RioMMInterface Class Reference

#include <RioMMInterface.h>

Public Slots

virtual void progressChange (int)
virtual void play ()
virtual void pause ()
virtual void stop ()
virtual void fastForward ()
virtual void fastRewind ()
virtual void info ()
virtual void sync ()
virtual void jumpTo ()
virtual void keywords ()
virtual void clean ()
void progressHold ()
void progressUnHold ()
void topicSelected (QListViewItem *)
void selectBar ()
void releaseBar ()
void setWaitMessage ()

Public Member Functions

 RioMMInterface (ConfigData *)
 ~RioMMInterface ()
void initComponents ()
void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *)
void timerEvent (QTimerEvent *)
bool isProgressLatch ()
void buildIndex (QDomDocument)
int buildTree (RioMMQListViewItem *, const QDomElement &, QPtrStack< RioMMQListViewItem > *)
void buildKeyword (QDomDocument)
bool boldIndexes (QString)
void resetIndex ()

Data Fields

QGridLayout * main_layout
QLabel * lab_block_number
QLabel * lab_percentage
QLabel * status_bar_text
QLabel * status_bar_icon
QTimer * status_bar_timer
int status_bar_dot_counter
QHBox * status_bar
QSlider * sli_progress
QPushButton * but_play
QPushButton * but_pause
QPushButton * but_stop
QPushButton * but_fast_rewind
QPushButton * but_fast_forward
QPushButton * but_info
QPushButton * but_quit
QPushButton * but_sync
QPushButton * but_keywords
QPushButton * but_clean
int totalSize
bool syncOn
int syncType
int parentID
string movieName
string moviePath
string formTitle
int slideNumber
int pos
QFileInfo fiSyncFile
int n_buttons
int readtopics

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool event (QEvent *e)

Private Member Functions

void updateProgressBar (int)

Private Attributes

unsigned int lastJump
bool progressLatch
bool pressBar
XWindowAttributes window_attributes
QListView * topics
bool b_finalize
pthread_mutex_t m_finalize

Detailed Description

Definition at line 86 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RioMMInterface::RioMMInterface ( ConfigData config  ) 

Definition at line 48 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00049     : QMainWindow()
00050 {
00051     unsigned int ind;
00052     this->config      = config;
00053     string title      = config->getRioMMServer();
00054     progressLatch     = false;
00055     totalSize         = 0;
00056     syncOn            = config->getRioMMSync();
00057     syncType          = SYNC_NONE;
00058     parentID          = config->getRioMMMainWindow();
00059     this->p_MMObject  = NULL;
00060     pos               = 0;
00061     topics            = NULL;
00062     pressBar          = false;
00064     // Dialogo com as palavras da busca por assunto que podem ser selecionadas.
00065     keywords_dialog = NULL;
00067     if( ( ind = title.find_last_of(":") ) <= title.length() )
00068     {
00069         ind++;
00070         movieName = title.substr( ind, title.length() - ind );
00072         if( ( ind = movieName.find_last_of("/") ) <= title.length() )
00073         {
00074             ind++;
00075             movieName = movieName.substr( ind, movieName.length() - ind );
00076         }
00078         if( ( ind = movieName.find_last_of(".") ) <= movieName.length() )
00079             movieName = movieName.substr( 0, ind );
00080     }
00082     if( ( ind = title.find_last_of(".") ) <= title.length() )
00083         moviePath = title.substr( 0, ind );
00085     initComponents();
00087     formTitle = "RioMMClient - " + title;
00088     setCaption( formTitle.c_str() );
00090     sli_progress->setRange( 0, totalSize );
00091     sli_progress->setValue( 0 );
00092     sli_progress->setTracking( false );
00094     slideNumber = 1;
00096     lastJump = 0;
00098     // Intervalo de tempo que a janela ser� atualizada.
00099     startTimer( 500 );
00101     // Inicializa a  variavel usada para indicar se devemos terminar o cliente.
00103     b_finalize = false;
00105     // Inicializa novo mutex usado para garantir acesso exclusivo a variavel
00106     // b_finalize.
00107     pthread_mutex_init( &m_finalize, NULL );
00108 }

RioMMInterface::~RioMMInterface (  ) 

Definition at line 113 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00114 {
00115     // No need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us.
00117     // Remove o mutex usado para garantir acesso exclusivo a variavel 
00118     // b_finalize.
00119     pthread_mutex_destroy( &m_finalize );
00120 }

Member Function Documentation

bool RioMMInterface::boldIndexes ( QString  indexes  ) 

Definition at line 551 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00552 {
00553     int                    i;
00554     int                    nindexes;
00555     int                    posindex;
00556     bool                  *flagindexes;
00557     bool                   ok;
00558     RioMMQListViewItem    *item;
00559     QListViewItemIterator  indexit( topics );
00561     // Aloca espa�o para o vetor de �ndices. O vetor indicara quais dos �ndices
00562     // devem ser destacados (em negrito com a cor vermelha).
00563     flagindexes = new bool[ readtopics ];
00565     if( flagindexes == 0 )
00566         return false;
00568     for( i = 0; i < readtopics; i++ )
00569         flagindexes[ i ] = false;
00571     // Determina o numero de valores de indexes (separados por virgulas).
00572     nindexes = indexes.contains( ',' ) + 1;
00574     // Verifica quais indices estao presentes em indexes e, para cada um destes
00575     // altera o valor da sua posicao em flagindexes para true (para indicar que
00576     // ele deve ser destacado). 
00577     for( i = 0; i < nindexes; i++ )
00578     {
00579         posindex = indexes.section( ',', i, i ).toInt( &ok ) - 1;
00581         if( !ok )
00582         {
00583             QMessageBox::critical( 0, "RioMMClient",
00584                                    "Erro ao converter um dos indices" );
00585             delete[] flagindexes;
00586             return false;
00587          }
00589          flagindexes[ posindex ] = true;
00590     }
00592     // Percorre a lista de �ndices e muda a cor da fonte para vermelho e o
00593     // estilo para negrito de todos os itens que devem ser selecionados
00594     // (aqueles para os quais a sua posi��o em flagindexes � igual a true).
00595     posindex = 0;
00597     while( ( item = (RioMMQListViewItem *) indexit.current() ) != 0 ) {
00599         if( flagindexes[ posindex ] ) 
00600         {
00601             item->setBold( true );
00602             item->setColor( QColor::QColor( 255, 0, 0 ) );
00603             item->repaint();
00604         }
00606         posindex++;
00607         indexit++;
00608     }
00610     delete[] flagindexes;
00611     return true ;
00612 }

void RioMMInterface::buildIndex ( QDomDocument  domTree  ) 

