RioMMClient.cpp File Reference

#include <iostream>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qthread.h>
#include <qdom.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qsettings.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <wait.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "RioMMInterface.h"
#include "RioInterface.h"
#include "RioError.h"
#include "RioFile.h"
#include "RioMMObject.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "RioMMVideo.h"
#include "RioMMMp3.h"
#include "RioMMEmbed.h"
#include "RioMMBrowser.h"
#include "RioMMSlideShow.h"
#include "RioMMTgif.h"
#include "RioMMTopics.h"
#include "RioMMExplorer.h"
#include "RioMMKeywords.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void makeLogHeader (CRioMMVideo *, ConfigData *, char *)
CRioMMObjectCreateVideoObj (char *, int, RioBlock, CRioStream *, struct timeval RTT_average, RioMMInterface *, CRioStream *, ConfigData *config, int block=0)
CRioMMObjectCreateMusicObj (char *, int, RioBlock, CRioStream *, struct timeval RTT_average, RioMMInterface *)
long long int CreateTopicsObj (char *, int, RioBlock, CRioStream *, struct timeval RTT_average, CRioMMVideo *)
long long int CreateKeywordsObj (char *, int, RioBlock, CRioStream *, struct timeval RTT_average, CRioMMVideo *)
CRioMMObjectCreateEmbedObj (char *, int, RioBlock, CRioStream *, struct timeval RTT_average, int port)
CRioMMObjectCreateBrowserObj (char *, int, RioBlock, CRioStream *, struct timeval RTT_average, int port)
CRioMMObjectCreateTgifObj (char *, int, RioBlock, CRioStream *, struct timeval RTT_average, int tgifWindow)
int CheckForSlaves (CRioMMObject *, int, RioBlock, CRioStream *, struct timeval RTT_average, int tgifWindow, int browserPort)
bool readSettings (ConfigData *)
void printOptions (ConfigData *)
void Usage (char *progname)
 Prints the usage.
void signalHandler (int sig)
void dispatchSignals (int sig)
static void InitCmdParams (ConfigData *config)
void * Connection (void *arg)
void show_stackframe ()
 Handles the SEGFAULT.
void segfaultHandler (int sig)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])


CRioSession videoSession
CRioStream Stream
RioMMExplorer rioMMExplorer
int screenWidth = 0
int screenHeight = 0

Function Documentation

int CheckForSlaves ( CRioMMObject obj,
int  blksize,
RioBlock  buffsize,
CRioStream stream,
struct timeval  RTT_average,
int  tgifWindow,
int  browserPort 

Definition at line 1521 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

01524 {
01525     char         *ptr;
01526     int           qtdSlaves;
01527     char          basename[ 128 ],
01528                   objecttype[ 128 ];
01529     CRioMMObject *slave[ 10 ];
01532     qtdSlaves = 0;
01534     strcpy( basename, obj->GetName() );
01536     ptr = strrchr( basename, '.' );
01537     if( ptr == NULL )
01538         return 0;
01540     strcpy( objecttype, ptr );
01542     // Finding browser slave midia.
01543     strcpy( ptr, ".browser" );
01544     if( browserPort != 0 )
01545         slave[ qtdSlaves ] = CreateEmbedObj( basename, blksize, buffsize,
01546                                          stream, RTT_average, browserPort );
01547     else
01548         slave[ qtdSlaves ] = CreateBrowserObj( basename, blksize, buffsize,
01549                                          stream, RTT_average, browserPort );
01550     if( slave[ qtdSlaves ] )
01551         qtdSlaves++;
01553     // Finding TGIF slave midia.
01554     strcpy( ptr, ".tgif" );
01555     slave[ qtdSlaves ] = CreateTgifObj( basename, blksize, buffsize, stream,
01556                                         RTT_average, tgifWindow );
01558     if( slave[ qtdSlaves ] )
01559         qtdSlaves++;
01561     // Finding Index slave midia.
01562     strcpy( ptr, ".index" );
01564     if( CreateTopicsObj( basename, blksize, buffsize, stream, RTT_average,
01565                          (CRioMMVideo*)obj ) )
01566     {
01567         // Somente devemos disponibilizar a op��o da busca de palavras-chave
01568         // por assunto se o �ndice foi corretamente lido e criado (pois a busca
01569         // descata as entradas do �ndice).
01570         strcpy( ptr, ".keyword" );
01571         CreateKeywordsObj( basename, blksize, buffsize, stream, RTT_average,
01572                            (CRioMMVideo*)obj );
01573     }
01575     if( qtdSlaves )
01576     {
01577         obj->AllocMedia( qtdSlaves );
01578         for( int i = 0; i < qtdSlaves; i++ )
01579             obj->AddMedia( slave[ i ] );
01580     }
01582     return( qtdSlaves );
01583 }

void* Connection ( void *  arg  ) 

