FileWindow Class Reference

#include <FileWindow.h>

Inherits RioExplorer.

Public Slots

void showDirContents (QListViewItem *)
 Updates file list with the contents of directory "item".
void openFile (QListViewItem *)
 Open file/directory in file list by double clicking or pressing return.
void openFileItem (FileItem *)
 Open FileItem.
void openDirectory (QListViewItem *)
 Open directory selected in dir tree by double clicking or pressing return.
void exploreDirectory (FileItem *)
 Open directory selected in file list by double clicking or pressing return.
void runPopupDirTree (QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int)
 Run pop up in dir tree.
void runPopupFileList (QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int)
 Run pop up in file list.
void upDir (void)
 Up Dir.
void goHomeDir (void)
 Home Dir.
void toolbarRefresh (void)
 toolbar Erase File
void toolbarEraseFile (void)
 toolbar Erase File
void toolbarCreateDir (void)
 toolbar Create Dir
void clearLocation (void)
void goLocation (int=-1)

Public Member Functions

 FileWindow (QWidget *, RioQt *, int)
RioQtgetRioQt (void)
 Returns a pointer to RioQt object.
int getType (void)
 Returns the type of the window: LOCAL or RIO.
FileItemgetCurrentDir (void)
 Return the current directory.
void refreshDirectory (FileItem *=NULL)
 Refresh Directory: updates dir tree and file list.
bool connectRioServer (char *, char *, char *)
 Connect to RIO server.
QString getHost (void)
 Return the host name.
CRioSessiongetSession (void)
 Returns a pointer to the current session.
QString getUserName (void)
 Returns the name of the current user.
bool downloadFromRio (FileItem *, QString *)
 Download file from RIO server and save it to a local file.
bool uploadToRio (QString, QString)
 Upload file to RIO server and remove temp file.
void appendCopy (RioCopy *)
 Appends a pending copy to pendingCopiesList.
void removeCopy (RioCopy *)
 Removes a pending copy from pendingCopiesList.
bool hasPendingCopies (void)
 Checks if has some pending copies.

Static Public Attributes

static const int LOCAL = 0
static const int RIO = 1
static const int MAXLEN_FILE = 1024
static const int MAXLEN_MESSAGE = 1024*5
static const int PMID_MKDIR = 0
static const int PMID_RMFILE = 1
static const int PMID_REFRESH = 2
static const int PMID_REFRESHD = 3
static const int PMID_MKOBJ = 4
static const int PMID_DF = 5
static const int PMID_OPEN = 6
static const int PMID_RENAMEFILE = 7
static const int PMID_CREATEXML = 8
static const int PMID_PROPERTIES = 9
static const int PMID_VIDEORATE = 10
static const int POPUPMENU_DIRTREE = 0
static const int POPUPMENU_DIRTREE_ITEM = 1
static const int POPUPMENU_FILELIST = 2
static const int POPUPMENU_FILELIST_ITEM = 3

Private Member Functions

void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *)
 Handles close event Obey user to close all editors before this closing FileWindow Warns RioQt that this FileWindow has been closed.
FileItemgetItemDirTree (QString)
 Returns "currentDir" child corresponding to "path".
FileItemgetParentDir (FileItem *)
 Return a pointer to the parent directory.
void removeFileList (QListView *)
 Removes all selected files in list_view.
void createDirTree (QString)
 Creates dir tree until destPath.
void popupOptLoad (int, QListViewItem *, bool=true)
 Handles common popup options.
void startEditor (QString file_name, QString remote_file_name="")
 Starts editor This function assumes that 'file_name' is a local file Parameter 'remote_file_name' is optional and should be set with the RIO file name in case of editing a RIO file.
void createDirectory ()
 Creates a new directory.
bool createObject (QString, unsigned int)
 Creates a new object.
void openDiskInfo (void)
 Opens Disk Info window and posts an event to RioQt, in order to rearrange its windows.
bool showMessage (int, string, string="")
void popupExtraOption (int, QListViewItem *)
 Manages extra popup options.
void getDirContents (QString)
void updateStatus ()
 Updates status bar.
void invokeVideoPlayer (FileItem *)
 Play a RIO video with RioMMClient.
void invokeFileEditor (FileItem *)
 Download file from RIO server (if it is a RIO file) If file is a XML one, call RioXmlInput window Otherwise, call user's favorite editor Upload file to RIO server (if it is a RIO file).
bool removeFile (FileItem *)
 Removes a file or directory recursively.
bool renameFile (FileItem *, QString)
 Renames a RIO file.
void readDirectory (FileItem *)
 Read a directory content using RioExplorer::ls.
void createXmlFile (FileItem *)
 Creates a new XML file and uploads it to RIO server.
bool editXmlFile (QString)
 Open XML file by calling RioXmlInput window.
void updateCopyProgress (void)
void setMD5Calculation (char *, bool)
void setSyncCheck (char *, bool)
void showProperties (QListView *)
 showProperties exibe as mesma informa��es do du do modo texto, como o tamanho dos arquivos, a quantidade de blocos, o espa�o livre em disco, a porcentagem livre e a porcentagem dos arquivos em rela��o ao disco
bool checkConnection (void)
 Checks if session is valid (local session, or connected remote session) and handles the error if it is a disconnected remote session (broken pipe).

Static Private Member Functions

static void dispatchSignals (int)
static void * playVideo (void *)
 Play video using 'command' Note: This is a thread.
static FileItemfindDirectoryInto (FileItem *, QString)
 Find FileItem that corresponds to "path" that it is a child of "directory".

Private Attributes

QString userName
QString homeDir
char * host
int type
QPtrList< RioCopypendingCopiesList
unsigned int blockSize
char home [MAXLEN_FILE+1]
QListView * dirTree
QListView * fileList
QToolButton * tbUpDir
QToolButton * tbHomeDir
QToolButton * tbRefresh
QToolButton * tbEraseFile
QToolButton * tbCreateDir
QComboBox * comboLocation
QToolButton * tbEraseLocation
QToolButton * tbGoLocation
QMessageBox * md5Box
QStringList locationList
bool UseVideoRate

Detailed Description

Definition at line 40 of file FileWindow.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FileWindow::FileWindow ( QWidget *  parent,
RioQt rioQt,
int  type 