Definition at line 675 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00676 {
00677     readtopics = 0;
00679     topics = new QListView( centralWidget() );
00680     topics->setFixedWidth( width() - MARGIN * 2 );
00682     main_layout->addMultiCellWidget( topics, 2, 2, 0, n_buttons - 1 );
00684     connect( topics, SIGNAL( pressed( QListViewItem* ) ), this,
00685              SLOT( topicSelected( QListViewItem* ) ) );
00686     connect( topics, SIGNAL( verticalSliderPressed() ), this,
00687              SLOT( selectBar() ) );
00688     connect( topics, SIGNAL( verticalSliderReleased() ), this,
00689              SLOT( releaseBar() ) );
00691     // Div. configuration of the list view.
00692     topics->addColumn( "", 1 );
00693     topics->setSorting( -1 );
00695     // O indice deve comecar desabilitado.
00696     topics->setEnabled( false );
00698     if( syncOn )
00699         topics->addColumn( "Block", 1 ); // Esta coluna serve apenas para
00700                                          // sincronizar o v�deo com o index,
00701                                          // n�o � exibida.
00703     // Get the header information from the DOM.
00704     QDomElement root = domTree.documentElement();
00705     QDomNode    node;
00707     // Create the tree view out of the DOM.
00708     QPtrStack<RioMMQListViewItem> stack;
00710     stack.setAutoDelete( false );
00711     stack.clear();
00712     readtopics = buildTree( 0, root, &stack );
00713     stack.clear();
00715     // Ajusting Cols.
00716     if( syncOn )
00717     {
00719         #ifndef USE_QT_GRID
00720         // Adapta��o para a QT 3.1 (usada na GRID) - Esta fun�ao n�o existe na
00721         // biblioteca Qt 3.1
00722         topics->adjustColumn( 1 );
00723         #endif
00725         int tmp = ( readtopics < MAX_TOPICS_VIEW )? 0:1;
00727         topics->setColumnWidth( 0, width() - 2 * SPACING - tmp *
00728                                 topics->verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width()
00729                                 - topics->columnWidth( 1 ) - ADJUST_SCROLL );
00730     }
00731     else
00732     {
00733         int tmp = ( readtopics < MAX_TOPICS_VIEW )? 0:1;
00735         topics->setColumnWidth( 0, width() - 2 * SPACING - tmp *
00736                                 topics->verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width()
00737                                 - ADJUST_SCROLL );
00738     }
00740     // Tamanho m�ximo - comporta MAX_TOPICS_VIEW topicos.
00741     if( parentID == 0 ) // parentID == 0 implica riommclient fora do browser.
00742     {
00743         if( readtopics < 3 )
00744             readtopics = 3; // Menor tamanho do �ndice deve comportar 3 t�picos
00745                             // (por est�tica).
00747         if( readtopics < MAX_TOPICS_VIEW )
00748             setFixedSize( CLIENT_WIDTH, CLIENT_HEIGHT + TOPICS_VBORDER +
00749                           TOPIC_HEIGHT * readtopics );
00750         else
00751             setFixedSize( CLIENT_WIDTH, CLIENT_HEIGHT + TOPICS_VBORDER +
00752                           TOPIC_HEIGHT * MAX_TOPICS_VIEW );
00753     }
00754     else
00755     {
00756         // Adjusting size to fit in browser 
00757         XGetWindowAttributes( qt_xdisplay(), parentID, &window_attributes );
00758         // The 25 pixel decrease considers the extra space needed by the status
00759         // bar
00760         setFixedSize( window_attributes.width, window_attributes.height - 25 );
00761     }
00763     topics->setHScrollBarMode( QScrollView::Auto );
00764     topics->show();
00765     topics->setFixedHeight( height() - MARGIN * 2 - 2 * SPACING -
00766                             but_play->sizeHint().height() -
00767                             sli_progress->sizeHint().height() );
00769 }

void RioMMInterface::buildKeyword ( QDomDocument  domTree  ) 

Definition at line 647 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00648 {
00649     // Bot�o para mostrar o di�logo com as palavras-chave.
00650     but_keywords = new QPushButton( centralWidget() );
00651     // Bot�o para limpar as sele��es do �ndice (feitas por alguma busca).
00652     but_clean = new QPushButton( centralWidget() );
00653     // Inicializa os bot�es e os coloca na interface gr�fica.
00654     but_keywords->setText( "Busca por assunto" );
00655     but_clean->setText( "Limpar" );
00656     main_layout->addMultiCellWidget( but_keywords, 3, 3, 0, n_buttons - 3 );
00657     main_layout->addMultiCellWidget( but_clean, 3, 3, n_buttons - 2,
00658                                      n_buttons - 1 );
00659     // Eventos usados pelos novos componentes implementados pela nova
00660     // funcionalidade de busca.
00661     connect( but_clean, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( clean() ) );
00662     connect( but_keywords, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( keywords() ) );
00663     // Inicializa o estado dos bot�es e depois os mostra na interface gr�fica.
00664     but_keywords->setEnabled( false );
00665     but_clean->setEnabled( false );
00666     but_keywords->show();
00667     but_clean->show();
00668     // Cria um novo di�logo com as palavras-chaves, e o inicializa com as
00669     // palavras-chaves definidas pela estrutura hier�rquica dada pelo
00670     // par�metro domTree.
00671     keywords_dialog = new RioMMKeywordsDialog( this, "KeywordsWindow", 0 );
00672     keywords_dialog->Initialize( domTree );
00673 }

int RioMMInterface::buildTree ( RioMMQListViewItem parentItem,
const QDomElement &  parentElement,
QPtrStack< RioMMQListViewItem > *  stack 

