlag = 0;
00399             m_ConnectCondition.Unlock();
00400         }
00401         else
00402         {
00403             if( res < 0 )
00404             {
00405                 // Free message buffer
00406                 MsgManager.Free(Elem);
00407                 RioErr << "Unexpected error on TCP receive(): " << res << endl;
00409                 // Signal end of previous connection
00410                 m_DisconnectCondition.Lock();
00411                 m_ConnectionActive = 0;
00412                 m_DisconnectFlag = 1;
00413                 m_DisconnectCondition.Signal();
00414                 m_DisconnectCondition.Unlock();
00415             }
00416             else
00417             {
00418                 #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00419                 // Imprime uma informacao sobre a mensagem
00420                 RioErr << "CRouterInterface::RxThread informacao sobre a "
00421                        << "mensagem com  o tipo " << Msg->Header.Type 
00422                        << " e com o tamanho de " << Msg->Header.Size << endl;
00423                 #endif        
00424                 // Get message size
00425                 u16 Size = Msg->Header.Size;
00427                 // Discard messages with invalid sizes
00428                 if( (Size > SizeMsgRSS) || (Size < 4) )
00429                 {
00430                     int n,nr;
00431                     RioErr << "Received message with invalid size: Type="
00432                            << Msg->Header.Type << " Size:" << Msg->Header.Size
00433                            << endl;
00434                     nr = 4;
00435                     while( nr < Size )
00436                     {
00437                         n = Size - nr;
00438                         if( n > SizeMsgRSS )
00439                             n = SizeMsgRSS;
00440                         res = m_Socket->Receive( (char*)Msg,n );
00442                         // Check for error on socket receive
00443                         if(res < 0)
00444                         {
00445                             RioErr << "Unexpected Error on TCP "
00446                                    << "connection Receive()"
00447                                    << endl;
00448                             nr = Size;
00449                         }
00450                         else
00451                         {
00452                             nr += n;
00453                         }
00454                     }
00455                     MsgManager.Free(Elem);
00456                 }
00457                 // Process (possibly) valid message
00458                 else
00459                 {
00460                     // Get remaining bytes of message
00461                     if(Size > 4)
00462                     {
00463                         m_Socket->Receive (((char*)Msg)+4,Size-4);
00464                     }
00466                     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00467                     ///RioErr << "routerinterface - processando msg recebida do router " << endl;
00468                     #endif
00470                     // Esta impressao foi comentada porque estes logs ainda nao 
00471                     // sao necessarios. Se for necessario usar estes logs, esta 
00472                     // linha do codigo pode ser descomentada (ja existe um 
00473                     //script para processar estes logs).
00474                     //#ifdef RIO_DEBUG_EMUL
00475                     //RioErr << "RECEIVESERVER " << ( int ) time( NULL ) << " " 
00476                     //       << Size << endl;
00477                     //#endif
00479                     Interface->ProcessMsg(Elem);
00480                 }
00481             }
00482         }
00483     }
00484 }

void CRouterInterface::Send ( StrMsg Msg  ) 

Definition at line 156 of file routerinterface.cpp.

00157 {
00158     m_TxQueue.Put(Elem);
00159 }

void CRouterInterface::SendConfirmation ( StrMsg Elem  )  [private]

Funcao para enviar, ao servidor de despacho, a confirmacao de que a inicializacao do servidor de armazenamento foi feita com sucesso.

Elem ponteiro para a estrutura onde esta armazenada a mensagem a ser enviada.

Definition at line 1113 of file routerinterface.cpp.

01114 {
01115     MsgRSSConfirmation* Msg = &( Elem->Msg.Storage.Confirmation );
01117     Msg->Type       = MSG_RSS_CONFIRMATION;
01118     Msg->Size       = SizeMsgRSSConfirmation;
01120     Send( Elem );
01121 }

void CRouterInterface::SendDiskInfo ( StrMsg Msg,
int  Disk 
) [private]

Definition at line 990 of file routerinterface.cpp.