Definition at line 296 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

00297 {
00298     ConfigData      *config;
00299     int              rc;
00300     char            *ObjName = 0, *ServerName = 0;
00301     char            *ext;
00302     unsigned int    BlockSize;
00303     RioBlock         BufferSize;
00304     CRioStream      *videoStream;
00305     int             initial_block = 0;
00306     RioStreamTraffic Traffic;
00307     struct timeval   RTT_average;
00309     #ifndef RIO_EMUL
00310     CRioStream      *slaveMediaStream;
00311     PLAYDATA        *playData;
00312     QCustomEvent    *event;
00313     RioStreamTraffic TrafficNRT;
00314     #endif
00316     // 187,500 bytes/sec = 1,500,000 bits/sec (Default: assumes 1.5 Mbit/sec).
00317     double Rate = 187.5e+03;
00319     //Enviando evento pra interface exibir uma mensagem de espera
00320     QCustomEvent *msg_event = new QCustomEvent( QEvent::User + 10 );
00321     QApplication::postEvent( rio, msg_event );
00323     config = (ConfigData *)arg;
00325     BufferSize = DEFAULTBUFFERSIZE;
00326     // User does not supply the username, use default.
00327     if( ( config->getRioMMUser() == "NULL" ) ||
00328         ( config->getRioMMUser() == DEFAULTUSER )
00329       )
00330     {
00331         config->setRioMMUser( DEFAULTUSER );
00332         config->setRioMMPassword( encryptPassword( DEFAULTUSER ) );
00333     }
00335     if( config->getRioMMBuffers() > 0 )
00336         BufferSize = config->getRioMMBuffers();
00338     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00339     RioErr << "[RioMMClient]: BufferSize = " << BufferSize << endl;
00340     #endif
00342     ServerName = strdup( config->getRioMMServer() );
00343     ObjName = strchr( ServerName, ':' );
00345     if( (ObjName == 0) || (strlen( ObjName + 1 ) == 0) )
00346     {
00347         sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00348                  QString( "No object name specified" ), rio );
00350         // finalize application
00351         QCustomEvent *finalize_event = new QCustomEvent(
00352                     ( QEvent::Type )( QEvent::User + 9 ), NULL );
00353         QApplication::postEvent( rio, finalize_event );
00355         free( ServerName );
00357         return NULL;
00358     }
00359     *ObjName = 0;
00360     ObjName++;
00362     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00363     RioErr << "[RioMMClient]: Trying to connect to " 
00364            << ServerName << " " << ObjName << endl;
00365     #endif
00367     Session = new CRioSession;
00368     if( Session == NULL )
00369     {
00370        sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00371                 QString( "Could not create session object" )
00372                 + QString( ServerName ), rio );
00374         // finalize application
00375         QCustomEvent *finalize_event = new QCustomEvent(
00376                     ( QEvent::Type )( QEvent::User + 9 ), NULL );
00377         QApplication::postEvent( rio, finalize_event );
00379         free( ServerName );
00381         return NULL;
00382     }    
00384     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG_FILE
00385     // Foi colocado um novo parametro que define o nome do arquivo com o log da
00386     // RioNeti sera salvo. Este valor devere ser dado caso esta opcao de 
00387     // compilacao seja usada, e devera ser dado pela opcao -d.
00388     if( config->getRioMMRioNetiLogPath() == "NULL" )
00389         rc = Session->Connect( ServerName, config->getRioMMUser(),
00390                                config->getRioMMPassword(), 1, NULL );
00391     else
00392         rc = Session->Connect( ServerName, config->getRioMMUser(),
00393                                config->getRioMMPassword(), 1, 
00394                                config->getRioMMRioNetiLogPath() );
00395     #else
00396     rc = Session->Connect( ServerName, config->getRioMMUser(),
00397                            config->getRioMMPassword(), 1 );
00398     #endif
00399     if( FAILED( rc ) && ( rc != (signed) ( ERROR_RIOSESSION + ERROR_NO_MAPPING ) ) )
00400     {
00401         if( (rc & 0xff) == (signed)ERROR_MAX_SESSIONS )
00402             sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00403                      QString( "Max number of connections reached." ), rio );
00404         else if( (rc & 0xff) == (signed)ERROR_SOCKET_CONNECT )
00405             sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00406                      QString( "Server not responding." ), rio );
00407         else if( (rc & 0xff) == (signed)ERROR_INVALID_USER )
00408             sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00409                      QString( "Invalid user/password." ), rio );
00410         else
00411             sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00412                      QString( "Could not connect to Rio Server at host " )
00413                      + QString( ServerName ), rio );
00415         // finalize application
00416         QCustomEvent *finalize_event = new QCustomEvent(
00417                     ( QEvent::Type )( QEvent::User + 9 ), NULL );
00418         QApplication::postEvent( rio, finalize_event );
00420         free( ServerName );
00422         return NULL;
00423     } else if( (unsigned int) rc == ERROR_RIOSESSION + ERROR_NO_MAPPING ) 
00424     {
00425         // Alteracao para tratar o erro gerado quando o cliente se conecta a
00426         // um servidor que nao possui suporte para a nova chamada remota de
00427         // procedimento que retorna os pares IP, porta do Servidor RIO e dos
00428         // Storage Servers, e que permite que o cliente funcione atras de NAT.
00429         // Neste caso, ainda poderemos nos conectar ao servidor, mas o acesso
00430         // nao funcionara se o cliente estiver atras de NAT. Entao, vamos
00431         // simplesmente mostrar uma mensagem ao cliente informando o erro e
00432         // permitir que a conexao seja feita.
00433         sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00434                  QString( "Could not use Rio Server (" ) +
00435                  QString( ServerName ) +
00436                  QString( ") to obtain address of the servers.\n" ) + 
00437                  QString( "The client will not work behind a NAT."), rio );
00438     }
00440     // Este objeto explorer � utilizado para fazer o upload do log de
00441     // comportamento do usu�rio. Pode tamb�m ser usado para acessar qualquer
00442     // m�todo da RioExplorer.
00443     rioMMExplorer.setSession( Session );
00445     if( config->getRioMMConnectPI() )
00446     {
00447         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00448         RioErr << "[RioMMClient]: Trying to connect to pl "
00449                << config->getRioMMPIHost().ascii() << endl;
00450         #endif
00452         rc = videoSession.Connect( config->getRioMMPIHost(),
00453                                    config->getRioMMUser(),
00454                                    config->getRioMMPassword(), 0 );
00455         if( FAILED(rc) )
00456         {
00457             sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00458                      QString( "Could not connect to PI at host " )
00459                      + QString( config->getRioMMPIHost() ), rio );
00460             if( (rc & 0xFF) == (signed)ERROR_MAX_SESSIONS )
00461                 RioErr << "\tmax number of connections reached" << endl;
00462             else if( (rc & 0xFF) == (signed)ERROR_SOCKET_CONNECT )
00463                 RioErr << "\tserver not responding" << endl;
00464             else
00465                 RioErr << "\tCausa desconhecida." << endl;
00467             // finalize application
00468             QCustomEvent *finalize_event = new QCustomEvent(
00469                         ( QEvent::Type )( QEvent::User + 9 ), NULL );
00470             QApplication::postEvent( rio, finalize_event );
00472             free( ServerName );
00474             return NULL;
00475         }
00476     }
00478     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00479     RioErr << "Getting block size for data transfer..." << endl;
00480     #endif
00482     rc = Session->GetBlockSize( &BlockSize );
00483     if( rc < 0 )
00484     {
00485         sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00486                  QString( "Failed to get block size" ), rio );
00488         // finalize application
00489         QCustomEvent *finalize_event = new QCustomEvent(
00490                     ( QEvent::Type )( QEvent::User + 9 ), NULL );
00491         QApplication::postEvent( rio, finalize_event );
00493         free( ServerName );
00495         return NULL;
00496     }
00498     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00499     RioErr << "Ok (" << BlockSize << ")" << endl;
00500     #endif
00502     Session->GetAverageRTT( &RTT_average );