Definition at line 49 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00050            : QMainWindow( parent, 0, 0 )
00051 {
00052     string message;
00054     setCentralWidget( new QSplitter( Qt::Horizontal, this ) );
00056     this->rioQt = rioQt;
00057     this->type  = type;
00059     // Inicializa o novo campo da classe, supondo que nao usamos o controle
00060     // de fluxo (isso ocorrera se estivermos vendo um diretorio local, ou se
00061     // estivermos usando um servidor antigo, que nao implementa o controle de
00062     // fluxo).
00064     UseVideoRate = false;
00066     // Primeiramente verificamos se o servidor implementa o controle de fluxo,
00067     // usando a funcao do objeto 
00069     dirTree = new DragDropListView( centralWidget(), rioQt, this );
00070     dirTree->addColumn( tr( "Directory Name" ) );
00071     dirTree->setRootIsDecorated( true );
00072     dirTree->setSelectionMode( QListView::Single );
00074     fileList = new DragDropListView( centralWidget(), rioQt, this );
00075     fileList->addColumn( tr( "File Name"  ) );
00076     fileList->addColumn( tr( "Size"       ) );
00077     fileList->addColumn( tr( "Date"       ) );
00078     fileList->addColumn( tr( "Owner"      ) );
00079     fileList->addColumn( tr( "Group"      ) );
00080     fileList->addColumn( tr( "Permission" ) );
00081     fileList->setSelectionMode( QListView::Extended );
00082     fileList->setColumnAlignment( FileItem::COLUMN_SIZE, Qt::AlignRight );
00083     fileList->setShowSortIndicator( true );
00085     // Toolbar
00086     QToolBar * toolbarButtons = new QToolBar( this );
00087     tbUpDir = new QToolButton( QIconSet( (const char **) image_up ),
00088                                "Up Directory (Ctrl+U)", QString::null, this,
00089                                SLOT(upDir()), toolbarButtons, "up" );
00090     tbUpDir->setAccel( CTRL+Key_U );
00092     tbHomeDir = new QToolButton( QIconSet( QPixmap( (const char **) image_gohome ) ),
00093                                  "Home (Ctrl+Home)", QString::null, this,
00094                                  SLOT(goHomeDir()), toolbarButtons, "home" );
00095     tbHomeDir->setAccel( CTRL+Key_Home );
00097     toolbarButtons->addSeparator();
00099     tbRefresh   = new QToolButton( QIconSet( QPixmap( (const char **) image_refresh ) ),
00100                                    "Refresh (F5)", QString::null, this,
00101                                    SLOT(toolbarRefresh()),
00102                                    toolbarButtons, "refresh" );
00103     tbRefresh->setAccel( Key_F5 );
00105     tbEraseFile = new QToolButton( QIconSet( QPixmap( (const char **) image_remove ) ),
00106                                    "Remove (Del)", QString::null, this,
00107                                    SLOT(toolbarEraseFile()),
00108                                    toolbarButtons, "erase" );
00109     tbEraseFile->setAccel( Key_Delete );
00111     tbCreateDir = new QToolButton( QIconSet( QPixmap( (const char **) image_folder_new ) ),
00112                                    "Create Directory (Ctrl+N)", QString::null, this,
00113                                    SLOT(toolbarCreateDir()),
00114                                    toolbarButtons, "create" );
00115     tbCreateDir->setAccel( CTRL+Key_N );
00117     QToolBar * toolbarLocation = new QToolBar( this );
00118     QLabel * labelLocation = new QLabel( toolbarLocation );
00119     labelLocation->setText( "Location:" );
00120     tbEraseLocation = new QToolButton( QIconSet( QPixmap( (const char **) image_locationbar_erase ) ),
00121                                        "Clear location bar (Ctrl+L)",
00122                                        QString::null, this,
00123                                        SLOT(clearLocation()),
00124                                        toolbarLocation, "clear location bar" );
00125     tbEraseLocation->setAccel( CTRL+Key_L );
00127     comboLocation = new QComboBox( toolbarLocation );
00128     comboLocation->setMinimumWidth( 500 );
00129     comboLocation->setEditable( true );
00130     comboLocation->setAutoCompletion( true );
00131     comboLocation->setDuplicatesEnabled( false );
00132     tbGoLocation = new QToolButton( QIconSet( QPixmap( (const char **) image_key_enter ) ),
00133                                     "Go", QString::null, this,
00134                                     SLOT(goLocation()),
00135                                     toolbarLocation, "go" );
00137     // DirTree Signals
00138     connect( dirTree, SIGNAL( rightButtonPressed( QListViewItem *,
00139                                                   const QPoint &, int ) ),
00140              this, SLOT( runPopupDirTree( QListViewItem *,
00141                                           const QPoint &, int ) ) );
00142     connect( dirTree, SIGNAL( selectionChanged( QListViewItem * ) ),
00143              this, SLOT( showDirContents( QListViewItem * ) ) );
00144     connect( dirTree, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListViewItem * ) ),
00145              this, SLOT( openDirectory( QListViewItem * ) ) );
00146     connect( dirTree, SIGNAL( returnPressed( QListViewItem * ) ),
00147              this, SLOT( openDirectory( QListViewItem * ) ) );
00149     // FileList Signals
00150     connect( fileList, SIGNAL( rightButtonPressed( QListViewItem *,
00151                                                    const QPoint &, int ) ),
00152              this, SLOT( runPopupFileList( QListViewItem *,
00153                                            const QPoint &, int ) ) );
00154     connect( fileList, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListViewItem * ) ),
00155              this, SLOT( openFile( QListViewItem * ) ) );
00156     connect( fileList, SIGNAL( returnPressed( QListViewItem * ) ),
00157              this, SLOT( openFile( QListViewItem * ) ) );
00159     // ComboBox Location signal
00160     connect( comboLocation, SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ),
00161              this, SLOT( goLocation( int ) ) );
00163     // Initializing data
00164     currentDir = NULL;
00165     session    = NULL;
00167     pendingCopiesList.setAutoDelete( true );
00169     if( type == LOCAL )
00170     {
00171         if( !getBlockSize( &blockSize, NULL ) )
00172         {
00173             message = "Could not get local system block size.\n";
00174             showMessage( ERROR_MSG, message );
00175         }
00177         homeDir = QDir::homeDirPath();
00178         setCaption( tr( "Local host" ) );
00179         type = LOCAL;
00181         locationList.append( homeDir );
00182         goHomeDir();
00183     }
00184     md5Box = new QMessageBox( "MD5Sum", "", QMessageBox::Information, QMessageBox::NoButton,
00185                               QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton, this, "", false );
00186     md5Box->hide();
00187 }

Member Function Documentation

void FileWindow::appendCopy ( RioCopy copy  ) 

Appends a pending copy to pendingCopiesList.

Definition at line 1917 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01918 {
01919     pendingCopiesList.append( copy );
01920 }

bool FileWindow::checkConnection ( void   )  [private]

Checks if session is valid (local session, or connected remote session) and handles the error if it is a disconnected remote session (broken pipe).

Definition at line 1898 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01899 {
01900     bool status = true;
01902     if( !checkSession() )
01903     {
01904         WindowConnectionLostEvent * event;
01906         event = new WindowConnectionLostEvent( this );
01907         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01909         status = false;
01910     }
01911     return status;
01912 }

void FileWindow::clearLocation ( void   )  [slot]

Definition at line 1812 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01813 {
01814     comboLocation->clearEdit();
01815 }

void FileWindow::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent *  closeEvent  )  [private]

Handles close event Obey user to close all editors before this closing FileWindow Warns RioQt that this FileWindow has been closed.

Definition at line 194 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00195 {
00196     if( rioQt->hasPendingEditor( this ) )
00197     {
00198         ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::WARNING,
00199                                                              tr( "There are files being edited in this window.\nFinalize these editors before closing it." ) );
00200         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00201     }
00202     else if( hasPendingCopies() )
00203     {
00204         ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::WARNING,
00205                               tr( "There are copies that involves this window being performed.\nWait for these copies to finish or cancel them before closing this window." ) );
00206         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00207     }
00208     else
00209     {
00210         WindowClosedEvent * event;
00212         event = new WindowClosedEvent( this );
00213         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00215         closeEvent->accept();
00216     }
00217 }

bool FileWindow::connectRioServer ( char *  hostName,
char *  user,
char *  passwd 

Connect to RIO server.

Definition at line 1136 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01137 {
01138     char   home[ MAXLEN_FILE + 1 ];
01139     bool   status = true;
01140     string message;
01141     // Nova variavel usada pelo controle de fluxo.
01142     RioResult result;
01144     session = createSession( hostName, user, passwd );
01146     if( session != NULL )
01147     {
01148         session->GetCurrentDir( home, MAXLEN_FILE );
01150         homeDir = home;
01151         if( !getBlockSize( &blockSize, session ) )
01152         {
01153             message  = "Erro ao tentar obter tamanho de bloco da sess�o RIO ";
01154             message += hostName;
01155             message += ".\n";
01156             showMessage( ERROR_MSG, message );
01157             status = false;
01158         }
01160         host = session->GetServerName();
01161         setCaption( QString( user ) + "@" + host );
01163         // Novo codigo, usado pela implementacao de controle de fluxo,
01164         // para verificar se o servidor possui o controle de fluxo e, em caso 
01165         // afirmativo, criar o item no objeto fileList e inicializar o campo
01166         // UseVideoRate. Isso precisa ser feito nesta funcao (ao inves do 
01167         // construtor) porque precisamos de uma sessao ativa para chamar o 
01168         // metodo que verifica se o servidor possui ou nao o controle de fluxo.
01169         result = session->CheckStreamControl( &UseVideoRate );
01170         if( FAILED(result) ) {
01171             message = "Could not check stream control implementation.\n";
01172             showMessage( ERROR_MSG, message );
01173             UseVideoRate = false;
01174         } 
01175         else if( UseVideoRate ) 
01176         {
01177            // Nova coluna usada para mostrar a taxa de transmissao, se o 
01178            // controle de fluxo estiver ativo.
01179            fileList->addColumn( tr( "File Transmission Rate" ) );
01180         }
01182         userName = user;
01183         locationList.append( homeDir );
01184         goHomeDir();
01185     }
01186     else
01187         status = false;
01189     return status;
01190 }

void FileWindow::createDirectory (  )  [private]

Creates a new directory.

Definition at line 1204 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01205 {
01206     bool     ok;
01207     string   message;
01209     QString text = QInputDialog::getText( "Creating Directory ",
01210                                            "Enter the new Directory Name:",
01211                                            QLineEdit::Normal,
01212                                            QString::null, &ok, this );
01214     // Se for passado um nome de diret�rio vazio ou composto somente por "/", 
01215     // retorna erro e n�o cria o diret�rio
01216     if( text.isEmpty() || ( text.contains( '/' ) == ( int )text.length() ) )                                      
01217     {
01218         message  = "mkdir: Nome inv�lido para diret�rio";
01220         showMessage( ERROR_MSG, message );      
01221     }
01222     else if( ok )
01223     {
01224         QString directory = currentDir->getPath() + "/" + text;
01225         mkdir( (char *)directory.latin1(), session );
01226     }
01227     refreshDirectory( currentDir );
01228 }

void FileWindow::createDirTree ( QString  destPath  )  [private]

Creates dir tree until destPath.