00991 {
00992     MsgRSSdiskInfo* Msg = &(Elem->Msg.Storage.DiskInfo);
00993     if( Disk >= ((int)Config.nDisks ))
00994     {
00995         RioErr << "Unexpected ERROR on CRouterInterface::SendDiskInfo : "
00996                << "Invalid Disk: " << Disk << endl;
00997         MsgManager.Free (Elem);
00998     }
01000     Msg->Type       = MSG_RSS_DISKINFO;
01001     Msg->Size       = SizeMsgRSSdiskInfo;
01002     Msg->Disk       = Disk;
01003     Msg->DiskSize   = Config.Disk[Disk].Size;
01004     Msg->SectorSize = Config.Disk[Disk].SectorSize;
01005     //support df command ----------------------------------
01006     strcpy( Msg->DiskName, Config.Disk[Disk].Name );
01007     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
01008     Send (Elem);
01009 }

void CRouterInterface::SendDiskServiceTimeInfo ( StrMsg Elem,
int  Disk,
int  DiskId 
) [private]

Definition at line 1013 of file routerinterface.cpp.

01015 {
01016     MsgRSSdiskServiceTimeInfo* Msg = &(Elem->Msg.Storage.DiskServiceTimeInfo);
01017     double etaccthreads[301];
01018     double estimatedtime;
01020     if( Disk >= ((int)Config.nDisks ))
01021     {
01022         RioErr << "Unexpected ERROR on CRouterInterface::"
01023                << "SendDiskServiceTimeInfo."
01024                << "Invalid Disk: " << Disk << endl;
01025         MsgManager.Free (Elem);
01026         return;
01027     }
01029     memset(etaccthreads,0,sizeof(etaccthreads));
01030     Msg->Type           = MSG_RSS_DISKSERVICETIMEINFO;
01031     Msg->Size           = SizeMsgRSSdiskServiceTimeInfo;
01032     Msg->Disk           = Disk;
01033     Msg->DiskId         = DiskId;
01034     Device[ Disk ].GetDiskServiceTime( etaccthreads );
01035     estimatedtime = Device[ Disk ].GetEstimatedTime();
01036     Msg->EstimatedDiskServTime  = estimatedtime;
01037     //Start - GCC 3
01038     //Msg->EstimatedServTimeAccT  = etaccthreads;
01039     memcpy( Msg->EstimatedServTimeAccT,etaccthreads,sizeof(etaccthreads));
01040     //End - GCC 3
01042     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01043     RioErr << "Sending disk service time info of " << Disk
01044            << " DiskId " << DiskId  << endl;
01045     RioErr << "EstimatedTime " << Msg->EstimatedDiskServTime << " msec"<< endl;
01046     #endif
01047     Send (Elem);
01048 }

void CRouterInterface::SendNodeInfo ( StrMsg Msg  )  [private]

Definition at line 973 of file routerinterface.cpp.

00974 {
00975     MsgRSSnodeInfo* Msg = &(Elem->Msg.Storage.NodeInfo);
00977     Msg->Type       = MSG_RSS_NODEINFO;
00978     Msg->Size       = SizeMsgRSSnodeInfo;
00979     Msg->nDisks     = Config.nDisks;
00980     Msg->FragSize   = Config.FragSize;
00981     Msg->BufferSize = Config.BufferSize;
00982     Msg->MaxReqSize = Config.MaxReqSize;
00983     Msg->MaxReq     = Config.MaxReq;
00985     Send (Elem);
00986 }

void CRouterInterface::SendStatus ( StrMsg Msg,
u16  Type,
u32  RouterId,
s32  Error 
) [private]

Definition at line 957 of file routerinterface.cpp.