00504     // Reserve extra rate to absorb fluctuations on stream rate.
00505     // Guessing 50% extra should be enough.
00506     Rate = Rate * 1.5;
00508     Traffic.Type             = RIO_TRAFFIC_CBR;
00509     Traffic.Direction        = RioStreamDirectionRead;
00510     Traffic.LogicalBlockSize = BlockSize;
00511     Traffic.MaxRequests      = 1; // Ignored in new version of RIO.
00512     Traffic.TrafficVBR.Rate  = Rate;
00514     if( config->getRioMMConnectPI() )
00515     {
00516         //Como um lider forcado requisita para si e para o grupo ao mesmo tempo
00517         //(2 fluxos), "dobramos" aqui a taxa requisitada para o servidor.
00518         Rate = Rate * 1.5;
00519         Traffic.TrafficVBR.Rate  = Rate;
00521         videoStream = new CRioStream();
00522         rc = videoStream->Open( &Traffic, &videoSession );
00523         if( rc < 0 )
00524         {
00525             sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00526                      QString( "(1) Could not open stream" ), rio );
00528             // finalize application
00529             QCustomEvent *finalize_event = new QCustomEvent(
00530                         ( QEvent::Type )( QEvent::User + 9 ), NULL );
00531             QApplication::postEvent( rio, finalize_event );
00533             free( ServerName );
00535             return NULL;
00536         }
00537     }
00538     else
00539     {
00540         rc = Stream.Open( &Traffic, Session );
00541         if( rc < 0 )
00542         {
00543             sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00544                      QString( "(2) Could not open stream" ), rio );
00546             // finalize application
00547             QCustomEvent *finalize_event = new QCustomEvent(
00548                         ( QEvent::Type )( QEvent::User + 9 ), NULL );
00549             QApplication::postEvent( rio, finalize_event );
00551             free( ServerName );
00553             return NULL;
00554         }
00555         videoStream = &Stream;
00556     }
00558     ext = strrchr( ObjName, '.' );
00560     if( ext != NULL )
00561     {
00562         if( strcmp( ext, ".mpg" ) == 0 )
00563         {
00565             #ifdef USE_GRID
00566             // Cria uma caixa de mensagem para informar ao usu�rio que o acesso
00567             // ao v�deo pode ser demorado (somente para o servidor executando
00568             // na GRID).
00569             showMessageBox( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00570                             QString( "Copying object (" ) +
00571                             QString( ObjName ) +
00572                             QString( "). Please wait!" ), rio );
00573             #endif
00575             object = CreateVideoObj( ObjName, BlockSize, BufferSize,
00576                                      videoStream, RTT_average,
00577                                      rio, &Stream, config,
00578                                      initial_block );
00580             #ifdef USE_GRID
00581             // Depois de o arquivo ser baixado, fecha a caixa de mensagem. 
00582             // (somente para o servidor executando na GRID).
00583             hideMessageBox( rio );
00584             #endif
00586         }
00587         #ifndef RIO_EMUL
00588         else
00589         {
00590             if( strcmp( ext, ".mp3" ) == 0 )
00591             {
00592                 object = CreateMusicObj( ObjName, BlockSize, BufferSize,
00593                                          &Stream, RTT_average, rio );
00594             }
00595             else
00596             {
00597                 #ifdef USE_GRID
00598                 // Muda a mensagem padr�o que informa que o arquivo n�o foi
00599                 // encontrado, ao conectar a um servidor executando na GRID.
00600                 sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00601                          QString( "Cannot PLAY/FIND multimedia object (" ) +
00602                          QString( ObjName ) +
00603                          QString( ") in storage or " ) +
00604                          QString( "insufficient space avaliable in RIOServer." ), 
00605                                   rio );
00606                 #else
00607                 sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00608                          QString( "Cannot PLAY/FIND multimedia object (" ) +
00609                          QString( ObjName ) +
00610                          QString( ") in storage." ), rio );
00611                 #endif
00613                 // finalize application
00614                 QCustomEvent *finalize_event = new QCustomEvent(
00615                             ( QEvent::Type )( QEvent::User + 9 ), NULL );
00616                 QApplication::postEvent( rio, finalize_event );
00618                 free( ServerName );
00620                 return NULL;
00621             }
00622         }
00623         #endif
00624     }
00626     if( object == NULL )
00627     {
00628         #ifdef USE_GRID
00629         // Muda a mensagem padr�o que informa que o arquivo n�o foi encontrado,
00630         // ao conectar a um servidor executando na GRID.
00631         sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00632                  QString( "Cannot FIND multimedia object (" ) +
00633                  QString( ObjName ) +
00634                  QString( ") in storage or " ) +
00635                  QString( "insufficient space avaliable in RIOServer." ), 
00636                           rio );
00637         #else
00638         sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00639                  QString( "Cannot FIND multimedia object (" ) +
00640                  QString( ObjName ) +
00641                  QString( ") in storage." ), rio );
00642         #endif
00644         // finalize application
00645         QCustomEvent *finalize_event = new QCustomEvent(
00646                     ( QEvent::Type )( QEvent::User + 9 ), NULL );
00647         QApplication::postEvent( rio, finalize_event );
00649         free( ServerName );
00651         return NULL;
00652     }
00654     #ifndef RIO_EMUL
00655     browser = NULL;
00656     if( config->getRioMMUsePlugins() )
00657     {
00658         slaveMediaStream = new CRioStream;
00660         TrafficNRT.Type = RIO_TRAFFIC_NRT;
00661         TrafficNRT.Direction = RioStreamDirectionRead;
00662         TrafficNRT.LogicalBlockSize = BlockSize;
00663         TrafficNRT.MaxRequests = 20;
00664         TrafficNRT.TrafficNRT.Reserved = 0;
00666         rc = slaveMediaStream->Open( &TrafficNRT, Session );
00667         if( rc < 0 )
00668         {
00669             sendMsg( QString( "RioMMClient" ),
00670                      QString( "Could not open slave media stream" ), rio );
00672             // finalize application
00673             QCustomEvent *finalize_event = new QCustomEvent(
00674                         ( QEvent::Type )( QEvent::User + 9 ), NULL );
00675             QApplication::postEvent( rio, finalize_event );
00677             free( ServerName );
00679             return NULL;
00680         }
00681         CheckForSlaves( object, BlockSize, BufferSize, slaveMediaStream,
00682                         RTT_average, config->getRioMMTgifWindow(),
00683                         config->getRioMMPluginPort() );
00684         slaveMediaStream->Close();
00686     }
00688     unsigned nMedias = object->GetNMedias();
00689     for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nMedias; i++ )
00690     {
00691         object->GetMedia( i )->init();
00692     }
00694     // Allow medias to reinitialize themselfes upon a SIGHUP.
00695     signal( SIGHUP, dispatchSignals );
00697     // Send completion event to the interface. This event enables the
00698     // play button on the interface and sets the object to be shown.
00699     playData         = new PLAYDATA;
00700     playData->id     = 0;
00701     playData->object = object;
00702     playData->size   = object->GetTotalPositions();
00703     playData->msg    = NULL;
00705     event = new QCustomEvent( (QEvent::Type)(QEvent::User + 1), playData );
00706     QApplication::postEvent( rio, event );
00708     // Evento User + 4 dispara o play no cliente.
00709     if( config->getRioMMConnectPI() )
00710     {
00711         QCustomEvent *event2 = new QCustomEvent( QEvent::User + 4 );
00712         QApplication::postEvent( rio, event2 );
00713     }
00714     #endif
00716     if( config->getRioMMAutoPlay() )
00717     {
00718         QCustomEvent *event2 = new QCustomEvent( QEvent::User + 4 );
00719         QApplication::postEvent( rio, event2 );
00720     }
00721     //Enviando evento pra interface ocultar a mensagem de espera
00722     QCustomEvent *msg_event2 = new QCustomEvent( QEvent::User + 11 );
00723     QApplication::postEvent( rio, msg_event2 );
00725     free( ServerName );
00727     return( arg );
00728 }