Definition at line 470 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00471 {
00472     FileItem *currentDirectory;
00473     QString  path;
00475     dirTree->clear();
00476     fileList->clear();
00478     currentDirectory = new FileItem( dirTree, "/", ObjectInfo::FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY, UseVideoRate );
00480     readDirectory( currentDirectory );
00481     for( int i = 1; FileItem::getPathUntil( i, destPath, &path ); i++ )
00482     {
00483         currentDirectory->setOpen( true );
00484         if( path == currentDirectory->getPath() )
00485             break;
00487         currentDirectory = FileWindow::findDirectoryInto( currentDirectory,
00488                                                           path );
00489         readDirectory( currentDirectory );
00490     }
00491     currentDir = currentDirectory;
00492     showDirContents( currentDirectory );
00494     if( !(FileItem *)dirTree->selectedItem() )
00495         dirTree->setSelected( currentDir, true );
00497     updateStatus();
00498 }

bool FileWindow::createObject ( QString  fileName,
unsigned int  size 
) [private]

Creates a new object.

Definition at line 1233 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01234 {
01235     return RioExplorer::createObject( (char *)fileName.latin1(), size );
01236 }

void FileWindow::createXmlFile ( FileItem fileItem  )  [private]

Creates a new XML file and uploads it to RIO server.

Definition at line 1641 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01642 {
01643     bool    already_exists;
01644     QFile   auxFile;
01645     QString tempName;
01646     QString auxFileName( fileItem->getFileName() );
01648     tempName = auxFileName;
01650     QString xmlFileName = auxFileName.remove( ".mpg" ) + ".xml";
01652     // Check if XML file already exists
01653     already_exists = false;
01654     QListViewItemIterator it( fileList );
01655     while( it.current() )
01656     {
01657         if( !( (FileItem *)it.current() )->getFileName().compare( xmlFileName ) )
01658         {
01659             already_exists = true;
01660             break;
01661         }
01663         it++;
01664     }
01666     if( already_exists )
01667     {
01668         ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::WARNING,
01669                               tr( "The file " ) + xmlFileName +
01670                               tr( " already exists." ) );
01671         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01672     }
01673     else
01674     {
01675         auxFileName = tempName;
01677         if( !fileItem->isDir() && fileItem->getExtType() == FileItem::ICONID_MPG )
01678         {
01679             // Open XML editor, to create a new XML fileItem
01680             RioXmlInput *xmlInput = new RioXmlInput( this,
01681                                         fileItem->getFileName(),
01682                                         fileItem->getSize() );
01684             // If user clicked 'Ok', write the new XML fileItem
01685             // and upload it
01686             if( xmlInput->isValidXml() &&
01687                 xmlInput->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
01688             {
01689                 // Write XML code to temporary fileItem
01690                 char local_file[256]; //TODO: trocar por define
01691                 strcpy( local_file, "RIO_tmp_file_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" );
01693                 if( RIOmktemp( local_file ) )
01694                 {
01695                     QTextStream  stream;
01696                     QFile       *tmp_file;
01697                     tmp_file = new QFile( QString( local_file ) );
01698                     if( !tmp_file->open( IO_WriteOnly ) )
01699                     {
01700                         ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
01701                                                                          tr( "Could not open XML fileItem" ) );
01702                         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01703                     }
01704                     else
01705                     {
01706                         stream.setDevice( tmp_file );
01708                         stream << xmlInput->getXmlCode();
01709                         tmp_file->close();
01710                     }
01712                     // Upload
01713                     uploadToRio( xmlFileName, QString( local_file ) );
01715                 }
01716                 else
01717                 {
01718                     ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
01719                                                                      tr( "Could not open XML fileItem. " ) +
01720                                                                      tr( "Error creating temporary file.") );
01721                     QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01722                 }
01725             }
01727             delete xmlInput;
01728         }
01729         else
01730         {
01731             ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::WARNING,
01732                                                              tr( "The file " ) + auxFileName +
01733                                                              tr( " is not a MPEG video." ) );
01734             QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01735         }
01736     }
01737 }

static void FileWindow::dispatchSignals ( int   )  [static, private]
bool FileWindow::downloadFromRio ( FileItem fileItem,
QString *  fileName 

Download file from RIO server and save it to a local file.

Definition at line 1488 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01489 {
01490     bool status = true;
01492     // Download file
01493     ObjectInfo fileInfo;
01494     char local_file[256]; //TODO: criar um define
01496     strcpy( local_file, "RIO_temp_file_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" );
01497     if( RIOmktemp( local_file ) )
01498     {
01499         *fileName = QString( local_file );
01501         if( getObjectInfo( (char *)fileItem->getFileName().latin1(),
01502                          session, &fileInfo ) )
01503         {
01505             bool copy_allowed = true; //allow copy
01507             if( !cp( session, NULL, &fileInfo, local_file, false, true, &copy_allowed ) )
01508             {
01509                 ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
01510                                                                  tr( "Could not copy file from RIO server." ) );
01511                 QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01513                 status = false;
01514             }
01515         }
01516     }
01517     else
01518     {
01519         ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
01520                                                          tr( "Could not create temporary file." ) );
01521         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01523         status = false;
01524     }
01526     return status;
01527 }

bool FileWindow::editXmlFile ( QString  fileName  )  [private]

Open XML file by calling RioXmlInput window.

Definition at line 1447 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01448 {
01449     bool status = false;
01451     // Open XML editor
01452     RioXmlInput *xmlInput = new RioXmlInput( this, fileName );
01454     // If user clicked 'Ok', write the new XML file
01455     if( xmlInput->isValidXml() &&
01456         xmlInput->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
01457     {
01458         // Write XML code to local file
01459         QFile *localFile = new QFile( fileName );
01460         QTextStream stream;
01462         if( !localFile->open( IO_WriteOnly ) )
01463         {
01464             ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
01465                                                              tr( "Could open XML file" ) );
01466             QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01467         }
01468         else
01469         {
01470             stream.setDevice( localFile );
01472             stream << xmlInput->getXmlCode();
01473             localFile->close();
01475             status = true;
01476         }
01477     }
01479     delete xmlInput;
01481     return status;
01483 }

void FileWindow::exploreDirectory ( FileItem fileItem  )  [slot]

Open directory selected in file list by double clicking or pressing return.

Definition at line 264 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00265 {
00266     if( fileItem->canRead() )
00267     {
00268         currentDir = getItemDirTree( fileItem->getPath() );
00270         dirTree->setSelected( currentDir, true );
00271         dirTree->ensureItemVisible( currentDir );
00272     }
00273     else
00274     {
00275         ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::WARNING,
00276                                                          tr( "Permission denied." ) );
00277         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00278     }
00279 }

FileItem * FileWindow::findDirectoryInto ( FileItem directory,
QString  path 
) [static, private]

Find FileItem that corresponds to "path" that it is a child of "directory".

Definition at line 820 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00821 {
00822     FileItem * child;
00824     child = ( FileItem * )directory->firstChild();
00825     while( child )
00826     {
00827         if( path == child->getPath() )
00828            break;
00830         child = ( FileItem * ) child->nextSibling();
00831     }
00833     return child;
00834 }

FileItem * FileWindow::getCurrentDir ( void   ) 

Return the current directory.

Definition at line 887 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00888 {
00889     return currentDir;
00890 }

void FileWindow::getDirContents ( QString  path  )  [private]

Definition at line 1278 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01279 {
01280     vector<ObjectInfo> objectsInfo;
01281     ObjectInfo fileInfo;
01282     string message;
01284     if( !getObjectInfo( (char *)path.latin1(), session, &fileInfo, false ) )
01285     {
01286         ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
01287                                                          tr( "Imposs�vel pegar informa��es de \"" ) +
01288                                                           path.latin1() +  "\".\n" );
01289         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01290     }
01291     else if( ls( &fileInfo, &objectsInfo, session,
01292                   rioQt->getConfig()->getRioshShowHiddenFiles(), false ) )
01293     {
01294         for( unsigned int i = 0; i < objectsInfo.size(); i++ )
01295         {
01296             FileItem *flFI;
01298             QString fullPath = QString::fromUtf8( objectsInfo[i].getFullPath().c_str() );
01299             // FileList
01300             flFI = new FileItem( fileList, fullPath, objectsInfo[i].getType(), UseVideoRate );
01302             QDate date;
01303             date.setYMD( (int) objectsInfo[i].getTime().Year,
01304                          (int) objectsInfo[i].getTime().Month,
01305                          (int) objectsInfo[i].getTime().Day );
01306             QTime time;
01307             time.setHMS( (int) objectsInfo[i].getTime().Hour,
01308                          (int) objectsInfo[i].getTime().Minute, 0 );
01310             QDateTime dateTime( date, time );
01312             flFI->setProperties( QString( objectsInfo[i].getOwner() ),
01313                                  QString( objectsInfo[i].getGroup() ),
01314                                  QString( short2Permission( objectsInfo[i].getPermission() ) ),
01315                                  objectsInfo[i].getSize(), dateTime,
01316                                  objectsInfo[i].getVideoRate() );
01317         }
01318     }
01319     else
01320     {
01321         ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
01322                                                          tr( "Erro ao listar conte�do de\"" ) +
01323                                                          fileInfo.getFullName() + "\".\n" );
01324         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01325     }
01326 }

QString FileWindow::getHost ( void   ) 

Return the host name.

