NetMgr Class Reference

#include <NetMgr.h>

Public Member Functions

 NetMgr (bool serverInstance=false)
 NetMgr tem o parametro serverInstance por default igual a false.
 ~NetMgr ()
int Start (int port, int maxdiskl, int maxpktl, unsigned int MaxCreditsClients=0, unsigned int MaxNetworkCredits=0, unsigned int NetworkRate=0)
int Stop ()
void getmyaddrport (int *ipaddr, int *port, int server=0)
void getalladdrport (int **ipaddr, int **port)
int getipaddr ()
void SetCmdProc (cmdcallback_t cmdproc, void *cmdparm)
 Este metodo nao esta sendo usado em lugar nenhum do codigo.
void SendCmd (int ipadr, int port, int reqid, char *cmdp, int cmdl, callback_t callback, void *callbackparm)
void SendResult (int ipadr, int port, int reqid, int result)
void SendBlock (int ipadr, int port, int reqid, char *bufadr, int buflen, callback_t callback, void *callbackparm, int StreamTraffic, unsigned int VideoRate=0)
int ExpectBlock (char *buf, int len, callback_t callback, void *callbackparm, int sendack=1)
int CancelExpect (int reqid, int result)
void TellId (int ipadr, int port, int reqid, int tellip, int tellport, int tellreqid, callback_t callback, void *callbackparm)
void GetBlock (int ipadr, int port, int reqid, char *bufadr, int buflen, callback_t callback, void *callbackparm)
int ExpectTellId (char *buf, int len, callback_t callback, void *callbackparm)
bool SetMulticastSocket (unsigned short multicastport, char *multicast_addr, void *callback=0, BufferStream *buffer_stream=0, int enable_join=1)
void LeaveGroup (unsigned short multicastport)
void LeaveAllGroups (void)
int FreeBlock (unsigned int block_id, RioStreamType traffic)
int FreePendentBlocks (bool useCache, int nBuffers)
bool thereAreFragments (RioBlock block)
void Getmyaddr (int *my_address, int *my_port)
int CreateKeepaliveThread (void)
 CreateKeepaliveThread funcao para criar a thread usada para enviar periodicamente mensagens Fake aos servidores para garantir que os mapeamentos nao serao expirados por timeout.
bool IsBehindNAT ()
 IsBehindNAT esta funcao retorna true se o cliente estiver atras de um NAT, caso a funcao RequestMapping tenha sido chamada pelo cliente para obter o mapeamento, e false caso o cliente nao esteja atras do NAT ou se a funcao RequestMapping nao tenha sido chamada.
void RequestMultipleMappings (struct sockaddr_in *addr, int size)
 RequestMultipleMappings faz requisicao a outros objetos NetMgr, pedindo o mapeamento, isto e, o endereco IP e a porta visivel por este objeto.
void RequestMapping (int ipaddr, int port)
 RequestMapping faz uma requisicao a um outro objeto NetMgr, pedindo o mapeamento, isto e, o endereco IP e a porta visivel por este objeto.
void setLogRotation (CLogRotation *LogRotation)
 Funcao para definir o objeto (do tipo CLogRotation) a ser usado para armazenas as estatisticas de envio de pacotes.
int ExpectCmd (callback_t callback, void *callbackparm, cmdcallback_t cmdcallback)
 Nova chamada para usar a funcao ExpectCmd da RioNeti.
void SendRst (int ipaddr, int port, int reqid, int result)
 Esta funcao, que antes era private na RioNeti, agora passou a ser public para permitir que enviemos um erro para cancelar um pedido pendende.

Static Public Member Functions

static void dumppkt (const char *, char *, int)

Static Private Member Functions

static void mycmdproc (void *cmdparm, char *cmdp, int cmdl)
static void getblockcbx (void *parm, int result)
static void getblockcb1 (void *parm, int result)
static void getblockcb2 (void *parm, int result)
static void sendresultcb (void *parm, int result)
static void expecttellcom (void *parm)
static void expecttellcmplt (void *parm, int result)
static void expecttellsend (void *parm, int result)
static void expecttellcmd (void *parm, char *pktp, int pktl)
static void CallbackRequestMapping (void *param, int result)
 CallbackRequestMapping: funcao callback usada para liberar o semaforo quando a operacao de pedido de mapeamento ao servidor (iniciada pela chamada a funcao RequestMapping da classe NetMgr) estiver finalizada.