CRioMMObject * CreateBrowserObj ( char *  BrowserName,
int  BlockSize,
RioBlock  BuffSize,
CRioStream Stream,
struct timeval  RTT_average,
int  port 

Definition at line 1407 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

01410 {
01411     CRioMMBrowser *Browser;
01412     RioAccess      Access;
01414     Browser = new CRioMMBrowser( BrowserName, BlockSize, BuffSize, RTT_average);
01416     Access = RIO_READ_ACCESS | RIO_SHARE_READ;
01417     if( Browser->GetCommands( Access, Stream ) < 0 )
01418     {
01419         delete Browser;
01420         return( NULL );
01421     }
01423     if( Browser->GetSlides( Access, Stream ) < 0 )
01424     {
01425         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01426         RioErr << "[RioMMClient]: Could not get slides" << endl;
01427         #endif
01429         delete Browser;
01430         return( NULL );
01431     }
01433     return( (CRioMMObject *)Browser );
01434 }

CRioMMObject * CreateEmbedObj ( char *  NetscName,
int  BlockSize,
RioBlock  BuffSize,
CRioStream Stream,
struct timeval  RTT_average,
int  port 

Definition at line 1444 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

01447 {
01448     CRioMMEmbed *Embed;
01449     RioAccess    Access;
01451     Embed = new CRioMMEmbed( NetscName, BlockSize, BuffSize, RTT_average );
01453     Access = RIO_READ_ACCESS | RIO_SHARE_READ;
01454     if( Embed->GetCommands( Access, Stream ) < 0 )
01455     {
01456         delete Embed;
01457         return( NULL );
01458     }
01460     if( Embed->GetSlides( Access, Stream ) < 0 )
01461     {
01462         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01463         RioErr << "Could not get slides" << endl;
01464         #endif
01466         delete Embed;
01467         return( NULL );
01468     }
01469     Embed->setPort( port );
01471     browser = Embed;
01472     return( (CRioMMObject *)Embed );
01473 }

long long int CreateKeywordsObj ( char *  KeywordsName,
int  BlockSize,
RioBlock  BuffSize,
CRioStream Stream,
struct timeval  RTT_average,
CRioMMVideo video 

Definition at line 1372 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

01375 {
01376     CRioMMKeywords *Keywords;
01377     RioAccess       Access;
01379     Keywords = new CRioMMKeywords( KeywordsName, BlockSize, BuffSize,
01380                                    RTT_average, rio );
01382     Access = RIO_READ_ACCESS | RIO_SHARE_READ;
01383     if( Keywords->GetKeywords( Access, Stream ) <= 0 )
01384     {
01385         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01386         RioErr << "[RioMMClient]: Could not get keywords " << endl;
01387         #endif
01389         video->appendLog( "Keywords status: failed\n" );
01390         delete Keywords;
01391         Keywords = NULL;
01392     }
01393     else
01394     {
01395         video->appendLog( "Keywords status: success\n" );
01396     }
01398     return( (long long int) Keywords );
01399 }

CRioMMObject * CreateMusicObj ( char *  MusicName,
int  BlockSize,
RioBlock  BuffSize,
CRioStream Stream,
struct timeval  RTT_average,
RioMMInterface rio 

Definition at line 1298 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

01301 {
01302     CRioMMMp3 *Music;
01303     RioAccess  Access;
01304     int        rc;
01306     Music = new CRioMMMp3( MusicName, BlockSize, BuffSize, RTT_average, rio );
01308     Access = RIO_READ_ACCESS | RIO_SHARE_READ;
01309     rc = Music->Open( Access, Stream );
01310     if( rc < 0 )
01311     {
01312         delete Music;
01313         Music = NULL;
01314     }
01316     return( (CRioMMObject *)Music );
01317 }

CRioMMObject * CreateTgifObj ( char *  TgifName,
int  BlockSize,
RioBlock  BuffSize,
CRioStream Stream,
struct timeval  RTT_average,
int  tgifWindow 

Definition at line 1481 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

01484 {
01485     CRioMMTgif *Tgif;
01486     RioAccess   Access;
01488     Tgif = new CRioMMTgif( TgifName, BlockSize, BuffSize, RTT_average,
01489                            screenWidth, screenHeight );
01491     Access = RIO_READ_ACCESS | RIO_SHARE_READ;
01493     if( Tgif->GetCommands( Access, Stream ) < 0 )
01494     {
01495         delete Tgif;
01496         return( NULL );
01497     }
01499     if( Tgif->GetSlides( Access, Stream ) < 0 )
01500     {
01501         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01502         RioErr << "[RioMMClient]: Could not get slides" << endl;
01503         #endif
01505         delete Tgif;
01506         return( NULL );
01507     }
01509     Tgif->setParent( tgifWindow );
01511     return( (CRioMMObject *)Tgif );
01512 }

long long int CreateTopicsObj ( char *  TopicsName,
int  BlockSize,
RioBlock  BuffSize,
CRioStream Stream,
struct timeval  RTT_average,
CRioMMVideo video 

Definition at line 1325 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

01328 {
01329     CRioMMTopics *Topics;
01330     RioAccess     Access;
01332     Topics = new CRioMMTopics( TopicsName, BlockSize, BuffSize, RTT_average,
01333                                rio );
01335     Access = RIO_READ_ACCESS | RIO_SHARE_READ;
01336     if( Topics->GetTopics( Access, Stream ) <= 0 )
01337     {
01338         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01339         RioErr << "[RioMMClient]: Could not get topics " << endl;
01340         #endif
01342         video->appendLog( "Index status: failed\n" );
01343         delete Topics;
01344         Topics = NULL;
01345     }
01346     else
01347     {
01348         video->appendLog( "Index status: success\n" );
01349     }
01351     return( (long long int) Topics );
01352 }

CRioMMObject * CreateVideoObj ( char *  VideoName,
int  BlockSize,
RioBlock  BuffSize,
CRioStream Stream,
struct timeval  RTT_average,
RioMMInterface rio,
CRioStream ServerStream,
ConfigData config,
int  block = 0 