Definition at line 1195 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01196 {
01197     return QString( host );
01198 }

FileItem * FileWindow::getItemDirTree ( QString  path  )  [private]

Returns "currentDir" child corresponding to "path".

Definition at line 248 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00249 {
00250     if( currentDir->childCount() == 0 )
00251     {
00252         readDirectory( currentDir );
00253         currentDir->setOpen( true );
00254     }
00256     FileItem * child = FileWindow::findDirectoryInto( currentDir,
00257                                                       path );
00258     return child;
00259 }

FileItem * FileWindow::getParentDir ( FileItem child  )  [private]

Return a pointer to the parent directory.

Definition at line 871 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00872 {
00873     FileItem *parentDir;
00875     // parent is NULL when fileItem is in fileList
00876     if( child->parent() == NULL )
00877         parentDir = currentDir;
00878     else
00879         parentDir = (FileItem *)child->parent();
00881     return parentDir;
00882 }

RioQt * FileWindow::getRioQt ( void   ) 

Returns a pointer to RioQt object.

Definition at line 855 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00856 {
00857     return rioQt;
00858 }

CRioSession * FileWindow::getSession ( void   ) 

Returns a pointer to the current session.

Definition at line 1265 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01266 {
01267     return session;
01268 }

int FileWindow::getType ( void   ) 

Returns the type of the window: LOCAL or RIO.

Definition at line 863 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00864 {
00865     return type;
00866 }

QString FileWindow::getUserName ( void   ) 

Returns the name of the current user.

Definition at line 1273 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01274 {
01275     return userName;
01276 }

void FileWindow::goHomeDir ( void   )  [slot]

Home Dir.

Definition at line 1095 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01096 {
01097     comboLocation->setCurrentText( homeDir );
01098     goLocation();
01099 }

void FileWindow::goLocation ( int  = -1  )  [slot]

Definition at line 1818 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01819 {
01820     QString    location = comboLocation->currentText();
01821     int        index    = locationList.findIndex( location );
01822     ObjectInfo fileInfo;
01824     if( location != "" )
01825     {
01826         if( !getObjectInfo( (char *)location.latin1(), session, &fileInfo, false ) )
01827         {
01828             showMessage( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR, tr( "The file or folder " ) +
01829                          location + tr( " does not exist" ) );
01830         }
01831         else
01832         {
01833             if( index == -1 )
01834                 locationList.append( location );
01836             if( fileInfo.isDir() )
01837                 createDirTree( QString( fileInfo.getFullPath() ) );
01838             else
01839             {
01840                 createDirTree( QString( fileInfo.getPath() ) );
01842                 // Search item in QListView
01843                 QListViewItem * item = fileList->findItem( QString( fileInfo.getName() ),
01844                                                            FileItem::COLUMN_FILENAME );
01845                 fileList->setSelected( item, true );
01846             }
01847         }
01849         comboLocation->clear();
01850         comboLocation->insertStringList( locationList );
01851         comboLocation->setCurrentText( location );
01852     }
01853     else
01854     {
01855         showMessage( ShowMessageEvent::WARNING,
01856                      tr( "Please, type the location you want to go." ) );
01857     }
01858 }

bool FileWindow::hasPendingCopies ( void   ) 

Checks if has some pending copies.

Definition at line 1942 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01943 {
01944     return( pendingCopiesList.count() > 0 ); 
01945 }

void FileWindow::invokeFileEditor ( FileItem fileItem  )  [private]

Download file from RIO server (if it is a RIO file) If file is a XML one, call RioXmlInput window Otherwise, call user's favorite editor Upload file to RIO server (if it is a RIO file).

Definition at line 1567 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01568 {
01569     bool status = true;
01570     QString fileName;
01572     // Have to download RIO file
01573     if( type == RIO )
01574     {
01575         status = downloadFromRio( fileItem, &fileName );
01576     }
01577     else /* LOCAL */
01578     {
01579         fileName = fileItem->getFileName();
01580     }
01582     if( status )
01583     {
01584         // User clicked a XML file
01585         // Open XML editor window
01586         if( fileItem->getExtType() == FileItem::ICONID_XML )
01587         {
01588             if( editXmlFile( fileName ) )
01589             {
01590                 // Upload to RIO
01591                 if( type == RIO )
01592                     uploadToRio( fileItem->getFileName(), fileName );
01593             }
01594         }
01595         // User clicked an editable file, other than XML
01596         // Open his favorite text editor
01597         else
01598         {
01599             // Starts editor
01600             // When the editor get closed, RioQt::handle_SIGCHLD() function
01601             // will upload file
01602             startEditor( fileName, fileItem->getFileName() );
01603         }
01604     }
01605     else
01606     {
01607         ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
01608                                                          tr( "Could not copy file from RIO server." ) );
01609         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01610     }
01611 }

void FileWindow::invokeVideoPlayer ( FileItem fileItem  )  [private]

Play a RIO video with RioMMClient.

Definition at line 1416 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01417 {
01418     pthread_t thread;
01419     char *command = (char *) malloc( (MAXLEN_MESSAGE + 1)*sizeof(char));
01420     pthread_attr_t attrib;
01421     pthread_attr_init( &attrib );
01422     pthread_attr_setstacksize( &attrib, 2*PTHREAD_STACK_MIN );
01424     memset( command, 0, (MAXLEN_MESSAGE + 1)*sizeof(char) );
01426     // Assembly player command
01427     if( type == RIO )
01428     {
01429         strcpy( command, "riommclient "                  );
01430         strcat( command, host                            );
01431         strcat( command, ":"                             );
01432         strcat( command, fileItem->getFileName().ascii() );
01433     }
01434     else /* LOCAL */
01435     {
01436         strcpy( command, "mplayer "                      );
01437         strcat( command, fileItem->getFileName().ascii() );
01438         strcat( command, " > /dev/null 2>&1"             );
01439     }
01441     pthread_create( &thread, &attrib, playVideo, command );
01442 }

void FileWindow::openDirectory ( QListViewItem *  item  )  [slot]

Open directory selected in dir tree by double clicking or pressing return.

Definition at line 284 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00285 {
00286     if( checkConnection() )
00287     {
00288         FileItem * fileItem = (FileItem *)item;
00290         currentDir = fileItem;
00291         if( fileItem->canRead() )
00292         {
00293             refreshDirectory( fileItem );
00295             if( !fileItem->isOpen() )
00296                 fileItem->setOpen( true );
00298             updateStatus();
00299         }
00300         else
00301         {
00302             ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::WARNING,
00303                                                              tr( "Permission denied." ) );
00304             QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00305         }
00306     }
00307 }

void FileWindow::openDiskInfo ( void   )  [private]

Opens Disk Info window and posts an event to RioQt, in order to rearrange its windows.

Definition at line 1242 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01243 {
01244     WindowOpenedEvent *event;
01245     DfRioWindow *df_window;
01247     // Open disk info window, with the name DfRioWindow
01248     df_window = new DfRioWindow( ( QWidget * ) parent()->parent(), this, "DfRioWindow" );
01250     // If could retrieve disk info, shows window and post event
01251     if( df_window->getDiskStatus() )
01252     {
01253         df_window->show();
01255         event = new WindowOpenedEvent();
01256         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01257     }
01258     else
01259         delete df_window;
01260 }

void FileWindow::openFile ( QListViewItem *  item  )  [slot]

Open file/directory in file list by double clicking or pressing return.

Definition at line 312 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00313 {
00314     if( checkConnection() )
00315     {
00316         // If has more than one selected item, open all
00317         QPtrList<FileItem> selected_list = ( (DragDropListView *)item->listView())->getSelectedFileItems();
00319         for( unsigned int i = 0; i < selected_list.count(); i++ )
00320         {
00321             openFileItem( i ) );
00322         }
00323     }
00324 }

void FileWindow::openFileItem ( FileItem fileItem  )  [slot]

Open FileItem.

