ConnectWindow Class Reference

#include <ConnectWindow.h>

Public Slots

void makeConnection (void)
 Make Connection: Rio Connection, Local Connection or Monitor Connection.
void changeConnectionType (int index=0)
 Changes between Local and Rio/Monitor Connection.
void changeLogin (int index=0)
 Changes between logins.
void changeLogin (const QString &string)

Public Member Functions

 ConnectWindow (QWidget *parent=0, QWorkspace *workspace=0)
void changeUpdateInterval (const int UpdateInterval)

Private Member Functions

void updateConnectionSettings (void)

Private Attributes

QComboBox * host
QComboBox * login
QLineEdit * password
QComboBox * type
QWorkspace * workspace
int UpIntMonConnection

Detailed Description

Definition at line 29 of file ConnectWindow.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ConnectWindow::ConnectWindow ( QWidget *  parent = 0,
QWorkspace *  workspace = 0 

Definition at line 32 of file ConnectWindow.cpp.

00033               : QDialog( parent, "Connect", true, 0 )
00034 {
00035     this->workspace = workspace;
00037     rioQt = (RioQt *)parent;
00039     QWidget *widget = new QWidget( this );
00040     setCaption( tr( "Open new connection" ) );
00042     QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout( widget );
00043     mainLayout->setMargin( 10 );
00045     QGridLayout *fieldLayout = new QGridLayout( 4, 2 );
00046     fieldLayout->setSpacing( 10 );
00047     fieldLayout->setMargin( 10 );
00049     type  = new QComboBox( this );
00050     type->insertItem( "Rio Connection" );
00051     type->insertItem( "Local Connection" );
00052     type->insertItem( "Monitor Connection" );
00054     host  = new QComboBox( this );
00055     host->setEditable( true );
00056     host->setInsertionPolicy( QComboBox::AtTop );
00057     host->setAutoCompletion( true );
00058     host->setDuplicatesEnabled( false );
00060     login = new QComboBox( this );
00061     login->setEditable( true );
00062     login->setInsertionPolicy( QComboBox::AtTop );
00063     login->setAutoCompletion( true );
00064     login->setDuplicatesEnabled( false );
00066     password = new QLineEdit( this );
00067     password->setEchoMode( QLineEdit::Password );
00068     password->setFocus();
00069     password->setMaxLength( MAXPASSWORDSIZE );
00071     fieldLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Type:" ), this ), 0, 0 );
00072     fieldLayout->addWidget( type, 0, 1 );
00073     fieldLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Server:" ), this ), 1, 0 );
00074     fieldLayout->addWidget( host, 1, 1 );
00075     fieldLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Login:" ), this ), 2, 0 );
00076     fieldLayout->addWidget( login, 2, 1 );
00077     fieldLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Password:" ), this ), 3, 0 );
00078     fieldLayout->addWidget( password, 3, 1 );
00080     host->insertStringList( rioQt->getConfig()->getHostsList() );
00081     login->insertStringList( rioQt->getConfig()->getUsersList() );
00083     QPushButton *connectButton = new QPushButton( tr( "Connect" ), this );
00084     QPushButton *cancelButton  = new QPushButton( tr( "Cancel" ),  this );
00086     connectButton->setDefault( true );
00088     connect( connectButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
00089              this, SLOT( makeConnection() ) );
00090     connect( cancelButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
00091              this, SLOT( close() ) );
00092     connect( type, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
00093              this, SLOT( changeConnectionType( int ) ) );
00094     connect( login, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
00095              this, SLOT( changeLogin( int ) ) );
00096     connect( login, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ),
00097              this, SLOT( changeLogin( const QString & ) ) );
00099     QHBoxLayout *buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
00100     buttonLayout->addWidget( connectButton, 0 );
00101     buttonLayout->addWidget( cancelButton,  0 );
00103     mainLayout->addLayout( fieldLayout );
00104     mainLayout->addLayout( buttonLayout );
00106     changeConnectionType();
00107     changeLogin( 0 );
00109     widget->setMinimumSize( widget->minimumSizeHint() );
00110 }

Member Function Documentation

void ConnectWindow::changeConnectionType ( int  index = 0  )  [slot]

Changes between Local and Rio/Monitor Connection.

Definition at line 210 of file ConnectWindow.cpp.

00211 {
00212     bool enabled = true;
00213     if( type->currentText() == "Local Connection" )
00214         enabled = false;
00216     host->setEnabled( enabled );
00217     login->setEnabled( enabled );
00218     password->setEnabled( enabled );
00219     if( type->currentText() == "Monitor Connection" )
00220     {
00221         login->setCurrentText( "root" );
00222         login->setEnabled( false );
00223     }
00225     if( password->isEnabled() )
00226         changeLogin( 0 );
00227 }

void ConnectWindow::changeLogin ( const QString &  string  )  [slot]

Definition at line 241 of file ConnectWindow.cpp.

00242 {
00243     changeLogin( 0 );
00244 }

void ConnectWindow::changeLogin ( int  index = 0  )  [slot]

Changes between logins.

Definition at line 232 of file ConnectWindow.cpp.