Definition at line 1089 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

01094 {
01095     CRioMMVideo *Video;
01096     RioAccess    Access;
01097     int          rc;
01099     Video = new CRioMMVideo( VideoName, BlockSize, BuffSize, RTT_average,
01100                              rio, block, config, &rioMMExplorer );
01101     Access = RIO_READ_ACCESS | RIO_SHARE_READ;
01103     #if defined(USE_GRID) && defined(RIO_EMUL)
01104     // Permite, ao usarmos o modo de simula��o, obter o tempo necess�rio ao
01105     // abrirmos um arquivo do servidor. Usado para avaliar a diferen�a na
01106     // efici�ncia entre ler um arquivo do servidor executando na GRID e da
01107     // implementa��o normal do servidor.
01108     struct timeval StartVideoOpen;
01109     struct timeval EndVideoOpen;
01110     gettimeofday( &StartVideoOpen, NULL );
01111     #endif
01113     rc = Video->Open( Access, Stream );
01115     #if defined(USE_GRID) && defined(RIO_EMUL)
01116     // Permite, ao usarmos o modo de simula��o, obter o tempo necess�rio ao
01117     // abrirmos um arquivo do servidor. Usado para avaliar a diferen�a na 
01118     // efici�ncia entre ler um arquivo do servidor executando na GRID e da
01119     // implementa��o normal do servidor.
01120     gettimeofday( &EndVideoOpen, NULL );
01121     // Computa o tempo decorrido para ler o arquivo, e o coloca num arquivo de
01122     // log especial dentro do diret�rio de logs.
01123     QString  logEmulatorPath;
01124     ofstream logOpenTime;
01125     logEmulatorPath  = config->getRioMMLogPath();
01126     logEmulatorPath += QString( "/log_opentime.log" );
01127 logEmulatorPath.latin1() );
01128     double InicioOpen;
01129     double FimOpen;
01130     InicioOpen = (double)StartVideoOpen.tv_sec +
01131                  ((double)StartVideoOpen.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;
01132     FimOpen = (double)EndVideoOpen.tv_sec +
01133               ((double)EndVideoOpen.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;
01134     logOpenTime << "Time to open file " << VideoName << " " 
01135                 << FimOpen - InicioOpen << " seconds." << endl;
01136     #endif
01138     if( rc < 0 )
01139     {
01141         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01142         RioErr << "Could not open object " << VideoName << endl;
01143         #endif
01145         delete Video;
01146         Video = NULL;
01147     }
01148     else
01149     {
01151         #ifndef RIO_EMUL      
01152         Video->GetSubTitles( Access, ServerStream );
01153         #endif
01155         Video->SetWID( config->getRioMMVideoWindow() );
01156         Video->init();
01158         if( Video->getmakeLog() )
01159             makeLogHeader( Video, config, VideoName );
01160     }
01162     return( (CRioMMObject *)Video );
01163 }

void dispatchSignals ( int  sig  ) 

Definition at line 206 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

00207 {
00208     int data;
00210     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00211     RioErr << "[RioMMClient]: Entrei na dispatchSignals" << endl;
00212     #endif
00214     data = 0;
00215     if( object )
00216     {
00217         // Get additional info according to the signal received.
00218         switch( sig )
00219         {
00220             case SIGHUP:
00221                 break;
00223             case SIGCHLD:
00224                 #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00225                 RioErr << "dispatchSignals entrei aqui!!" << endl;
00226                 #endif
00227                 data = waitpid( -1, NULL, WNOHANG );
00228                 // Do not bother if it is a fake SIGCHLD.
00229                 if( data <= 0 )
00230                     return;
00231                 break;
00232         }
00234         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00235         RioErr << "\t[RioMMClient]: Dispatching Signal " << sig << endl;
00236         #endif
00238         if( object->ProcessSignal( sig, (void *)data ) == 2 )
00239         {
00240             #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00241             RioErr << "\t[RioMMClient]: Chamando o stop() da RioMMInterface."
00242                    << endl;
00243             #endif
00245             QEvent *event = new QCustomEvent( (QEvent::Type)(QEvent::User + 2),
00246                                               NULL );
00247             QApplication::postEvent( rio, event );
00248         }
00249     }
00251     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00252     RioErr << "[RioMMClient]: Saindo da dispatchSignals" << endl;
00253     #endif
00254 }

static void InitCmdParams ( ConfigData config  )  [static]

Definition at line 262 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

00263 {
00264     config->setRioMMUsePlugins( true );
00265     config->setRioMMSync( false );
00266     config->setRioMMUseCache( false );
00267     config->setRioMMTgifWindow( 0 );
00268     config->setRioMMMainWindow( 0 );
00269     config->setRioMMVideoWindow( 0 );
00270     config->setRioMMPluginPort( 0 );
00271     config->setRioMMConnectPI( false );
00272     config->setRioMMBuffers( 4 );
00273     config->setRioMMUser( "NULL" );
00274     config->setRioMMPassword( "NULL" );
00275     config->setRioMMServer( "NULL" );
00276     config->setRioMMPIHost( "NULL" );
00277 #ifdef RIO_EMUL
00278     config->setRioMMEmulator( "NULL" );
00279     config->setRioMMLogPath( "NULL" );
00280 #endif
00281 #ifdef RIO_DEBUG_FILE   
00282     // Inicializa a variavel que define o diretorio com o log da RioNeti com
00283     // NULL, indicando que o log sera gerado no diretorio atual onde o cliente
00284     // esta sendo executado.
00285     config->setRioMMRioNetiLogPath( "NULL" );
00286 #endif
00287 }

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 756 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