Definition at line 771 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00774 {
00775     // O uso deste item permite escolher uma cor e o estilo negrito para a
00776     // fonte de cada um dos �ndices (do objeto topics).
00777     RioMMQListViewItem *thisItem = 0;
00778     RioMMQListViewItem *previousItem;
00779     QDomNode            node = parentElement.firstChild();
00780     QString             block;
00781     int                 readtopics = 0;
00782     int                 recreadtopics = 0;
00784     while( !node.isNull() )
00785     {
00786         if( node.isElement() && ( node.nodeName() == "main_title" ) )
00787             topics->setColumnText( 0, node.toElement().text() );
00789         else if( node.isElement() && ( node.nodeName() == "block" ) )
00790         {
00791             block = node.toElement().text();
00792             readtopics++;
00794             // text vem logo apos block no XML.
00795             node = node.nextSibling();
00797             if( stack->isEmpty() )
00798                 previousItem = parentItem;
00799             else
00800                 previousItem = stack->top();
00802             // Add a new list view item for the outline.
00804             // O uso deste item permite escolher uma cor e um estilho para a
00805             // fonte de cada um dos �ndices.
00806             if( parentItem == 0 )
00807                 thisItem = new RioMMQListViewItem( topics, previousItem,
00808                                                    QColor::QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) );
00809             else
00810                 thisItem = new RioMMQListViewItem( parentItem, previousItem,
00811                                                    QColor::QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) );
00813             thisItem->setPixmap( 0, QPixmap( (const char **) topic ) );
00814             thisItem->setOpen( TRUE );
00815             thisItem->setText( 0,
00816                                node.toElement().text().simplifyWhiteSpace() );
00817             thisItem->setText( 1, block );
00818             stack->push( thisItem );
00819         }
00821         else if( node.isElement() && ( node.nodeName() == "ind_item" ) )
00822             recreadtopics += buildTree( thisItem, node.toElement(), stack );
00824         node = node.nextSibling();
00825     }
00827     // Desempilhando os filhos do item atual.
00828     while( stack->top() != thisItem )
00829         stack->pop();
00831     return readtopics + recreadtopics;
00832 }

void RioMMInterface::clean (  )  [virtual, slot]

Definition at line 638 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00639 {
00640     // Limpa a sele��o dos �ndices anteriores.
00641     resetIndex();
00642     // Desabilita o bot�o usado para limpar as sele��es (pois agora nenhum
00643     // �ndice esta selecionado).
00644     but_clean->setEnabled( false );
00645 }

void RioMMInterface::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent *  e  ) 

Definition at line 1011 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

01012 {
01013     QString      aux;
01014     QFile        fSyncFile;
01015     QTextStream *tsSyncFile;
01017     signal( SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN );
01018     signal( SIGINT, SIG_IGN );
01019     signal( SIGTERM, SIG_IGN );
01020     signal( SIGHUP, SIG_IGN );
01022     if( p_MMObject )
01023     {
01024         if( !but_play->isEnabled() )
01025             p_MMObject->Stop();
01027         p_MMObject->Close();
01029         // Before exit, we must add the final line in the sync file only if the
01030         // user had created one.
01031         if( syncType != SYNC_NONE )
01032         {
01033             switch( syncType )
01034             {
01035                 case SYNC_BROWSER:
01036                     aux        = "";
01037                     break;
01038                 case SYNC_TGIF:
01039                     aux        = "}\n";
01040                     break;
01041             }
01042             fSyncFile.setName( fiSyncFile.filePath() );
01043             if( IO_WriteOnly | IO_Append ) )
01044             {
01045                 tsSyncFile = new QTextStream( &fSyncFile );
01046                 (*tsSyncFile) << aux;
01047                 fSyncFile.close();
01048             }
01049             else
01050                 QMessageBox::warning( 0, "riommclient",
01051                                       "Could not open/write file\n"
01052                                       + fiSyncFile.filePath() );
01053         }
01054     }
01055     e->accept();
01056 }

bool RioMMInterface::event ( QEvent *  e  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1109 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