00961 {
00962     MsgRSSstatus* Msg   = &(Elem->Msg.Storage.Status);
00963     Msg->Type           = Type;
00964     Msg->Size           = SizeMsgRSSstatus;
00965     Msg->RouterId       = RouterId;
00966     Msg->StorageId      = 0;
00967     Msg->Error          = Error;
00968     Send(Elem);
00969 }

void CRouterInterface::Stop ( void   ) 

Definition at line 129 of file routerinterface.cpp.

00130 {
00131     // change status to cause threads to exit
00132     m_Status = InterfaceInactive;
00134     // close sockets to cause Wait and Rx Threads to return from socket call
00135     m_Connection.Close();
00137     m_DisconnectCondition.Lock();
00138     if(m_ConnectionActive)
00139     {
00140         m_ConnectionActive = 0;
00141         m_Socket->Close();
00142     }
00143     m_DisconnectCondition.Unlock();
00145     // ### need to Send fake message to force tx thread to
00146     //     return from waiting on message queue;
00148     m_TxThread.Join(0);
00149     m_RxThread.Join(0);
00150 }

void * CRouterInterface::TxThread ( void *  Param  )  [static, private]

Definition at line 270 of file routerinterface.cpp.

00271 {
00272     int stat;
00274     // Pointer to current message to be sent
00275     StrMsg* Msg;
00277     // Get this class pointer
00278     CRouterInterface* Interface = (CRouterInterface*) Param;
00280     // Get members of this class
00281     CMsgQueue &m_TxQueue = Interface->m_TxQueue;
00282     int &m_Status = Interface->m_Status;
00283     CvsiTCPsocket* &m_Socket = Interface->m_Socket;
00285     RioErr << "TXTHREADID " << syscall( SYS_gettid ) << endl;
00287     // Loop forever
00288     while(1)
00289     {
00290         // Wait and get next message
00291         Msg = m_TxQueue.Get();
00293         // Exit thread if interface is not active anymore
00294         // Stop() called
00295         if(m_Status != InterfaceActive)
00296         {
00297             RioErr << "TxThread finished." << endl;
00298             return ( (void*) 0 );
00299         }
00301         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00302         // Imprime uma informacao sobre a mensagem
00303         RioErr << "CRouterInterface::TxThread informacao sobre a mensagem com "
00304                << " o tipo " << Msg->Msg.Header.Type << " e com o tamanho de "
00305                << Msg->Msg.Header.Size << endl;
00306         #endif        
00308         // Set Token
00309         Msg->Msg.Header.Token = RSS_TOKEN_STORAGE;
00311         // Send message to router
00312         stat = m_Socket->Send((char*)& (Msg->Msg), Msg->Msg.Header.Size);
00313         if(stat < 0)
00314         {
00315             RioErr << "Unexpected Error on TCP socket Send()" << endl;
00316         }
00318         // Esta impressao foi comentada porque estes logs ainda nao sao 
00319         // necessarios. Se for necessario usar estes logs, esta linha do codigo 
00320         // pode ser descomentada (ja existe um script para processar estes 
00321         // logs).
00322         //#ifdef RIO_DEBUG_EMUL
00323         //RioErr << "SENDSERVER " << ( int ) time( NULL ) << " "
00324         //       << Msg->Msg.Header.Size << endl;
00325         //#endif
00327         MsgManager.Free (Msg);
00328     }
00330 }

void * CRouterInterface::WaitThread ( void *  Param  )  [static, private]

Definition at line 163 of file routerinterface.cpp.