00757 {
00758     int        optch;
00759     int        ind = -1;
00760     int        null;
00761     ConfigData config;
00762     // Variavel usada para indicar, se true, se devemos finalizar os objetos
00763     // object, Stream, rioMMExplorer e Session.
00764     bool       finalize; 
00766     signal( SIGTERM, signalHandler );
00767     signal( SIGINT,  signalHandler );
00768     signal( SIGSEGV, segfaultHandler );
00769     signal( SIGABRT, segfaultHandler );
00770     signal( SIGCHLD, dispatchSignals );
00772     #ifndef RIO_EMUL
00773     QCustomEvent *event;
00774     #else
00775     double        wait_time = 0;
00776     int           fim       = 0;
00777     RioMMEmul     *emul;
00778     #endif
00780     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00781     RioErr << "RioMMClient disparado com PID " << getpid() << endl;
00782     #endif
00784     QDesktopWidget *screen = NULL;
00786     #ifdef RIO_EMUL
00787     static char          opts_short[] ="ab:c:d:e:l:hi:m:n:p:st:u:Vv:";
00788     #else
00789     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG_FILE
00790     static char          opts_short[] ="ab:c:d:hi:m:n:p:st:u:Vv:";
00791     #else
00792     static char          opts_short[] ="ab:c:hi:m:n:p:st:u:Vv:";
00793     #endif
00794     #endif
00795     static struct option opts_int[] =
00796     {
00797         {"autoplay"   ,0,0,'a'},
00798         {"buffers"    ,1,0,'b'},
00800         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG_FILE
00801         {"rnlogpath"  ,1,0,'d'},
00802         #endif
00803         #ifdef RIO_EMUL
00804         {"emulator"   ,1,0,'e'},
00805         {"logPath"    ,1,0,'l'},
00806         #endif
00807         {"help"       ,0,0,'h'},
00808         {"pluginport" ,1,0,'i'},
00809         {"mainwindow" ,1,0,'m'},
00810         {"usecache"   ,1,0,'c'},
00811         {"useplugins" ,1,0,'n'},
00812         {"patch"      ,1,0,'p'},
00813         {"sync"       ,1,0,'s'},
00814         {"tgifWindow" ,1,0,'t'},
00815         {"username"   ,1,0,'u'},
00816         {"vid"        ,1,0,'v'},
00817         {"version"    ,0,0,'V'},
00818         {0            ,0,0,0  }
00819     };
00821     object      = NULL;
00823     InitCmdParams( &config );
00825     readSettings( &config );
00827     #ifndef RIO_EMUL
00828     // Create the qapplication. This function also parse command line
00829     // to search for X parameters, aka -display, -geometry, -fn, etc.
00830     QApplication app( argc, argv );
00831     #endif
00833     ind = 0;
00834     while( (optch = getopt_long( argc, argv, opts_short, opts_int, &ind ) )
00835            != -1 )
00836     {
00837         switch( optch )
00838         {
00839             case 0:
00840                break;
00842             #ifndef RIO_EMUL
00843             case 'u':
00844                    config.setRioMMUser( QString( optarg ) );
00845                break;
00846             #endif
00848             case 'a':
00849                config.setRioMMAutoPlay( true );
00850                break;
00852             case 'b':
00853                if( atoi( optarg ) > 0 )
00854                    config.setRioMMBuffers( atoi( optarg ) );
00856                break;
00858             case 'n':
00859                if( atoi( optarg ) == 1 )
00860                    config.setRioMMUsePlugins( true );
00861                else
00862                    config.setRioMMUsePlugins( false );
00863                break;
00865             case 's':
00866                if( atoi( optarg ) == 1 )
00867                    config.setRioMMSync( true );
00868                else
00869                    config.setRioMMSync( false );
00870                break;
00872             case 'p':
00873                config.setRioMMConnectPI( true );
00874                config.setRioMMPIHost( QString( optarg ) );
00875                break;
00877             case 'c':
00878                if( atoi( optarg ) == 1 )
00879                    config.setRioMMUseCache( true );
00880                else
00881                    config.setRioMMUseCache( false );
00882                break;
00884             #ifdef RIO_EMUL
00885             case 'e':
00886                // O emulador sera utilizado.
00887                config.setRioMMEmulator( QString( optarg ) );
00888                break;
00890             case 'l':
00891                // Setando o diretorio destino dos logs.
00892                config.setRioMMLogPath( QString( optarg ) );
00893                break;
00894             #endif
00896             case 'v':
00897                config.setRioMMVideoWindow( atoi( optarg ) );
00898                break;
00900             case 'm':
00901                config.setRioMMMainWindow( atoi( optarg ) );
00902                break;
00904             case 't':
00905                config.setRioMMTgifWindow( atoi( optarg ) );
00906                break;
00908             case 'i':
00909                config.setRioMMPluginPort( atoi( optarg ) );
00910                null = open( "/dev/null", O_WRONLY );
00911                dup2( null, 1 );
00912                dup2( null, 2 );
00913                break;
00915             case 'h':
00916                Usage( argv[0] );
00917                break;
00919             case 'V':
00920                cout << "riommclient version: " << VERSION << endl;
00921                exit( 0 );
00922                break;
00924             #ifdef RIO_DEBUG_FILE
00925             // Nova opcao para ler, da linha de comando, o diretorio onde sera
00926             // armazenado o log da RioNeti.
00927             case 'd':
00928                 config.setRioMMRioNetiLogPath( QString( optarg ) );
00929                 break;
00930             #endif    
00932             default:
00933                cout << "Op��o \'-" << optch << "\' desconhecida!" << endl;
00934                Usage( argv[0] );
00935         }
00936         ind = -1;
00937     }
00939     if( ( config.getRioMMServer() == "NULL" ) && ( argc - optind == 1 ) )
00940         config.setRioMMServer( argv[ optind ] );
00941     else
00942         Usage( argv[0] );
00944     #ifndef RIO_EMUL
00945         // Set screen resolution
00946         screen       = new QDesktopWidget();
00947         screenWidth  = screen->screenGeometry().width();
00948         screenHeight = screen->screenGeometry().height();
00950         rio = new RioMMInterface( &config );
00951         app.setMainWidget( rio );
00953         if( config.getRioMMMainWindow() != 0 )
00954             XReparentWindow( qt_xdisplay(), rio->winId(),
00955                              (Window)config.getRioMMMainWindow(), 0, 0 );
00957         rio->show();
00959         // Enviando evento para a interface para que a mesma solicite a
00960         // password do usu�rio (se necess�rio) e dispare a thread Connection.
00961         event = new QCustomEvent( (QEvent::Type)(QEvent::User + 5),
00962                                   (void*)Connection );
00963         QApplication::postEvent( rio, event );
00965         finalize = ( app.exec() == 0 );
00967         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00968         RioErr << "main depois do app.exec, finalize = " << finalize << endl;
00969         #endif
00971     #else
00972         // Os par�metros "-e" e  "-l" s�o obrigat�rios.
00973         if( ( config.getRioMMEmulator() == "NULL" ) ||
00974             ( config.getRioMMLogPath() == "NULL" ) )
00975         {
00976             cout << "Para o emulador as op��es -e -l s�o obrigat�rias." << endl;
00977             Usage( argv[0] );
00978         }
00979         // Verifying logPath vality.
00980         char *pathCheck = strdup( config.getRioMMLogPath() );
00981         char *barPos    = strrchr( pathCheck, '/' );
00982         if( barPos != NULL )
00983             *barPos = '\0';
00985         if( !QDir( pathCheck ).exists() )
00986         {
00987             RioErr << "\nError: Path " << pathCheck << "does not exist.\n"
00988                    << "Exiting riommclient." << endl;
00989             exit( -1 );
00990         }
00992         free( pathCheck ); // Liberando mem�ria que n�o ser� mais usada.
00994         // Connection conecta-se ao servidor e cria uma inst�ncia da RioMMVideo
00995         // que ser� apontada pela vari�vel "object".
00996         if( Connection( (void *)&config ) != NULL )
00997         {
00998             if( config.getRioMMEmulator() != "NULL" )
00999             {
01000                 emul = new RioMMEmul( config.getRioMMEmulator(), object );
01001                 while( !fim )
01002                 {
01003                     if( wait_time == -1 || object->GetFinalizeEmul() )
01004                     {
01005                         RioErr << "RioMMClient - Finalizando emulador. "
01006                                << "wait_time =  " << wait_time
01007                                << ", finalize_emul = "
01008                                << object->GetFinalizeEmul() << endl;
01010                         fim = 1;
01011                         config.setRioMMEmulator( "NULL" );
01012                         wait_time = -1;
01013                         break;
01014                     }
01016                     do
01017                     {
01018                         wait_time = emul->run();
01019                     }
01020                     while( wait_time == 0 );
01022                     RioErr << "RioMMClient - testando wait_time: " << wait_time
01023                            << endl;
01025                     if( wait_time > 0 )
01026                         //Tendo em conta que o arquivo de acoes est� em
01027                         //segundos, multiplicamos aqui por 1000000 para
01028                         //converter em microsegundos, que � a unidade de tempo
01029                         //esperada pelo comando usleep.
01030                         usleep( (int)(wait_time*1000000) );
01031                 } // fim do while( !fim ).
01032                 delete emul;
01033             }
01034             finalize = true;
01035         } // fim do if( Connection( (void *)&configData ) != NULL ).
01036         else
01037         {
01039                    << endl;
01040             finalize = false;       
01041         }
01043         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01044         RioErr << "main depois de executar a emulacao, finalize = " << finalize 
01045                << endl;
01046         #endif       
01048     #endif
01050     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG_EMUL
01051     RioErr << "RioMMClient - TERMINO DA EMULACAO!" << endl;
01052     RioErr << "RioMMClient - Deletando objeto " << endl;
01053     #endif
01055     // Delete screen object.
01056     if( screen )
01057         delete screen;
01059     if( finalize ) 
01060     {
01061         if( object )
01062         {
01063             delete object;
01064             object = NULL;
01065         }
01067         Stream.Close();
01069         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01070         RioErr << "Stream fechada" << endl;
01071         #endif
01073         Session->Disconnect();
01075         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
01076         RioErr << "Desconectado" << endl;
01077         #endif
01078     }
01080     return( 0 );
01081 }