01110 {
01111     bool          status;
01112     int          *progress;
01113     PLAYDATA     *data;
01114     QCustomEvent *ce = (QCustomEvent *)e;
01116     bool          ok;
01117     QString       text;
01118     pthread_t     tid;
01120     status = false;
01121     switch( ce->type() )
01122     {
01123         // O evento User, Oriundo da RioMMVideo, informa � interface que um
01124         // bloco terminou de ser tocado.
01125         case QEvent::User:
01126             #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01127             RioErr << "event User: played a block" << endl;
01128             #endif
01129             progress = (int *)ce->data();
01131             // Quando o usu�rio pressionar e mantiver pressionado os bot�es
01132             // fast_forward ou fast_rewind, os mesmos s� podem reexecutar a
01133             // opera��o de avan�ar/retroceder quando bloco que estiver sendo
01134             // tocado terminar, isto �, quando a interface receber o aviso de
01135             // que um bloco acabou de ser tocado (evento User), por isto a
01136             // op��o AutoRepeat � desabilitada nos m�todos fast_forward/
01137             // fast_rewind e reabilitada aqui neste ponto, que � quando a
01138             // interface recebe o sinal de OK.
01139             but_fast_forward->setAutoRepeat( true );
01140             but_fast_rewind->setAutoRepeat( true );
01142             // S� atualizo a barra de progresso se ela n�o estiver sendo
01143             // utilizada.
01144             if( progressLatch == false )
01145                 updateProgressBar( (int)*progress );
01147             #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01148             RioErr << "Finished User event" << endl;
01149             #endif
01150             status = true;
01151             break;
01153         case QEvent::User + 1:
01154             data = (PLAYDATA *)ce->data();
01155             switch( data->id )
01156             {
01157                 // Setando p_MMObject. Chamado na RioMMClient.
01158                 case 0:
01159                     // p_MMObject � CRioMMVideo ou CRioMMMp3.
01160                     p_MMObject = data->object; 
01161                     totalSize  = data->size;
01162                     sli_progress->setRange( 0, totalSize );
01163                     but_play->setEnabled( true );
01164                     break;
01166                 // Evento para exibir mensagem na tela. Chamado na commom.cpp.
01167                 case 1:
01168                     // Mutex usado para garantir que o evento 9 nao sera 
01169                     // executado antes de fecharmos a caixa de mensagem
01170                     //RioErr << "RioMMInterface::event antes do lock no evento 1"
01171                     //       << endl;
01172                     //pthread_mutex_lock( &m_event );
01173                     QMessageBox::critical( 0, *(data->title), *(data->msg) );
01174                     // Depois de a caixa de mensagem ter sido fechada, o evento
01175                     // 9 pode ser executado.
01176                     //pthread_mutex_unlock( &m_event );
01177                     //RioErr << "RioMMInterface::event depois do lock no evento 1"
01178                     //       << endl;
01179                     break;
01180             }
01181             status = true;
01182             break;
01184         case QEvent::User + 2:
01186             #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01187             RioErr << "\t[RioMMInterface] Evento stop() recebido de fora!"
01188                    << endl;
01189             #endif
01191             if( p_MMObject )
01192                 stop();
01193             break;
01195         // Evento que dispara a constru��o e inser��o do index no riommclient.
01196         case QEvent::User + 3:
01197             buildIndex( *((QDomDocument *)(ce->data())) );
01198             break;
01200         // Evento que dispara o Play. � usado para o PI, pois o play deve ser
01201         // autom�tico.
01202         case QEvent::User + 4:
01203             play();
01204             break;
01206         // Evento que solicita o password do usu�rio (se necess�rio) e dispara
01207         // a thread Connection da RioMMClient.
01208         case QEvent::User + 5:
01209             // N�o sera solicitada a password para o usu�rio default (guest).
01210             if( strcmp( config->getRioMMUser(), DEFAULTUSER ) == 0)
01211             {
01212                 config->setRioMMPassword( encryptPassword( DEFAULTUSER ) );
01213             }
01214             else
01215             {
01216                 do
01217                 {
01218                     text = QInputDialog::getText( "RioMMClient",
01219                                                QString( "User: %1\nPassword:" ).
01220                                                  arg( config->getRioMMUser() ),
01221                                                    QLineEdit::Password,
01222                                                      QString::null, &ok );
01223                     // Usu�rio entrou com uma password.
01224                     if( ok && !text.isEmpty() )
01225                     {
01226                         config->setRioMMPassword( encryptPassword(
01227                                                   text.ascii() ) );
01228                     }
01229                     else
01230                     {
01231                         // Usu�rio pressionou o bot�o "Cancel".
01232                         if( !ok )
01233                             exit( -1 );
01235                         // Usu�rio n�o digitou password e clicou no bot�o "Ok".
01236                         if( text.isEmpty() )
01237                             QMessageBox::information( this,
01238                                   "RioMMClient", "You must enter a password." );
01239                     }
01241                 // Enquanto o usu�rio n�o digitar a password e clicar no bot�o
01242                 // "Ok", a password ser� novamente solicitada.
01243                 }while( text.isEmpty() );
01244             }
01246             //O compilador em modo pedantico reclama do cast abaixo dizendo que
01247             //ao se pode dar um cast de um objeto para uma funcao.
01248             if( pthread_create( &tid, NULL, (func_t)ce->data(), 
01249                                 (void *)config ) != 0 )
01250             {
01251                 qWarning( "[RioMMClient]: Could not create initialize thread" );
01252                 exit( -1 );
01253             }
01255             break;
01257         // Evento que dispara a constru��o e inser��o das palavras-chave usada
01258         // pela busca por assunto.
01259         case QEvent::User + 6:
01260             buildKeyword( *((QDomDocument *)( ce->data())) );
01261             break;
01263         #ifdef USE_GRID
01264         // Evento usado para mostrar uma caixa de mensagem.
01265         // (obs: o evento QEvent::User+7 � usado pela outra busca, nas
01266         // transpar�ncias das aulas, que ainda n�o foi integrada ao c�digo).
01267         case QEvent::User + 8:
01268             data = (PLAYDATA *)ce->data();
01269             switch( data->id )
01270             {
01271                 case 0: // Mostra a caixa de mensagens.
01272                     mb_Wait->setCaption( *(data->title) );
01273                     mb_Wait->setText( *(data->msg) );
01274                     mb_Wait->show();
01275                     break;
01277                 case 1: // Fecha a caixa de mensagens.
01278                     mb_Wait->hide();
01279                     break;
01280             }
01281             break;
01282         #endif
01283         // Novo evento para terminar o cliente caso tenha ocorrido algum erro
01284         // na conexao TCP.    
01285         case QEvent::User + 9:
01286             // Recebemos um evento informando que a interface deve ser fechada
01287             // devido a um erro de conexao. Simplesmente faremos o valor da
01288             // variavel b_finalize seja true, para que ao final do evento 
01289             // QEvent::User + 1 atualmente em execucao ou a ser executado, a
01290             // interface seja terminada.
01291             pthread_mutex_lock( &m_finalize );
01292             b_finalize = true;
01293             pthread_mutex_unlock( &m_finalize );
01294             break;
01296         // Exibir mensagem de carga
01297         case QEvent::User + 10:
01298             status_bar_dot_counter = 0;
01299             setWaitMessage();
01300             status_bar_icon->setPixmap( QPixmap( (const char **)warning_pixmap ) );
01301             connect( status_bar_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(setWaitMessage()));
01302             status_bar_timer->start( (int)(1500/MAX_MESSAGE_DOTS ));
01303             break;
01305         // Ocultar mensagem de carga
01306         case QEvent::User + 11:
01307             status_bar_text->setText( "" );
01308             status_bar_icon->setPixmap( QPixmap( "" ) );
01309             status_bar_timer->stop();
01310             break;
01312         default:
01313             status = QMainWindow::event( e );
01314     }
01316     // Verifica se precisamos finalizar a interface. Isso devera ser feito 
01317     // somente se o tipo do evento ce->type() for QEvent::User + 1 (o evento
01318     // que mostra uma mensagem) e se b_finalize for true.   
01319     if( ce->type() == ( QEvent::User + 1 ) )
01320     {
01321         pthread_mutex_lock( &m_finalize );
01322         if( b_finalize ) 
01323         {
01324             QApplication::exit( 1 );
01325             b_finalize = false;
01326         }    
01327         pthread_mutex_unlock( &m_finalize );
01328     }
01330     return status;
01331 }

void RioMMInterface::fastForward (  )  [virtual, slot]

Definition at line 333 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00334 {
00335     #ifndef RIO_EMUL
00336     // A a��o fastforward deve aguardar a execu��o do bloco atual (que est� no
00337     // player)terminar antes de executar um novo forward. Para isto
00338     // desabilitamos a op��o autoRepeat e a reabilitamos t�o logo este evento
00339     // ocorra (QEvent::User).
00340     but_fast_forward->setAutoRepeat( false );
00342     lastJump = p_MMObject->getCurrentPlayingBlock() + JUMPBLOCKS;
00344     if( lastJump >= (unsigned int)totalSize )
00345     {
00346         lastJump = totalSize;
00347         p_MMObject->Stop();
00348     }
00349     else
00350     {
00351         // Abaixo atualizamos a barra de progresso. J� � sabido que esta
00352         // atualiza��o ser� feita na RioMMVideo, mas embora pare�a redundante,
00353         // ela � necess�ria aqui caso o usu�rio resolva manter o bot�o
00354         // fastforward pressionado, pois a linha de c�digo acima (lastJump =
00355         // p_MMObject->getCurrentPlayingBlock() + JUMPBLOCKS;) precisa que a
00356         // barra de progresso esteja atualizada, o que n�o acontece em tempo
00357         // �til quando deixamos que a RioMMVideo a atualize.
00358         updateProgressBar( lastJump );
00360         // Log do comportamento do usu�rio.
00361         p_MMObject->inputLog( BFFORWARD, lastJump ); 
00363         p_MMObject->GoTo( lastJump );
00364     }
00365     #endif
00366 }

void RioMMInterface::fastRewind (  )  [virtual, slot]