Definition at line 329 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00330 {
00331     if( fileItem->isDir() )
00332     {
00333         exploreDirectory( fileItem );
00334     }
00335     else
00336     {
00337         unsigned int file_type = fileItem->getExtType();
00339         // User clicked a MPEG file
00340         if( file_type == FileItem::ICONID_MPG )
00341         {
00342             invokeVideoPlayer( fileItem );
00343         }
00344         // User clicked a ZIP file
00345         else if( file_type == FileItem::ICONID_ZIP_FILE )
00346         {
00347             ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::WARNING,
00348                                                              tr( "Cannot open a ZIP file." ) );
00349             QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00350         }
00351         // User clicked a editable file
00352         else if( file_type == FileItem::ICONID_XML     ||
00353                  file_type == FileItem::ICONID_BROWSER ||
00354                  file_type == FileItem::ICONID_INDEX   ||
00355                  file_type == FileItem::ICONID_TGIF       )
00356         {
00357             invokeFileEditor( fileItem );
00358         }
00359         // User clicked an broken link
00360         else if( file_type == FileItem::ICONID_BROKEN_LINK )
00361         {
00362             ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::WARNING,
00363                                                              tr( "This file is a broken link. Cannot open it." ) );
00364             QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00365         }
00366         // User clicked an unknown file type
00367         else
00368         {
00369             ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::WARNING,
00370                                                              tr( "Unknown file type." ) );
00371             QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00372         }
00373     }
00374 }

void * FileWindow::playVideo ( void *  command  )  [static, private]

Play video using 'command' Note: This is a thread.

Definition at line 442 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00443 {
00444     int erro, errolib;
00446     erro = system( ( char * ) command );
00447     errolib = errno;
00449     if( ( erro == -1 ) && ( errolib != ECHILD ) )
00450     {
00451         RioErr << "FileWindow::playVideo system falhou em executar o comando "
00452                << ( char * ) command << " e gerou o erro " << errolib << " (" 
00453                << strerror( errolib ) << ")." << endl;
00454     }
00455     else if( ( WIFEXITED( erro ) ) && ( WEXITSTATUS( erro ) != 0 ) )
00456     {
00457         RioErr << "FileWindow::playVideo o comando " << ( char * ) command 
00458                << " executou corretamente, mas retornou um valor " 
00459                << WEXITSTATUS( erro ) << " diferente de 0." << endl;
00460     }
00462     free( command );
00464     return NULL;
00465 }

void FileWindow::popupExtraOption ( int  id,
QListViewItem *  item 
) [private]

Manages extra popup options.

Definition at line 1742 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01743 {
01744     FileItem * fileItem =(FileItem *)item;
01746     switch( id )
01747     {
01748         case PMID_MKOBJ:
01749         {
01750             bool ok;
01751             QString size;
01752             QString text = QInputDialog::getText( tr( "Create object" ),
01753                                                   tr( "Enter the new object name:" ),
01754                                                   QLineEdit::Normal,
01755                                                   QString::null, &ok, this );
01757             if( ok && !text.isEmpty() )
01758             {
01759                 size = QInputDialog::getText( tr( "Create object" ),
01760                                               tr( "Enter the new object size (in blocks):" ),
01761                                               QLineEdit::Normal,
01762                                               QString::null, &ok, this );
01763                 if( ok && !text.isEmpty() )
01764                 {
01765                      createObject( fileItem->getPath() + "/" + text,
01766                                    (unsigned int)atol( size ) );
01767                 }
01768             }
01770             refreshDirectory( ( FileItem * ) fileItem );
01771         }
01772         break;
01774         case PMID_DF:
01775             openDiskInfo();
01776             break;
01777   }
01778 }

void FileWindow::popupOptLoad ( int  id,
QListViewItem *  item,
bool  autorefresh = true 
) [private]

Handles common popup options.

Definition at line 630 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00631 {
00632     FileItem *fileItem = (FileItem *)item;
00634     switch( id )
00635     {
00636         case PMID_MKDIR:
00637         {
00638            createDirectory();
00640        break;
00641         }
00643         case PMID_REFRESHD:
00644         {
00645             refreshDirectory( fileItem );
00647             break;
00648         }
00650         case PMID_RENAMEFILE:
00651         {
00652             bool ok;
00653             ObjectInfo fileInfo;
00654             ObjectInfo newFileInfo;
00655             QString new_file_name;
00656             QString path;
00658             getObjectInfo( (char *)fileItem->getFileName().latin1(), session, 
00659                            &fileInfo );
00661             new_file_name = QInputDialog::getText( "Rename file",
00662                                                    "Enter the new file name:",
00663                                                    QLineEdit::Normal,
00664                                                    fileInfo.getName(),
00665                                                    &ok, this );
00666             if( !fileItem->isDir() )
00667             {
00668                 new_file_name = fileItem->getPath() + '/' + new_file_name;
00669             }
00670             else
00671             {
00672                 int index = fileItem->getPath().findRev( '/' );
00673                 path = fileItem->getPath().left( index );
00674                 new_file_name = path + '/' + new_file_name;
00675             }
00677             if( ok                       &&    
00678                 !new_file_name.isEmpty() && 
00679                 ( new_file_name != fileItem->getFileName() ) 
00680               )
00681             {
00682                 // Verifica se j� existe um arquivo com o novo nome fornecido, e ent�o renomeia.
00683                 if( !getObjectInfo( (char *)new_file_name.latin1(), 
00684                     session, &newFileInfo, false )
00685                   ) 
00686                 {
00687                     renameFile( fileItem, new_file_name );
00688                     if( autorefresh )
00689                         refreshDirectory( getParentDir( fileItem ) );
00690                 }
00691                 else
00692                 {
00693                     ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::INFO,
00694                                                                  tr( "The name already exists" ) );
00695                     QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00696                 }
00697             }
00699             break;
00700         }
00702         case PMID_PROPERTIES:
00703         {
00704             showProperties( item->listView() );
00706             break;
00707         }
00709         case PMID_OPEN:
00710         {
00711             openFileItem( fileItem );
00713             break;
00714         }
00716         case PMID_CREATEXML:
00717         {
00718             createXmlFile( fileItem );
00719             if( autorefresh )
00720                 refreshDirectory( getParentDir( fileItem ) );
00722             break;
00723         }
00725         // Called only when deletes in dirTree (Single Selection)
00727         case PMID_RMFILE:
00728         {
00729             removeFileList( item->listView() );
00731             break;
00732         }
00734         // Implementa a opcao que muda a taxa de transmissao do video.
00736         case PMID_VIDEORATE:
00737         {
00738             CRioStream *stream;
00739             CRioObject *object;
00740             RioResult result;
00741             unsigned int VideoRate;
00742             bool ChangeVideoRate;
00743             // Deveremos inicialmente criar agora o stream usado para alterar 
00744             // e ler a taxa de transferencia dos arquivos (somente os videos).
00745             stream = createNRTStream( session );
00746             if( stream == NULL )
00747             {
00748                     ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
00749                                                                      tr( "Stream creation error" ) );
00750                     QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00751             } 
00752             else 
00753             {
00754                 // Tentamos criar um objeto para obter o valor da taxa de
00755                 // transmissao (que sera mostrado na caixa de dialogo usada para
00756                 // alterar a taxa), e para depois alterar, se necessario a taxa.
00757                 object = new CRioObject;
00758                 if( object == NULL)
00759                 {
00760                     ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
00761                                                                      tr( "Object creation error" ) );
00762                     QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00763                     break;
00764                 }    
00765                 result = object->Open( fileItem->getFileName(), RIO_RW_ACCESS, 
00766                                        stream );
00767                 if( FAILED( result ) ){
00768                     ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
00769                                                                      tr( "Open object error" ) );
00770                     QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00771                     break;
00772                 }
00773                 // tenta obter a taxa de transmissao do video.
00774                 result = object->GetVideoRate( &VideoRate );                     
00775                 if( FAILED( result ) ){
00776                     ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
00777                                                                      tr( "Transmission rate read error" ) );
00778                     QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00779                     break;
00780                 }
00781                 // Mostra o dialogo para permitir que o usuario altera a taxa de
00782                 // transmissao do video.
00783                 VideoRate = QInputDialog::getInteger( "Change video rate",
00784                                                       "New video rate",
00785                                                       VideoRate, 0, 2147483647,
00786                                                       1, &ChangeVideoRate, this,
00787                                                       "ChangeVideoRateDialog" );
00788                 if( ChangeVideoRate )
00789                 {
00790                     // Tenta alterar a taxa de transmissao do video.
00791                     result = object->SetVideoRate( VideoRate );                     
00792                     if( FAILED( result ) ){
00793                         ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
00794                                                                      tr( "Transmission rate write error" ) );
00795                         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00796                         break;
00797                     }
00798                     refreshDirectory( getParentDir( fileItem ) );
00799                 }
00800                 delete object;
00801                 delete stream;                                      
00802             }
00803             break;                                                
00804         }
00806         default:
00807         {
00808             // specific popup option
00809             popupExtraOption( id, item );
00810         }
00811     }
00813     // Update status bar
00814     updateStatus();
00815 }

void FileWindow::readDirectory ( FileItem directory  )  [private]

Read a directory content using RioExplorer::ls.