void makeLogHeader ( CRioMMVideo Video,
ConfigData config,
char *  VideoName 

Definition at line 1165 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

01167 {
01168     // Informacoes para o log de comportamento do usuario.
01169     QString        tmpFileName;
01170     struct passwd *user;
01171     unsigned int  block_size;
01172     in_addr        host;
01173     char           data[256];
01174     FILE          *conf_file;
01175     ObjectInfo     objectInfo;
01177     // Inputing the client version.
01178     Video->inputLog( QString("RioMMClient version: %1\n").arg( VERSION ) );
01180     // Inputing the user login.
01181     if( ( user = getpwuid( geteuid() ) ) == NULL )
01182         Video->inputLog( QString("User login: unknown\n" ) );
01183     else
01184         Video->inputLog( QString("User login: %1\n").arg( user->pw_name ) );
01186     // Inputing the client IP.
01187     host.s_addr = Session->getipaddr();
01188     Video->inputLog( QString( "Client IP Adrress: %1\n" ).arg( 
01189                                                         inet_ntoa( host ) ) );
01191     // Inputing the object path.
01192     Video->inputLog( QString("Object path: %1\n").arg( VideoName ) );
01194     // Inputing the object size and number os blocks.
01195     if( !FAILED( Session->GetObjectInfo( VideoName, &objectInfo ) ) )
01196     {
01197         #ifdef USE_QT_GRID
01198         // Adapta��o para a QT3.1 (usada na GRID).
01199         Video->inputLog( QString().sprintf( "Object size: %lli\n",
01200                          objectInfo.getSize() ) );
01201         #else
01202         Video->inputLog( QString( "Object size: %1\n" ).arg( 
01203                                                     objectInfo.getSize() ) );
01204         #endif                                                   
01205         Video->inputLog( QString( "Object time: %1/%2/%3 %4:%5\n" )
01206                          .arg( objectInfo.getTime().Day )
01207                          .arg( objectInfo.getTime().Month )
01208                          .arg( objectInfo.getTime().Year )
01209                          .arg( objectInfo.getTime().Hour )
01210                          .arg( objectInfo.getTime().Minute )
01211                        );
01212     }
01213     else
01214     {
01215         Video->inputLog( "Impossible to get object size.\n" );
01216         Video->inputLog( "Impossible to get object time.\n" );
01217     }
01219     // Inputing the block size.
01220     Session->GetBlockSize( &block_size );
01221     Video->inputLog( QString( "Block size: %1\n" ).arg( block_size ) );
01223     // Inputing config.
01224     Video->inputLog( "\n------------------Command Options-----------------\n" );
01225     Video->inputLog( "Command options: \n" );
01226     Video->inputLog( QString( "User      : %1\n" ).arg( config->getRioMMUser() ) );
01228     Video->inputLog( QString( "nbuffers  : %1\n" ).arg( 
01229                                                 config->getRioMMBuffers() ) );
01231     if( config->getRioMMUsePlugins() )
01232         Video->inputLog( "usePlugins: true\n" );
01233     else
01234         Video->inputLog( "usePlugins: false\n" );
01236     if( config->getRioMMSync() )
01237         Video->inputLog( "sync      : true\n" );
01238     else
01239         Video->inputLog( "sync      : false\n" );
01241     if( config->getRioMMConnectPI() )
01242         Video->inputLog( "connectPI : true\n" );
01243     else
01244         Video->inputLog( "connectPI : false\n" );
01246     if( config->getRioMMUseCache() )
01247         Video->inputLog( "useCache  : true\n" );
01248     else
01249         Video->inputLog( "useCache  : false\n" );
01251     #ifdef RIO_EMUL
01252     Video->inputLog( QString( "emulator  : %1\n" ).arg(
01253                                                 config->getRioMMEmulator() ) );
01254     Video->inputLog( QString( "logPath   : %1\n" ).arg( config->getRioMMLogPath() ) );
01255     #endif
01257     Video->inputLog( QString( "vId       : %1\n" ).arg( config->getRioMMVideoWindow() ) );
01258     Video->inputLog( QString( "mId       : %1\n" ).arg( config->getRioMMMainWindow() ) );
01259     Video->inputLog( QString( "tId       : %1\n" ).arg( config->getRioMMTgifWindow() ) );
01260     Video->inputLog( QString( "pluginPort: %1\n\n" ).arg(
01261                                                  config->getRioMMPluginPort() ) );
01263     // Inputing the config file.
01264     Video->inputLog( "\n--------------------Config file-------------------\n" );
01265     tmpFileName = QString( "%1/.qt/riorc" ).arg( getenv( "HOME" ) );
01267     if( ( conf_file = fopen( tmpFileName.ascii(), "r" ) ) != NULL )
01268     {
01269         while( feof( conf_file ) == 0 )
01270         {
01271             if( ( fgets( data, 256, conf_file ) == NULL ) && ( errno != 0 ) )
01272             {
01273                 RioErr << "makeLogHeader erro " << errno << " (" 
01274                        << strerror( errno ) << ") ao obter dados do arquivo "
01275                        << tmpFileName.ascii() << endl;
01276             }
01277             Video->inputLog( data );
01278         }
01279         fclose( conf_file );
01280     }
01281     else
01282     {
01283         Video->inputLog( QString( "Impossible to read the riorc file at %1\n" )
01284                                 .arg( tmpFileName ) );
01285     }
01287     // Now, inputing the actions log (from riommvideo and riomminterface).
01288     Video->inputLog( "------------------Actions log--------------------\n" );
01289 }

void printOptions ( ConfigData config  ) 