Definition at line 368 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00369 {
00370     #ifndef RIO_EMUL
00371     // A a��o fastrewind deve aguardar a execu��o do bloco atual (que est� no
00372     // player) terminar antes de executar um novo rewind. Para isto
00373     // desabilitamos a op��o autoRepeat e a reabilitamos t�o logo este evento
00374     // ocorra (QEvent::User).
00375     but_fast_rewind->setAutoRepeat( false );
00377     if( (signed int) p_MMObject->getCurrentPlayingBlock() - JUMPBLOCKS < 0 )
00378         lastJump = 0;
00379     else
00380         lastJump = p_MMObject->getCurrentPlayingBlock() - JUMPBLOCKS;
00382     // Abaixo atualizamos a barra de progresso. J� � sabido que esta atualiza��o
00383     // ser� feita na RioMMVideo, mas embora pare�a redundante, ela � necess�ria
00384     // aqui caso o usu�rio resolva manter o bot�o fastbackward pressionado, pois
00385     // a linha de c�digo acima (lastJump = Request[ PlayBuffer ].Block - 
00386     // JUMPBLOCKS;) precisa que a barra de progresso esteja atualizada, o que
00387     // n�o acontece em tempo �til quando deixamos que a RioMMVideo a atualize.
00388     updateProgressBar( lastJump );
00390     // Log do comportamento do usu�rio.
00391     p_MMObject->inputLog( BFREWIND, lastJump );
00393     p_MMObject->GoTo( lastJump );
00394     #endif
00395 }

void RioMMInterface::info (  )  [virtual, slot]

Definition at line 397 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00398 {
00399     QString aux( "" );
00400     aux.sprintf( "Version %s\n%s", VERSION, STR_TXT_ABOUT );
00401     QMessageBox::information( this, STR_TTL_ABOUT, aux );
00402 }

void RioMMInterface::initComponents (  ) 