00164 {
00165     // Get this class pointer
00166     CRouterInterface* Interface   = (CRouterInterface*) Param;
00167     CvsiThread        &m_TxThread = Interface->m_TxThread;
00168     CvsiThread        &m_RxThread = Interface->m_RxThread;
00169     int               &m_Status   = Interface->m_Status;
00170     int               &m_ConnectionActive = Interface->m_ConnectionActive;
00171     int               &m_DisconnectFlag   = Interface->m_DisconnectFlag;
00172     CvsiTCPwait       &m_Connection       = Interface->m_Connection;
00173     CvsiTCPsocket*    &m_Socket   = Interface->m_Socket;
00174     CvsiCondition     &m_ConnectCondition = Interface->m_ConnectCondition;
00175     CvsiCondition     &m_DisconnectCondition = Interface->m_DisconnectCondition;
00177     CvsiTCPsocket*    sock;
00179     int stat;
00180     int errorcount = 0;
00182     m_ConnectionActive = 0;
00183     m_DisconnectFlag   = 1;
00185     RioErr << "WAITTHREADID " << syscall( SYS_gettid ) << endl;
00187     stat = m_TxThread.Create(TxThread,Param);
00188     if(stat < 0)
00189     {
00190         RioErr << "ERROR on Wait thread: Failed to create Tx thread: "
00191                << stat << endl;
00192         RioErr << "Aborting thread ..." << endl;
00193         Interface->Stop();
00194         return (void*) 0;
00195     }
00197     stat = m_RxThread.Create(RxThread,(void*) Param);
00198     if(stat < 0)
00199     {
00200         RioErr << "ERROR on Wait thread: Failed to create Rx thread: " << stat
00201                << endl;
00202         RioErr << "Aborting thread ..." << endl;
00203         Interface->Stop();
00204         return (void*) 0;
00205     }
00207     while(1)
00208     {
00209         sock = new CvsiTCPsocket;
00211         // Wait for router connection
00212         stat = m_Connection.Accept(sock,NULL);
00214         RioErr << "Connection.Accept(): " << stat << endl;
00216         // Exit thread if interface is not active anymore
00217         if(m_Status != InterfaceActive)
00218         {
00219             Interface->Stop();
00220             RioErr << "Exiting Wait thread ..." << endl;
00221             return (void*) 0;
00222         }
00224         // check for errors
00225         if( stat < 0 )
00226         {
00227             errorcount++;
00228             RioErr << "Unexpected Error on TCP connection Accept()" << endl;
00229             if( errorcount > 4 )
00230             {
00231                 RioErr << "Too many TCP connection errors: Aborting wait Thread"
00232                        << endl;
00233                 Interface->Stop();
00234                 return (void *)0;
00235             }
00236         }
00237         else
00238         {
00239             // reset error count
00240             // (this time connection was accepted successfully)
00241             errorcount = 0;
00243             // Wait for previous connection to shut down
00244             m_DisconnectCondition.Lock();
00246             if( m_ConnectionActive )
00247             {
00248                 m_ConnectionActive = 0;
00249                 m_Socket->Close();
00250             }
00251             while(m_DisconnectFlag == 0)
00252             {
00253                 m_DisconnectCondition.Wait();
00254             }
00255             m_Socket = sock;
00256             m_DisconnectCondition.Unlock();
00258             // Signal Rx thread that connection is active
00259             m_ConnectCondition.Lock();
00260             m_ConnectionActive = 1;
00261             m_ConnectCondition.Signal();
00262             m_ConnectCondition.Unlock();
00263         }
00264     }
00265     return 0;
00266 }

Field Documentation

Definition at line 142 of file routerinterface.h.

Definition at line 133 of file routerinterface.h.

Definition at line 140 of file routerinterface.h.

Definition at line 143 of file routerinterface.h.

Definition at line 141 of file routerinterface.h.

Nova variavel usada para verificar se o objeto RequestManager ja foi inicializado.

Definition at line 146 of file routerinterface.h.

Nova variavel usada para armazenar o caminho em que os logs do servidor de armazenamento sao armazenados (usada ao inicializarmos o objeto de busca nos logs).

Definition at line 150 of file routerinterface.h.

Definition at line 137 of file routerinterface.h.

Definition at line 134 of file routerinterface.h.

Definition at line 139 of file routerinterface.h.

Definition at line 138 of file routerinterface.h.

Definition at line 136 of file routerinterface.h.

Definition at line 135 of file routerinterface.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed Jul 4 16:03:33 2012 for RIO by  doxygen 1.6.3