Definition at line 1331 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01332 {
01333     vector<ObjectInfo> objectsInfo;
01334     ObjectInfo fileInfo;
01335     string message;
01337     if( !getObjectInfo( (char *)directory->getPath().latin1(), session, &fileInfo ) )
01338     {
01339         ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
01340                                                          tr( "Imposs�vel pegar informa��es de \"" ) +
01341                                                          directory->getPath().latin1() +
01342                                                          "\".\n" );
01343         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01345     }
01346     else if( ls( &fileInfo, &objectsInfo, session,
01347                   rioQt->getConfig()->getRioshShowHiddenFiles(), false ) )
01348     {
01349         for( unsigned int i = 0; i < objectsInfo.size(); i++ )
01350         {
01351             if( objectsInfo[i].isDir() )
01352             {
01353                 FileItem *dirFI;
01355                 dirFI = new FileItem( directory, objectsInfo[i].getFullPath(), objectsInfo[i].getType(), UseVideoRate );
01356             }
01357         }
01358     }
01359     else
01360     {
01361         ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
01362                                                          tr( "Erro ao listar conte�do de\"" ) +
01363                                                          fileInfo.getFullName() +
01364                                                          "\".\n" );
01365         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01366     }
01367 }

void FileWindow::refreshDirectory ( FileItem directory = NULL  ) 

Refresh Directory: updates dir tree and file list.

Definition at line 839 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00840 {
00841     if( directory == NULL )
00842         directory = currentDir;
00843     showDirContents( directory );
00845     int count = directory->childCount();
00846     for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
00847         delete directory->firstChild();
00849     readDirectory( directory );
00850 }

void FileWindow::removeCopy ( RioCopy copy  ) 

Removes a pending copy from pendingCopiesList.

Definition at line 1925 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01926 {
01927     for( unsigned int i = 0; i < pendingCopiesList.count(); i++ )
01928     {
01929         RioCopy * item = ( (RioCopy *) i ) );
01931         if( item == copy )
01932         {
01933             pendingCopiesList.remove( i );
01934             break;
01935         }
01936     }
01937 }

bool FileWindow::removeFile ( FileItem file  )  [private]

Removes a file or directory recursively.

Definition at line 1616 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01617 {
01618     ObjectInfo fileInfo;
01619     bool   status = true;
01620     string message;
01622     if( !getObjectInfo( (char *)file->getFileName().latin1(), session, &fileInfo ) )
01623     {
01624         ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
01625                                                          tr( "Imposs�vel pegar informa��es de \"" ) +
01626                                                          file->getFileName().latin1() +
01627                                                          "\".\n" );
01628         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01630         status = false;
01631     }
01632     else
01633         status = rm( &fileInfo, session, false, true );
01635     return status;
01636 }

void FileWindow::removeFileList ( QListView *  list_view  )  [private]

Removes all selected files in list_view.

Definition at line 895 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00896 {
00897     QPtrList<FileItem> selected_list = ( (DragDropListView *)list_view )->getSelectedFileItems();
00899     // If there is some selected item, ask user if he really wants to
00900     // remove
00901     ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::QUESTION,
00902                                                      tr( "Are you sure you want to remove the selected item(s)?" ),
00903                                                      tr( "Remove files" ) );
00904     QApplication::sendEvent( rioQt, event );
00905     int result = event->getResult();
00906     delete event;
00908     // Muda o cursor para o estado "waiting"
00909     QApplication::setOverrideCursor( QCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ) );
00911     if( ( selected_list.count() > 0 ) && ( result == QMessageBox::Yes ) )
00912     {
00913         for( unsigned int i = 0; i < selected_list.count(); i++ )
00914         {
00915             if( !removeFile( i ) ) )
00916             {
00917                 ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
00918                                                                  tr( "Error while removing file ")
00919                                                                  + i )->getFileName() );
00920                 QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00921                 break;
00922             }
00923         }
00925         refreshDirectory( getParentDir( ) );
00926     }
00928     // Update status bar
00929     updateStatus();
00931     // Faz o cursor sair do estado "waiting" e voltar ao normal
00932     QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();    
00933 }

bool FileWindow::renameFile ( FileItem fileItem,
QString  new_file_name 
) [private]

Renames a RIO file.

Definition at line 1783 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01784 {
01785     return mv( (char *)fileItem->getFileName().ascii(),
01786                (char *)new_file_name.ascii(),
01787                session, true );
01788 }

void FileWindow::runPopupDirTree ( QListViewItem *  item,
const QPoint &  pos,
) [slot]

Run pop up in dir tree.

Definition at line 503 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00505 {
00506     if( checkConnection() )
00507     {
00508        // Popup menu of directory tree
00509         QPopupMenu *menuItemDirTree  = new QPopupMenu( dirTree );
00510         menuItemDirTree->insertItem( tr( "Create directory" ), PMID_MKDIR );
00512         if( type == RIO )
00513             menuItemDirTree->insertItem( tr( "Create object" ),    PMID_MKOBJ );
00515         menuItemDirTree->insertItem( tr( "Remove directory" ), PMID_RMFILE );
00516         menuItemDirTree->insertSeparator();
00518         if( type == RIO )
00519         {
00520             menuItemDirTree->insertItem( tr( "Disk information" ), PMID_DF );
00521             menuItemDirTree->insertSeparator();
00522         }
00524         menuItemDirTree->insertItem( tr( "Refresh" ),          PMID_REFRESHD );
00526         if( item != NULL )
00527             popupOptLoad( menuItemDirTree->exec( pos ), item );
00529         delete menuItemDirTree;
00530     }
00531 }

void FileWindow::runPopupFileList ( QListViewItem *  item,
const QPoint &  pos,
) [slot]

Run pop up in file list.

Definition at line 536 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00538 {
00539     if( checkConnection() )
00540     {
00541         FileItem *fileItem = (FileItem *)item;
00543         // Popup menu of file list (no item selected)
00544         QPopupMenu *menuFileList     = new QPopupMenu( fileList );
00545         menuFileList->insertItem( tr( "Create directory" ),    PMID_MKDIR );
00547         if( type == RIO )
00548             menuFileList->insertItem( tr( "Create object" ),       PMID_MKOBJ );
00550         menuFileList->insertSeparator();
00552         if( type == RIO )
00553         {
00554             menuFileList->insertItem( tr( "Disk information" ),    PMID_DF );
00555             menuFileList->insertSeparator();
00556         }
00558         menuFileList->insertItem( tr( "Refresh" ),             PMID_REFRESHD );
00560         // Popup menu of file list (item selected)
00561         QPopupMenu *menuItemFileList = new QPopupMenu( fileList );
00562         menuItemFileList->insertItem( tr( "Open" ),            PMID_OPEN );
00563         menuItemFileList->insertItem( tr( "Remove" ),          PMID_RMFILE );
00564         menuItemFileList->insertItem( tr( "Rename" ),          PMID_RENAMEFILE );
00565         menuItemFileList->insertItem( tr( "Properties" ),      PMID_PROPERTIES );
00567         menuItemFileList->insertSeparator();
00568         menuItemFileList->insertItem( tr( "Refresh" ),         PMID_REFRESHD );
00570         if( fileItem != NULL   &&
00571             !fileItem->isDir() &&
00572             fileItem->getExtType() == FileItem::ICONID_MPG
00573           )
00574         {
00575             menuItemFileList->insertSeparator();
00576             menuItemFileList->insertItem( tr( "Create XML file" ), PMID_CREATEXML );
00577             // Nova opcao para alterar a taxa de transmissao do video (usada 
00578             // pela implementacao de controle do fluxo). Ela somente sera
00579             // adicionada se estiver ativo o uso da taxa de transferencia.
00580             if( UseVideoRate )
00581                 menuItemFileList->insertItem( tr( "Change video rate" ), 
00582                                               PMID_VIDEORATE );
00584         }
00586         // Checking if is multiselection
00587         QPtrList<FileItem> selected_list = ( (DragDropListView *)fileList )->getSelectedFileItems();
00589         if( selected_list.count() == 0 )
00590         {
00591             popupOptLoad( menuFileList->exec( pos ), currentDir );
00592         }
00593         else
00594         {
00595             int id = menuItemFileList->exec( pos );
00596             // Some actions are not suported in multiselection
00597             // Refreshing current dir
00598             if( id == PMID_REFRESHD )
00599             {
00600                 popupOptLoad( id, currentDir );
00601             }
00602             else if( id == PMID_RMFILE )
00603             {
00604                 removeFileList( fileList );
00605             }
00606             else if( id == PMID_PROPERTIES )
00607             {
00608                 popupOptLoad( id, 0 ), false );
00609             }
00610             else
00611             {
00612                 for( unsigned int i = 0; i < selected_list.count(); i++ )
00613                 {
00614                     popupOptLoad( id, i ), false );
00615                 }
00617                 // Refreshing current dir
00618                 popupOptLoad( PMID_REFRESHD, currentDir );
00619             }
00620         }
00622         delete menuFileList;
00623         delete menuItemFileList;
00624     }
00625 }

void FileWindow::setMD5Calculation ( char *  object,
bool  finished 
) [private, virtual]

Implements RioExplorer.