Definition at line 834 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00835 {
00836     QWidget *principal_widget = new QWidget( this );
00838     n_buttons = 0;
00840     #ifdef USE_GRID
00841     // Cria a caixa de mensagens para ser usada para mostrar mensagens que s�o
00842     // automaticamente fechadas depois de um tempo.
00843     mb_Wait = new QMessageBox( QString( "" ), QString( "" ), 
00844                                QMessageBox::Information, QMessageBox::NoButton,
00845                                QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton,
00846                                this, "ModelessMessageBox", true,
00847                                Qt::WStyle_StaysOnTop +
00848                                Qt::WStyle_DialogBorder );
00849     #endif
00851     main_layout = new QGridLayout( principal_widget, 1, 1, MARGIN, SPACING,
00852                                    "main_layout" );
00854     setCentralWidget( principal_widget );
00856     lab_percentage = new QLabel( centralWidget() );
00857     lab_percentage->setText( "0%" );
00858     main_layout->addMultiCellWidget( lab_percentage, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
00860     sli_progress = new QSlider( centralWidget() );
00861     sli_progress->setOrientation( QSlider::Horizontal );
00862     sli_progress->setFocusPolicy( QSlider::NoFocus );
00863     sli_progress->setEnabled( false );
00865     but_play = new QPushButton( centralWidget() );
00866     but_play->setPixmap( QPixmap( (const char **)play_pixmap_data ) );
00867     main_layout->addWidget( but_play, 1, n_buttons++ );
00869     but_pause = new QPushButton( centralWidget() );
00870     but_pause->setPixmap( QPixmap( (const char **)pause_pixmap_data ) );
00871     main_layout->addWidget( but_pause, 1, n_buttons++ );
00873     but_stop = new QPushButton( centralWidget() );
00874     but_stop->setPixmap( QPixmap( (const char **)stop_pixmap_data ) );
00875     main_layout->addWidget( but_stop, 1, n_buttons++ );
00877     but_fast_rewind = new QPushButton( centralWidget() );
00878     but_fast_rewind->setPixmap( QPixmap( 
00879                                        (const char **)fast_rewd_pixmap_data ) );
00880     main_layout->addWidget( but_fast_rewind, 1, n_buttons++ );
00882     but_fast_forward = new QPushButton( centralWidget() );
00883     but_fast_forward->setPixmap( QPixmap( 
00884                                        (const char **)fast_frwd_pixmap_data ) );
00885     main_layout->addWidget( but_fast_forward, 1, n_buttons++ );
00887     but_info = new QPushButton( centralWidget() );
00888     but_info->setPixmap( QPixmap( (const char **)info_pixmap_data ) );
00889     main_layout->addWidget( but_info, 1, n_buttons++ );
00891     // If parentID = 0 then it is standalone.
00892     if( parentID == 0 )
00893     {
00894         but_quit = new QPushButton( centralWidget() );
00895         but_quit->setPixmap( QPixmap( (const char **)quit_pixmap_data ) );
00896         main_layout->addWidget( but_quit, 1, n_buttons++ );
00898         connect( but_quit, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( close() ) );
00899     }
00901     status_bar = new QHBox( centralWidget() );
00902     status_bar->setFrameStyle( QFrame::ToolBarPanel );
00903     main_layout->addMultiCellWidget( status_bar, 3, 3, 0, n_buttons - 1 );
00905     status_bar_text = new QLabel( status_bar );
00906     status_bar_text->setText( "" );
00907     status_bar_text->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft );
00908     status_bar_text->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
00909     status_bar_icon = new QLabel( status_bar );
00910     status_bar_icon->setPixmap( QPixmap( "" ) );
00911     status_bar_icon->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
00913     status_bar_timer = new QTimer();
00914     status_bar_dot_counter = MAX_MESSAGE_DOTS;
00916     setFixedSize( CLIENT_WIDTH, CLIENT_HEIGHT );
00918     // If syncOn = true then adds sync button and lab_block_number.
00919     if( syncOn )
00920     {
00921         QString temp = QString( "0/%1" ).arg( totalSize );
00923         but_sync = new QPushButton( centralWidget() );
00924         but_sync->setPixmap( QPixmap( (const char **)sync_pixmap_data ) );
00926         main_layout->addWidget( but_sync, 1, n_buttons++ );
00928         connect( but_sync, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( sync() ) );
00930         lab_block_number = new QLabel( centralWidget() );
00931         lab_block_number->setText( temp );
00932         lab_block_number->setAlignment( AlignRight );
00933         main_layout->addMultiCellWidget( lab_block_number, 0, 0,
00934                                          n_buttons - 2, n_buttons - 1 );
00936         main_layout->addMultiCellWidget( sli_progress, 0, 0, 1,
00937                                          n_buttons - 3 );
00938     }
00939     else
00940     {
00941         main_layout->addMultiCellWidget( sli_progress, 0, 0, 1,
00942                                          n_buttons - 1 );
00943     }
00945     // Signals and slots connections.
00946     connect( but_play, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( play() ) );
00947     connect( but_pause, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( pause() ) );
00948     connect( but_stop, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( stop() ) );
00949     connect( but_fast_forward, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
00950              SLOT( fastForward() ) );
00951     connect( but_fast_rewind, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this,
00952              SLOT( fastRewind() ) );
00953     connect( but_info, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( info() ) );
00954     connect( sli_progress, SIGNAL( sliderMoved( int ) ), this,
00955              SLOT( progressChange( int ) ) );
00956     connect( sli_progress, SIGNAL( sliderPressed() ), this,
00957              SLOT( progressHold() ) );
00958     connect( sli_progress, SIGNAL( sliderReleased() ), this,
00959              SLOT( progressUnHold() ) );
00961     // Para que enquanto o bot�o estiver pressionado, o sinal clicked() seja
00962     // emitido a intervalos de tempo regulares.
00963     but_fast_forward->setAutoRepeat( true );
00964     but_fast_rewind->setAutoRepeat( true );
00966     // Tab order
00967     setTabOrder( but_play, but_pause );
00968     setTabOrder( but_pause, but_stop );
00969     setTabOrder( but_stop, but_fast_rewind );
00970     setTabOrder( but_fast_rewind, but_fast_forward );
00971     setTabOrder( but_fast_forward, but_info );
00972     if( !syncOn && parentID == 0 )
00973         setTabOrder( but_info, but_quit );
00974     else if( syncOn && parentID == 0 )
00975     {
00976         setTabOrder( but_info, but_quit );
00977         setTabOrder( but_quit, but_sync );
00978     }
00979     else if( syncOn && parentID > 0 )
00980         setTabOrder( but_info, but_sync );
00982     but_play->setEnabled( false );
00983     but_stop->setEnabled( false );
00984     but_pause->setEnabled( false );
00985     but_fast_forward->setEnabled( false );
00986     but_fast_rewind->setEnabled( false );
00988     // Adjusting size.
00989     int total_width = n_buttons * but_play->sizeHint().width() +
00990                       ( n_buttons - 1 ) * SPACING + 2 * MARGIN;
00991     if( total_width > width() )
00992     {
00993         int but_width = ( width() - 2 * MARGIN - ( n_buttons - 1 ) * SPACING )
00994                         / n_buttons;
00996         but_play->setFixedWidth( but_width );
00997         but_stop->setFixedWidth( but_width );
00998         but_pause->setFixedWidth( but_width );
00999         but_fast_forward->setFixedWidth( but_width );
01000         but_fast_rewind->setFixedWidth( but_width );
01001         but_info->setFixedWidth( but_width );
01003         if( syncOn )
01004             but_sync->setFixedWidth( but_width );
01006         if( parentID == 0 )
01007             but_quit->setFixedWidth( but_width );
01008     }
01009 }

bool RioMMInterface::isProgressLatch (  ) 

Definition at line 1085 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

01086 {
01087     return progressLatch;
01088 }

void RioMMInterface::jumpTo (  )  [virtual, slot]

Definition at line 197 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00198 {
00199     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00200     RioErr << "entered jumpTo" << endl;
00201     #endif
00202     lastJump = sli_progress->value();
00204     // Log de comportamento do usu�rio.
00205     p_MMObject->inputLog( JUMPBAR, lastJump );
00207     #ifndef RIO_EMUL
00208     if( lastJump < (unsigned int)totalSize )
00209         p_MMObject->GoTo( lastJump );
00210     else
00211         stop();
00212     #endif
00214     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00215     RioErr << "[Interface]: jumping = " << sli_progress->value()
00216            << ", totalSize = " << totalSize << endl;
00217     #endif
00218 }

void RioMMInterface::keywords (  )  [virtual, slot]

Definition at line 614 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00615 {
00616     QString indexes;
00618     // Mostra o di�logo ao usu�rio com as palavras-chave.
00619     if( keywords_dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) // O usu�rio escolheu
00620                                                        // uma palavra-chave.
00621     {
00622         // Habilita o bot�o usado para limpar as sele��es (pois uma palavra-
00623         // chave foi selecionada).
00624         but_clean->setEnabled( true );
00625         // Limpa a sele��o dos �ndices anteriores, se algum foi escolhido.
00626         resetIndex();
00627         // Seleciona os �ndices associados a palavra-chave escolhida pelo
00628         // usu�rio.
00629         indexes = keywords_dialog->indexPositions();
00631         if( !boldIndexes( indexes ) ) 
00632             QMessageBox::critical( this, "Keywords button", "Internal error" );
00634     }
00636 }

void RioMMInterface::pause (  )  [virtual, slot]

Definition at line 253 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00254 {
00255     // Log do comportamento do usu�rio.
00256     p_MMObject->inputLog( BPAUSE, p_MMObject->getCurrentPlayingBlock() );
00258     but_play->setEnabled( true );
00259     but_stop->setEnabled( true );
00260     but_pause->setEnabled( false );
00261     but_fast_forward->setEnabled( false );
00262     but_fast_rewind->setEnabled( false );
00264     if( topics != NULL )
00265         topics->setEnabled( false );
00267     // Desabilita o bot�o para acessar a caixa de di�logo com as palavras-chave
00268     // da busca por assunto, se esta estiver dispon�vel.
00269     if( keywords_dialog != NULL )
00270         but_keywords->setEnabled( false );
00272     sli_progress->setEnabled( false );
00274     setCaption( "Paused" );
00276     p_MMObject->Pause();
00277 }

void RioMMInterface::play (  )  [virtual, slot]