00233 {
00234     bool enabled = true;
00235     if( login->currentText() == "guest" )
00236         enabled = false;
00238     password->setEnabled( enabled );
00239 }

void ConnectWindow::changeUpdateInterval ( const int  UpdateInterval  ) 

Definition at line 246 of file ConnectWindow.cpp.

00247 {
00248    UpIntMonConnection = UpdateInterval;
00249 }

void ConnectWindow::makeConnection ( void   )  [slot]

Make Connection: Rio Connection, Local Connection or Monitor Connection.

Definition at line 115 of file ConnectWindow.cpp.

00116 {
00117     if( ( type->currentText() == "Rio Connection" ) ||
00118         ( type->currentText() == "Monitor Connection" ) )
00119     {
00120         QString errorMessage;
00121         bool status;
00123         status = true;
00124         // Default error message
00125         errorMessage = tr( "You have entered invalid value for:\n" );
00126         if( host->isEnabled() && host->currentText().isEmpty() )
00127         {
00128             errorMessage += tr( "Server Host\n" );
00129             status = false;
00130         }
00131         if( login->isEnabled() && login->currentText().isEmpty() )
00132         {
00133             errorMessage += tr( "Login\n" );
00134             status = false;
00135         }
00136         if( password->isEnabled() && password->text().isEmpty() )
00137         {
00138             errorMessage += tr( "Password\n" );
00139             status = false;
00140         }
00142         if( !status )
00143         {
00144             ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
00145                                                              errorMessage );
00146             QApplication::postEvent( (RioQt *)parent(), event );
00147         }
00148         else
00149         {
00150             char * hostName = (char *)host->currentText().latin1();
00151             char * user     = (char *)login->currentText().latin1();
00152             char * qspass   = encryptPassword(
00153                               (char *)password->text().latin1() );
00155             if( type->currentText() == "Rio Connection")
00156             {
00157                 FileWindow *rioWindow;
00158                 rioWindow = new FileWindow( workspace, rioQt, FileWindow::RIO );
00160                 if( rioWindow->connectRioServer( hostName, user, qspass ) )
00161                 {
00162                     // Criando janela do rio e criando uma nova sessao
00163                     rioWindow->show();
00165                     updateConnectionSettings();
00167                     accept();
00168                 }
00169                 else
00170                 {
00171                     delete rioWindow;
00172                     reject();
00173                 }
00174             }
00175             else // type->currentText() == "Monitor Connection"
00176             {
00177                 MonitorWindow *monitorWindow;
00178                 monitorWindow = new MonitorWindow( workspace, rioQt, 
00179                                                    UpIntMonConnection );
00181                 if( monitorWindow->connectRioServer( hostName, user, qspass ) )
00182                 {
00183                     // Criando janela do rio e criando uma nova sessao
00184                     monitorWindow->show();
00186                     updateConnectionSettings();
00188                     accept();
00189                 }
00190                 else
00191                 {
00192                     delete monitorWindow;
00193                     reject();
00194                 }
00195             }
00196         }
00197     }
00198     else // type->currentText() == "Local Connection"
00199     {
00200         FileWindow *localWindow = new FileWindow( workspace, rioQt, FileWindow::LOCAL );
00202         localWindow->show();
00203         accept();
00204     }
00205 }

void ConnectWindow::updateConnectionSettings ( void   )  [private]

Definition at line 255 of file ConnectWindow.cpp.

00256 {
00257     QStringList values;
00258     bool add_item;
00260     // Hosts list
00261     values        = rioQt->getConfig()->getHostsList();
00262     add_item      = true;
00264     for( QStringList::Iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it )
00265     {
00266         if( host->currentText() == *it )
00267         {
00268             // Move this entry to the beginning of the list
00269             values.remove( *it );
00270             values.prepend( *it );
00272             add_item = false;
00273             break;
00274         }
00275     }
00276     if( add_item )
00277     {
00278         values.prepend( host->currentText() );
00279         host->insertItem( host->currentText() );
00280     }
00281     rioQt->getConfig()->setHostsList( values );
00283     values.clear();
00285     // Users list
00286     values        = rioQt->getConfig()->getUsersList();
00287     add_item      = true;
00289     for( QStringList::Iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it )
00290     {
00291         if( login->currentText() == *it )
00292         {
00293             // Move this entry to the beginning of the list
00294             values.remove( *it );
00295             values.prepend( *it );
00297             add_item = false;
00298             break;
00299         }
00300     }
00301     if( add_item )
00302     {
00303         values.prepend( login->currentText() );
00304         login->insertItem( login->currentText() );
00305     }
00306     rioQt->getConfig()->setUsersList( values );
00307     rioQt->getConfig()->writeSettings();
00308 }

Field Documentation

QComboBox* ConnectWindow::host [private]

Definition at line 32 of file ConnectWindow.h.

QComboBox* ConnectWindow::login [private]

Definition at line 33 of file ConnectWindow.h.

QLineEdit* ConnectWindow::password [private]

Definition at line 34 of file ConnectWindow.h.

Definition at line 38 of file ConnectWindow.h.

QComboBox* ConnectWindow::type [private]

Definition at line 35 of file ConnectWindow.h.

Definition at line 42 of file ConnectWindow.h.

QWorkspace* ConnectWindow::workspace [private]

Definition at line 37 of file ConnectWindow.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed Jul 4 16:03:32 2012 for RIO by  doxygen 1.6.3