Definition at line 1869 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01870 {
01871     // O código a seguir, teoricamente, mostra uma mensagem indicando que o
01872     // riosh está calculando o MD5sum do arquivo object. Por algum motivo
01873     // desconhecido, a mensagem somente aparece após o MD5sum ter sido calculado
01874     // (e devido ao comando md5Box->hide(), desaparece imediatamente), o que
01875     // elimina o seu propósito
01876     /*if( finished )
01877     {
01878         md5Box->hide();
01879     }
01880     else
01881     {
01882         md5Box->setText( ((QString)"Calculating MD5sum for ") + object + "..." );
01883         md5Box->show();
01884         md5Box->raise();
01885     }*/
01886 }

void FileWindow::setSyncCheck ( char *  object,
bool  finished 
) [private, virtual]

Implements RioExplorer.

Definition at line 1888 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01889 {
01890     // Um mecanismo de mensagem semelhante ao método setMD5Calculation deve ser
01891     // implementado
01892 }

void FileWindow::showDirContents ( QListViewItem *  item  )  [slot]

Updates file list with the contents of directory "item".

Definition at line 222 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00223 {
00224     // Muda o cursor para o estado "waiting"
00225     QApplication::setOverrideCursor( QCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ) );
00227     if( checkConnection() )
00228     {
00229         FileItem * fileItem = (FileItem *)item;
00231         currentDir = fileItem;
00232         fileList->clear();
00233         if( fileItem->canRead() )
00234         {
00235             getDirContents( fileItem->getPath() );
00236         }
00238         comboLocation->setCurrentText( fileItem->getPath() );
00239     }
00241     // Faz o cursor sair do estado "waiting" e voltar ao normal
00242     QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();    
00243 }

bool FileWindow::showMessage ( int  type,
string  message,
string  title = "" 
) [private, virtual]

Implements RioExplorer.

Definition at line 1790 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01791 {
01792     bool status = true;
01793     ShowMessageEvent * event;
01794     if( title == "" )
01795         event = new ShowMessageEvent( type, message );
01796     else
01797         event = new ShowMessageEvent( type, message, title );
01798     if( type == RioExplorer::QUESTION_MSG )
01799     {
01800         QApplication::sendEvent( rioQt, event );
01801 //        QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01802         if( event->getResult() == QMessageBox::No )
01803             status = false;
01804         delete event;
01805     }
01806     else
01807         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01809     return status;
01810 }

void FileWindow::showProperties ( QListView *  list_view  )  [private]

showProperties exibe as mesma informa��es do du do modo texto, como o tamanho dos arquivos, a quantidade de blocos, o espa�o livre em disco, a porcentagem livre e a porcentagem dos arquivos em rela��o ao disco

Definition at line 940 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00941 {
00942     QString                message;
00944     // Variaveis para o c�lculo do tamanho do disco do servidor
00945     vector<DfInfo>         dfInfo;
00946     RioObjectSize          free_size          = 0;
00947     unsigned int      total_blocks       = 0;      
00948     unsigned int      free_blocks        = 0;
00949     float                  percent_free       = 0;
00950     string                 free_size_str;
00951     string                 percent_free_str;
00953     // Variaveis para o c�lculo do tamanho dos arquivos selecionados
00954     vector<DuInfo>         info;
00955     RioObjectSize          size               = 0;
00956     unsigned int      nBlocks            = 0;
00957     float                  percent_files_disk = 0;
00958     string                 size_str;
00959     string                 nBlocks_str;
00960     string                 percent_files_disk_str;
00962     //Vari�veis para a apresenta��o do md5sum
00963     char md5[MD5SIZE];
00964     memset( md5, 0, sizeof( md5 ) );
00966     // Muda o cursor para o estado "waiting", pois existem opera��es feitas
00967     // nesta janela que podem demorar muito, como c�lculo do md5sum 
00968     QApplication::setOverrideCursor( QCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ) );
00970     if( type == RIO )
00971     {
00972         // Get disk info
00973         df( &dfInfo );
00975         for( unsigned int node = 0; node < dfInfo.size(); node++ )
00976         {
00977             // Accumulating info for all storage nodes
00978             free_size    += dfInfo[node].free_size;
00979             total_blocks += dfInfo[node].total_blocks_of_all_disks;
00980             free_blocks  += dfInfo[node].free_blocks_of_all_disks;
00981         }
00983         free_size_str = RioExplorer::formatSize( (RioObjectSize) free_size );
00984         percent_free  = free_blocks * 100.0 / total_blocks;
00985     }
00987     QPtrList<FileItem> selected_list = ( (DragDropListView *)list_view )->getSelectedFileItems();
00989     if( selected_list.count() > 0 )
00990     {
00991         for( unsigned int i = 0; i < selected_list.count(); i++ )
00992         {
00993             if( !du( &info, (char *) i )->getFileName().latin1(), session, true ) )
00994             {
00995                 ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
00996                                                                  tr( "Error executing du" )
00997                                                                  + i )->getFileName() );
00998                 QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00999                 break;
01000             }
01001             else
01002             {
01003                 if( info.empty() )
01004                 {
01005                     nBlocks = 0;
01006                     size = 0;
01007                 }
01008                 else
01009                 {
01010                     nBlocks +=  info[info.size() - 1].nBlocks;
01011                     size    +=  info[info.size() - 1].size;
01012                 }
01013             }
01014         }
01016         // Porcentagem da soma dos arquivos em rela��o ao total de espa�o no disco
01017         percent_files_disk = nBlocks * 100.0 / total_blocks;
01019         // Mostra apenas as 2 primeiras casas decimais de percent_files_disk
01020         percent_files_disk *= 100;
01021         percent_files_disk  = (int)percent_files_disk;
01022         percent_files_disk /= 100.0;
01024         // Formata o size para ser mostrado na tela em KB, MB, Gb....
01025         size_str = RioExplorer::formatSize( size );       
01027         // Cria variaveis em string, para serem mostradas na tela pela MessageEvent
01028         percent_free_str       = float2string( percent_free );
01029         percent_files_disk_str = float2string( percent_files_disk );
01030         nBlocks_str            = int2string( nBlocks );
01032         #ifdef USE_QT_GRID
01033         // Necess�rio para compilar na Qt 3.1 (usada na GRID).
01034         message += " O(s) arquivo(s) selecionado(s) tem " + nBlocks_str +
01035                    " blocos\n";
01036         #else
01037         message  = " O(s) arquivo(s) selecionado(s) tem " + nBlocks_str +
01038                    "blocos\n";
01039         #endif
01041         message += " Tamanho total do(s) arquivo(s) = " + size_str + "\n";
01043         // Caso mais de um arquivo seja selecionado ou seja um diret�rio, nao mostra o md5sum
01044         if( ( selected_list.count() != 1 ) || ( 0 )->isDir() ) )
01045         {
01046             message += " O Md5sum n�o � aplic�vel nesse caso.\n\n";
01047         }
01048         else
01049         {
01050             if( ( type == LOCAL ) && ( rioQt->getConfig()->getRioshShowMd5sumLocal() ) )
01051             {
01053                 // Calcula o Md5sum do arquivo e armazena em "md5"
01054                 getObjectMd5Sum( (char *) 0 )->getFileName().latin1(), session, md5 );
01055                 message += " O Md5sum do arquivo �: " + (QString)md5 + "\n\n";
01056             }
01057             else
01058             {
01059                 if( ( type == RIO ) && ( rioQt->getConfig()->getRioshShowMd5sumRIO() ) )
01060                 {
01061                     getObjectMd5Sum( (char *) 0 )->getFileName().latin1(), session, md5 );
01062                     message += " O Md5sum do arquivo �: " + (QString)md5 + "\n\n";
01063                 }
01064             }
01065         }
01067         // Para arquivos do servidor, mostra essas informa��es
01068         if( type == RIO )
01069         {
01070             message += " Espa�o livre em disco: " + free_size_str + "\n";
01071             message += " Porcentagem livre no disco: " + percent_free_str + " %\n";
01072             message += " Porcentagem do(s) arquivo(s) em rela��o ao disco: " + percent_files_disk_str + " %\n";
01073         }
01075         ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::INFO,
01076                                                                  tr( message ) );
01077         QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01078     }
01080     // Faz o cursor sair do estado "waiting" e voltar ao normal
01081     QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
01082 }

void FileWindow::startEditor ( QString  file_name,
QString  remote_file_name = "" 
) [private]

Starts editor This function assumes that 'file_name' is a local file Parameter 'remote_file_name' is optional and should be set with the RIO file name in case of editing a RIO file.