Definition at line 220 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00221 {
00222     // Log do comportamento do usu�rio.
00223     p_MMObject->inputLog( BPLAY, p_MMObject->getCurrentPlayingBlock() );
00225     but_play->setEnabled( false );
00226     but_stop->setEnabled( true );
00227     but_pause->setEnabled( true );
00228     but_fast_forward->setEnabled( true );
00229     but_fast_rewind->setEnabled( true );
00231     if( topics != NULL )
00232         topics->setEnabled( true );
00234     // Habilita o bot�o para acessar a caixa de di�logo com as palavras-chave
00235     // da busca por assunto, se esta estiver dispon�vel.
00236     if( keywords_dialog != NULL )
00237         but_keywords->setEnabled( true );
00239     if( syncOn )
00240         but_sync->setEnabled( true );
00242     sli_progress->setEnabled( true );
00244     if( parentID == 0 )
00245         but_quit->setEnabled( false );
00247     setCaption( QString( formTitle.c_str() ) );
00249     lastJump = 0;
00250     p_MMObject->Play();
00251 }

void RioMMInterface::progressChange ( int  value  )  [virtual, slot]

Definition at line 135 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00136 {
00137     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00138     RioErr << "Moved progress bar, called progressChange" << endl;
00139     #endif
00140     ldiv_t result = ldiv( value * 100, totalSize );
00141     QString  temp = QString( "%1%" ).arg( result.quot );
00143     if( lab_percentage->text() != temp )
00144         lab_percentage->setText( temp );
00146     if( syncOn )
00147     {
00148         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00149         RioErr << "sync mode activated" << endl;
00150         #endif
00151         temp = QString( "%1/%2" ).arg( value ).arg( totalSize );
00152         lab_block_number->setText( temp );
00153     }
00155     if( topics != NULL )
00156     {
00157         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00158         RioErr << "topics != NULL" << endl;
00159         #endif
00160         QListViewItemIterator it( topics );
00161         while( it.current() && ( it.current()->text( 1 ).toInt() <= value ) )
00162             it++;
00164         if( it.current() )
00165         {
00166             #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00167             RioErr << "topic found" << endl;
00168             #endif
00169             it--;
00170             if( !topics->isSelected( it.current() ) && !pressBar )
00171                 topics->ensureItemVisible( it.current() );
00173             topics->setSelected( it.current(), 1 );
00174         }
00175         else
00176         {
00177             #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00178             RioErr << "topic not found - select last" << endl;
00179             #endif
00180             if( !topics->isSelected( topics->lastItem() ) && !pressBar )
00181                 topics->ensureItemVisible( topics->lastItem() );
00183             topics->setSelected( topics->lastItem(), 1 );
00184         }
00185     }
00187     // Atualiza vari�vel que indica qual bloco est� sendo tocado.
00188     // � usado no sincronismo de transpar�ncias.
00189     pos = value;
00190     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00191     RioErr << "Finished progressChange" << endl;
00192     #endif
00193 }

void RioMMInterface::progressHold (  )  [slot]

Definition at line 1074 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

01075 {
01076     progressLatch = true;
01077 }

void RioMMInterface::progressUnHold (  )  [slot]

Definition at line 1079 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

01080 {
01081     progressLatch = false;
01082     jumpTo();
01083 }

void RioMMInterface::releaseBar (  )  [slot]

Definition at line 127 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00128 {
00129     pressBar = false;
00130 }

void RioMMInterface::resetIndex (  ) 

Definition at line 533 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00534 {
00535     QListViewItemIterator  indexit( topics );
00536     RioMMQListViewItem    *listitem;
00538     // Percorre toda a lista com os �ndices (a topics) e, para cada um destes
00539     // �ndices, desabilita o estilo em negrito e altera a cor da fonte para
00540     // a cor preta.
00541     while( ( listitem = (RioMMQListViewItem *) indexit.current() ) != 0 )
00542     {
00543         listitem->setBold( false );
00544         listitem->setColor( QColor::QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) );
00545         listitem->repaint();
00546         indexit++;
00547     }
00549 }

void RioMMInterface::selectBar (  )  [slot]

Definition at line 122 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00123 {
00124     pressBar = true;
00125 }

void RioMMInterface::setWaitMessage (  )  [slot]

Definition at line 1090 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

01091 {
01092     QString message = "Loading ";
01093     for( int i = 0; i < status_bar_dot_counter; i++ )
01094         message += ".";
01095     status_bar_dot_counter++;
01096     if( status_bar_dot_counter > MAX_MESSAGE_DOTS )
01097         status_bar_dot_counter = 1;
01098     status_bar_text->setText( message );
01099 }

void RioMMInterface::stop (  )  [virtual, slot]

Definition at line 279 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00280 {
00281     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00282     RioErr << "[RioMMInterface] Entrei na stop()..." << endl;
00283     #endif
00285     if( !but_stop->isEnabled() )
00286         return;
00288     // Log do comportamento do usu�rio.
00289     p_MMObject->inputLog( STOP, p_MMObject->getCurrentPlayingBlock() );
00291     but_play->setEnabled( true );
00292     but_stop->setEnabled( false );
00293     but_pause->setEnabled( false );
00294     but_fast_forward->setEnabled( false );
00295     but_fast_rewind->setEnabled( false );
00297     if( topics != NULL )
00298     {
00299         topics->setEnabled( false );
00300         topics->clearSelection();
00301     }
00303     // Desabilita o bot�o para acessar a caixa de di�logo com as palavras-chave
00304     // da busca por assunto, se esta estiver dispon�vel.
00305     if( keywords_dialog != NULL )
00306         but_keywords->setEnabled( false );
00308     if( syncOn )
00309         but_sync->setEnabled( false );
00311     sli_progress->setEnabled( false );
00313     if( parentID == 0 )
00314         but_quit->setEnabled( true );
00316     setCaption( QString( formTitle.c_str() ) );
00318     p_MMObject->Stop();
00320     // Reinicializando a barra de progresso.
00321     updateProgressBar( 0 );
00323     if( config->getRioMMAutoPlay() )
00324     {
00325         close();
00326     }
00328     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00329     RioErr << "[RioMMInterface] Saindo da stop()..." << endl;
00330     #endif
00331 }

void RioMMInterface::sync (  )  [virtual, slot]