Definition at line 1596 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

01597 {
01598     cout << "Printing riommclient options values" << endl;
01599     cout << " usePlugins " << config->getRioMMUsePlugins() << endl;
01600     cout << " sync       " << config->getRioMMSync() << endl;
01601     cout << " useCache   " << config->getRioMMUseCache() << endl;
01602     cout << " tId        " << config->getRioMMTgifWindow() << endl;
01603     cout << " mId        " << config->getRioMMMainWindow() << endl;
01604     cout << " vId        " << config->getRioMMVideoWindow() << endl;
01605     cout << " pluginPort " << config->getRioMMPluginPort() << endl;
01606     cout << " connectPI  " << config->getRioMMConnectPI() << endl;
01607     cout << " User       " << config->getRioMMUser().latin1() << endl;
01608     cout << " Server     " << config->getRioMMServer().latin1() << endl;
01609     cout << " Password   " << config->getRioMMPassword().latin1() << endl;
01610     cout << " piHost     " << config->getRioMMPIHost().latin1() << endl;
01611     cout << " nbuffers   " << config->getRioMMBuffers() << endl;
01613     #ifdef RIO_EMUL
01614     cout << " emulator   " << config->getRioMMEmulator().latin1() << endl;
01615     cout << " logPath    " << config->getRioMMLogPath().latin1() << endl;
01616     #endif
01617 }

bool readSettings ( ConfigData config  ) 

Definition at line 1591 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

01592 {
01593     return( config->readRioMMClientSettings() );
01594 }

void segfaultHandler ( int  sig  ) 

Definition at line 748 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

00749 {
00750     RioErr << "[RioMMClient] SEGMENTATION FAULT(" << sig << ")!" << endl;
00751     show_stackframe();
00753     _exit( 1 );
00754 }

void show_stackframe (  ) 

Handles the SEGFAULT.

Definition at line 733 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

00734 {
00735     void  *trace[16];
00736     char **messages = (char **)NULL;
00737     int    i;
00738     int    trace_size = 0;
00740     trace_size = backtrace( trace, 16 );
00741     messages = backtrace_symbols( trace, trace_size );
00742     RioErr << "[bt] Execution path:" << endl;
00743     for( i = 0; i < trace_size; ++i )
00744         RioErr << "[bt(" << i << "/" << trace_size << ")] " << messages[i] 
00745                << endl;
00746 }

void signalHandler ( int  sig  ) 

Definition at line 171 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

00172 {
00173     signal( SIGSEGV, SIG_IGN );
00175     if( object )
00176     {
00177         // Make sure not attempt to operate in a SIGSEGV object.
00178         if( sig != SIGSEGV )
00179         {
00180             // Ignorando o sinal de morte do filho (caso de ctrl+C).
00181             if( sig == SIGINT )
00182                 signal( SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN );
00184             object->Stop();
00185             delete object;
00186             object = NULL;
00187         }
00188         else
00189         {
00190             RioErr << "[RioMMClient]: Caught SIGSEGV signal, exiting ... "
00191                    << endl;
00192         }
00193         Stream.Close();
00194         Session->Disconnect();
00195         exit( -1 );
00196     }
00197 }

void Usage ( char *  progname  ) 

Prints the usage.

Definition at line 117 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

00118 {
00119     #ifdef RIO_EMUL
00120     cout << "\nUsage: " << progname << " -e <emulator_file> -l "
00121          << "<logEmulator_path> [options] server:multimedia-file" << endl;
00122     cout << "  -e|--emulator <emulator_file>\n\tExecute client without "
00123          << "interactions using file 'emulator_file'." << endl;
00124     cout << "  -l|--logFilename <logEmulator_filename>\n\tFilename where the "
00125          << "emulator's logs will be stored." << endl;
00126     #else
00127     cout << "\nUsage: " << progname << " [options] server:multimedia-file"
00128          << endl;
00129     #endif
00130     cout << "\nOptions:" << endl;
00131     cout << "  -a|--autoplay\n\tActivate automatic start at the beginning of "
00132          << "the video and automatic closing of RioMMClient at the completion "
00133          << "of the video." << endl;
00134     cout << "  -b|--buffers num-buffers\n\tWait num-buffers packets before "
00135          << "start movie." << endl;
00136     cout << "  -c|--usecache <0|1>\n\t0 - Don't use cache. 1 - Use cache" 
00137          << endl;
00138     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG_FILE
00139     cout << "  -d|--rnlogpath\n\tPath where the RioNeti log will " 
00140          << "be saved." << endl;
00141     #endif     
00142     cout << "  -h|--help\n\tShow this message" << endl;
00143     cout << "  -i|--pluginport port\n\tCommunication port with browser "
00144          << "plugin" << endl;
00145     cout << "  -m|--mainwindow ID\n\tRoot window for the main interface"
00146          << endl;;
00147     cout << "  -n|--useplugins <0|1>\n\t0 - Disable all plugins. 1 - Enable "
00148          << "all plugins" << endl;
00149     cout << "  -p|--pi <hostname>\n\tConnect to a Patching Interativo Layer at"
00150          << " host 'hostname'." << endl;
00151     cout << "  -s|--sync <0|1>\n\t0 - Disable synchronization button. 1 -"
00152          << " Enable synchronization button." << endl;
00153     cout << "  -t|--tgifWindow ID\n\tRoot window for tgif" << endl;
00155     #ifndef RIO_EMUL
00156     cout << "  -u|--username user\n\tLog in using this user name." << endl;
00157     #endif
00159     cout << "  -v|--vid ID\n\tRoot window for video." << endl;
00160     cout << "  -V|--version\n\tshow riommclient version and exit" 
00161          << endl << endl;
00162     exit( -1 );
00163 }

Variable Documentation

Definition at line 63 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

Definition at line 67 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

Definition at line 68 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

Definition at line 69 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

int screenHeight = 0

Definition at line 73 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

int screenWidth = 0

Definition at line 72 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

Definition at line 65 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

Definition at line 66 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

Definition at line 64 of file RioMMClient.cpp.

Generated on Wed Jul 4 16:03:30 2012 for RIO by  doxygen 1.6.3