Definition at line 382 of file FileWindow.cpp.

00384 {
00385     pid_t editorPID;
00387     // Parent procedure
00388     if( ( editorPID = fork() ) != 0 )
00389     {
00390         if( editorPID == -1 )
00391         {
00392             ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
00393                                                              tr( "Could not start editor." ) );
00394             QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
00395         }
00396         else
00397         {
00398             Editor *editor = new Editor( editorPID       , file_name,
00399                                          remote_file_name, this       );
00401             rioQt->appendEditor( editor );
00402         }
00403     }
00404     // Child procedure
00405     else
00406     {
00407         char  **argv;
00408         int     argc = 0;
00410         QString editor     = rioQt->getConfig()->getEditor();
00411         QString editorArgs = rioQt->getConfig()->getEditorArguments();
00413         // Assembly editor command line
00414         argv           = (char **)malloc( sizeof(char *) * 4 );
00415         argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( editor.ascii() );
00417         // Check for parameters and append them to command line
00418         if( editorArgs.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() )
00419         {
00420             argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( file_name.ascii() );
00421         }
00422         else
00423         {
00424             argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( editorArgs.ascii() );
00425             argv[ argc++ ] = strdup( file_name.ascii()  );
00426         }
00427         argv[ argc++ ] = NULL;
00429         // Execute editor
00430         if( execvp( argv[0], argv ) < 0 )
00431         {
00432             // Could not start editor, abort child execution
00433             exit( -1 );
00434         }
00435     }
00436 }

void FileWindow::toolbarCreateDir ( void   )  [slot]

toolbar Create Dir

Definition at line 1128 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01129 {
01130     createDirectory();
01131 }

void FileWindow::toolbarEraseFile ( void   )  [slot]

toolbar Erase File

Definition at line 1112 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01113 {
01114     QListView *list = NULL;
01116     if( dirTree->hasFocus() )
01117         list = dirTree;
01118     else
01119         list = fileList;
01121     if( list != NULL )
01122         removeFileList( list );
01123 }

void FileWindow::toolbarRefresh ( void   )  [slot]

toolbar Erase File

Definition at line 1104 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01105 {
01106     refreshDirectory( currentDir );
01107 }

void FileWindow::updateCopyProgress ( void   )  [private, virtual]

Implements RioExplorer.

Definition at line 1860 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01861 {
01862     for( unsigned int i = 0; i < pendingCopiesList.count(); i++ )
01863     {
01864         RioCopy * rioCopy = ( (RioCopy *) i ) );
01865         rioCopy->updateProgress();
01866     }
01867 }

void FileWindow::updateStatus ( void   )  [private]

Updates status bar.

Definition at line 1372 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01373 {
01374     if( type == RIO )
01375     {
01376         QString           statusMessage;
01377         vector<DfInfo>    dfInfo;
01378         SessionsInfo      sessionsInfo;
01379         RioObjectSize     free_size;
01380         unsigned int total_blocks,
01381                           free_blocks;
01382         float             percent_free;
01383         string            free_size_str;
01385         // Get sessions and disk info
01386         sessions( &sessionsInfo );
01387         df( &dfInfo );
01389         // Accumulate info for all storage nodes
01390         free_size    = 0;
01391         total_blocks = 0;
01392         free_blocks  = 0;
01394         for( unsigned int node = 0; node < dfInfo.size(); node++ )
01395         {
01396             free_size    += dfInfo[node].free_size;
01397             total_blocks += dfInfo[node].total_blocks_of_all_disks;
01398             free_blocks  += dfInfo[node].free_blocks_of_all_disks;
01399         }
01401         free_size_str = RioExplorer::formatSize( (RioObjectSize) free_size );
01402         percent_free  = free_blocks * 100.0 / total_blocks;
01404         statusMessage.sprintf( tr( "Sessions: %li/%li \tFree Space: %s (%.2f%%) " ),
01405                                sessionsInfo.number_of_active_sessions,
01406                                sessionsInfo.number_of_max_sessions,
01407                                free_size_str.c_str(), percent_free );
01409         statusBar()->message( statusMessage );
01410     }
01411 }

void FileWindow::upDir ( void   )  [slot]

Up Dir.

Definition at line 1087 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01088 {
01089     refreshDirectory( getParentDir( currentDir ) );
01090 }

bool FileWindow::uploadToRio ( QString  rioFileName,
QString  localFileName 

Upload file to RIO server and remove temp file.

Definition at line 1532 of file FileWindow.cpp.

01533 {
01534     bool status = true;
01536     ObjectInfo fileInfo;
01538     if( getObjectInfo( (char *)localFileName.latin1(),
01539                      NULL, &fileInfo ) )
01540     {
01542         bool copy_allowed = true; //allow copy
01544         if( !cp( NULL, session, &fileInfo, (char *)rioFileName.latin1(), false, 
01545             true, &copy_allowed ) )
01546         {
01547             ShowMessageEvent * event = new ShowMessageEvent( ShowMessageEvent::ERROR,
01548                                                              tr( "Could not copy file to RIO server." ) );
01549             QApplication::postEvent( rioQt, event );
01551             status = false;
01552         }
01553     }
01555     // Remove temp file
01556     rm( &fileInfo, NULL, false, false );
01558     return status;
01559 }

Field Documentation

unsigned int FileWindow::blockSize [private]

Definition at line 102 of file FileWindow.h.

QComboBox* FileWindow::comboLocation [private]

Definition at line 119 of file FileWindow.h.

Definition at line 98 of file FileWindow.h.

QListView* FileWindow::dirTree [private]

Definition at line 108 of file FileWindow.h.

QListView* FileWindow::fileList [private]

Definition at line 109 of file FileWindow.h.

char FileWindow::home[MAXLEN_FILE+1] [private]

Definition at line 103 of file FileWindow.h.

QString FileWindow::homeDir [private]

Definition at line 96 of file FileWindow.h.

char* FileWindow::host [private]

Definition at line 97 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::LOCAL = 0 [static]

Reimplemented from RioExplorer.

Definition at line 66 of file FileWindow.h.

QStringList FileWindow::locationList [private]

Definition at line 124 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::MAXLEN_FILE = 1024 [static]

Definition at line 69 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::MAXLEN_MESSAGE = 1024*5 [static]

Definition at line 70 of file FileWindow.h.

QMessageBox* FileWindow::md5Box [private]

Definition at line 123 of file FileWindow.h.

Definition at line 100 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::PMID_CREATEXML = 8 [static]

Definition at line 81 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::PMID_DF = 5 [static]

Definition at line 78 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::PMID_MKDIR = 0 [static]

Definition at line 73 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::PMID_MKOBJ = 4 [static]

Definition at line 77 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::PMID_OPEN = 6 [static]

Definition at line 79 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::PMID_PROPERTIES = 9 [static]

Definition at line 82 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::PMID_REFRESH = 2 [static]

Definition at line 75 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::PMID_REFRESHD = 3 [static]

Definition at line 76 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::PMID_RENAMEFILE = 7 [static]

Definition at line 80 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::PMID_RMFILE = 1 [static]

Definition at line 74 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::PMID_VIDEORATE = 10 [static]

Definition at line 86 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::POPUPMENU_DIRTREE = 0 [static]

Definition at line 88 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::POPUPMENU_DIRTREE_ITEM = 1 [static]

Definition at line 89 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::POPUPMENU_FILELIST = 2 [static]

Definition at line 90 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::POPUPMENU_FILELIST_ITEM = 3 [static]

Definition at line 91 of file FileWindow.h.

const int FileWindow::RIO = 1 [static]

Definition at line 67 of file FileWindow.h.

Definition at line 105 of file FileWindow.h.

QToolButton* FileWindow::tbCreateDir [private]

Definition at line 116 of file FileWindow.h.

QToolButton* FileWindow::tbEraseFile [private]

Definition at line 115 of file FileWindow.h.

QToolButton* FileWindow::tbEraseLocation [private]

Definition at line 120 of file FileWindow.h.

QToolButton* FileWindow::tbGoLocation [private]

Definition at line 121 of file FileWindow.h.

QToolButton* FileWindow::tbHomeDir [private]

Definition at line 113 of file FileWindow.h.

QToolButton* FileWindow::tbRefresh [private]

Definition at line 114 of file FileWindow.h.

QToolButton* FileWindow::tbUpDir [private]

Definition at line 112 of file FileWindow.h.

int FileWindow::type [private]

Definition at line 99 of file FileWindow.h.

QString FileWindow::userName [private]

Definition at line 95 of file FileWindow.h.

bool FileWindow::UseVideoRate [private]

Definition at line 128 of file FileWindow.h.

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Generated on Wed Jul 4 16:03:35 2012 for RIO by  doxygen 1.6.3