Definition at line 404 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00405 {
00406     QString      sFileName;
00407     QStringList  slSyncTypes;
00408     bool         ok;
00410     RioMMSync   *SyncWindow = new RioMMSync( this, "SyncWindow", 0 );
00412     // Pause video 
00413     pause();
00415     sFileName = movieName.c_str();
00417     if( syncType == SYNC_NONE )
00418     {
00419         fiSyncFile.setFile( sFileName + ".browser" );
00420         if( fiSyncFile.exists() )
00421         {
00422             syncType = SYNC_BROWSER;
00423         }
00424         else
00425         {
00426             fiSyncFile.setFile( sFileName + ".tgif" );
00427             if( fiSyncFile.exists() )
00428             {
00429                 syncType = SYNC_TGIF;
00430             }
00431         }
00433         if( syncType == SYNC_NONE )
00434         {
00435             slSyncTypes.append( "Browser" );
00436             slSyncTypes.append( "Tgif" );
00437             slSyncTypes.append( "Choose ..." );
00438             QString aux = QInputDialog::getItem( "Choosing sync file type",
00439                                                  "Choose sync file type:",
00440                                                  slSyncTypes, 0, false, &ok,
00441                                                  this, "choose_sync" );
00442             if( ok )
00443                 if( aux == "Browser" )
00444                 {
00445                     syncType = SYNC_BROWSER;
00446                     fiSyncFile.setFile( (QString)getenv("HOME") + "/"
00447                                       + sFileName + ".browser" );
00448                 }
00449                 else if( aux == "Tgif" )
00450                 {
00451                     syncType = SYNC_TGIF;
00452                     fiSyncFile.setFile( (QString)getenv("HOME") + "/"
00453                                       + sFileName + ".tgif" );
00454                 }
00455                 else
00456                 {
00457                     QFileDialog fdSync( NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, false );
00458                     fdSync.setCaption( "Choose sync file" );
00459                     fdSync.addFilter( "Tgif sync files (*.tgif)" );
00460                     fdSync.addFilter( "Html sync files (*.browser)" );
00461                     fdSync.setViewMode( QFileDialog::Detail );
00462                     fdSync.setMode( QFileDialog::ExistingFile );
00464                     if( fdSync.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
00465                     {
00466                         fiSyncFile.setFile( fdSync.selectedFile() );
00467                         if( fiSyncFile.extension() == "browser" )
00468                             syncType = SYNC_BROWSER;
00469                         else if( fiSyncFile.extension() == "tgif" )
00470                             syncType = SYNC_TGIF;
00471                     }
00472                     else
00473                         return;
00475                 }
00476             else // FIXME Fazer algo melhor, perguntar de novo ao usu�rio?
00477                 return;
00478         }
00479     }
00480     fiSyncFile.setCaching( false );
00481     fiSyncFile.convertToAbs();
00482     if( SyncWindow->Initialize( fiSyncFile, syncType, pos ) )
00483         SyncWindow->exec();
00485     // Continue playing again.
00486     play();
00487 }

void RioMMInterface::timerEvent ( QTimerEvent *  e  ) 

Definition at line 1059 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

01060 {
01061     if( !but_play->isEnabled() )
01062     {
01063         sli_progress->update();
01064         lab_percentage->update();
01066         if( topics )
01067             topics->update();
01069         if( syncOn )
01070             lab_block_number->update();
01071     }
01072 }

void RioMMInterface::topicSelected ( QListViewItem *  i  )  [slot]

Definition at line 489 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

00490 {
00491     if( !i )
00492         return;
00494     but_play->setEnabled( false );
00495     but_stop->setEnabled( true );
00496     but_pause->setEnabled( true );
00497     but_fast_forward->setEnabled( true );
00498     but_fast_rewind->setEnabled( true );
00499     if( syncOn )
00500         but_sync->setEnabled( true );
00502     sli_progress->setEnabled( true );
00504     if( parentID == 0 )
00505         but_quit->setEnabled( false );
00507     lastJump = atoi( i->text( 1 ) ); // Coluna 1 indica o bloco.
00508     #ifndef RIO_EMUL
00509     if( lastJump <= (unsigned int)totalSize )
00510     {
00511         // Log de comportamento do usu�rio.
00512         p_MMObject->inputLog( JUMPTOPIC, lastJump );
00514         updateProgressBar( lastJump );
00515         p_MMObject->GoTo( lastJump );
00517         // Atualiza vari�vel que indica qual bloco est� sendo tocado.
00518         // � usado no sincronismo de transpar�ncias.
00519         pos = lastJump;
00520     }
00521     else // Avan�ar para bloco inv�lido.
00522     {
00523         QString message = "T�pico pressionado: \n";
00524         message += i->text( 0 );
00525         message += tr( "\nImposs�vel exibir bloco " );
00526         message += i->text( 1 );
00527         message += tr( "." );
00528         QMessageBox::critical( 0, "RioMMClient", message );
00529     }
00530     #endif
00531 }

void RioMMInterface::updateProgressBar ( int  progress  )  [private]

Definition at line 1103 of file RioMMInterface.cpp.

01104 {
01105     sli_progress->setValue( progress );
01106     progressChange( progress );
01107 }

Field Documentation

Definition at line 105 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 138 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 127 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 126 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 128 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 134 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 124 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 123 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 129 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 125 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 130 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 97 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 160 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 157 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 136 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 115 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 116 of file RioMMInterface.h.

unsigned int RioMMInterface::lastJump [private]

Definition at line 91 of file RioMMInterface.h.

pthread_mutex_t RioMMInterface::m_finalize [private]

Definition at line 109 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 114 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 155 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 156 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 161 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 150 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 154 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 159 of file RioMMInterface.h.

bool RioMMInterface::pressBar [private]

Definition at line 93 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 92 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 165 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 122 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 158 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 121 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 120 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 118 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 117 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 119 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 152 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 153 of file RioMMInterface.h.

QListView* RioMMInterface::topics [private]

Definition at line 95 of file RioMMInterface.h.

Definition at line 151 of file RioMMInterface.h.

XWindowAttributes RioMMInterface::window_attributes [private]

Definition at line 94 of file RioMMInterface.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed Jul 4 16:03:36 2012 for RIO by  doxygen 1.6.3