Private Attributes

cmdcallback_t d_cmdproc
void * d_cmdparm
int d_myip
int d_myport
int d_seq
bool serverInstance
pthread_mutex_t d_seqlock

Detailed Description

Definition at line 49 of file NetMgr.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NetMgr::NetMgr ( bool  serverInstance = false  ) 

NetMgr tem o parametro serverInstance por default igual a false.

Indica se esta instancia da NetMgr foi criada no servidor (true) ou nao, se foi criada no cliente (false).

Definition at line 61 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00062 {
00063     this->serverInstance = serverInstance; 
00064     d_neti               = NULL;
00065     d_cmdproc            = 0;
00066     d_myip               = 0;
00067     d_myport             = 0;
00068     d_seq                = 0;
00069     d_cmdparm            = NULL;
00071     #ifdef WINDOWS
00072     // Windows implementation
00073     d_seqlock = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
00074     #else
00075     // Linux implementation
00076     pthread_mutex_init(&d_seqlock, NULL);
00077     #endif
00079     // Inicializacos das novas variveis usadas pela implementacao que permite
00080     // clientes atras de NAT.
00081     m_semalidmap = new CSemaphore( 0, 1 );
00082 }

NetMgr::~NetMgr (  ) 

Definition at line 85 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00086 {
00087     if( d_neti )
00088     {
00089         d_neti->Stop();
00090         delete d_neti;
00091         d_neti = 0;
00093         #ifdef WINDOWS
00094         // Windows implementation
00095         CloseHandle(d_seqlock);
00096         #else
00097         // Linux implementation
00098         pthread_mutex_destroy(&d_seqlock);
00099         #endif
00100     }
00102     // Remocao do semaforo usado pela implementacao que permite clientes atras
00103     // de NAT.
00104     delete m_semalidmap;
00105 }

Member Function Documentation

void NetMgr::CallbackRequestMapping ( void *  param,
int  result 
) [static, private]

CallbackRequestMapping: funcao callback usada para liberar o semaforo quando a operacao de pedido de mapeamento ao servidor (iniciada pela chamada a funcao RequestMapping da classe NetMgr) estiver finalizada.

Ela e chamada quando a mensagem de requisicao e corretamente enviada e quando o ACK desta mensagem, com o mapeamento, chega com sucesso ao cliente.

param ponteiro para a instancia do objeto da classe NetMgr bloqueado na funcao RequestMapping.
result nao e usado pela implementacao da callback, mas e necessario defini-lo pois todas as callbacks devem ter a mesma interface.

Definition at line 861 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00862 {
00863      NetMgr *PNetMgr;
00864      #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00865      RioErr << "NetMgr::CallbackRequestMapping chamada. Result = 0x" << hex 
00866             << ( unsigned int ) result << dec << endl;
00867      #endif
00868      PNetMgr = (NetMgr *) param;
00869      // Desbloqueia o processo cliente, que ficou bloqueado na funcao 
00870      // RequestMapping esperando pelo recebimento do mapeamento.
00871      PNetMgr->m_semalidmap->V(); 
00872 }

int NetMgr::CancelExpect ( int  reqid,
int  result 

Definition at line 305 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00306 {
00307     return d_neti->CancelExpect(reqid, result);
00308 }

int NetMgr::CreateKeepaliveThread ( void   ) 

CreateKeepaliveThread funcao para criar a thread usada para enviar periodicamente mensagens Fake aos servidores para garantir que os mapeamentos nao serao expirados por timeout.

ServerAddress ponteiro para um vetor com os enderecos dos servidores. Cada endereco e composto pelo IP do servidor e pela porta UDP usada por ele.
ServerAddressSize tamanho do vetor com os enderecos dos servidores.
0 se a thread foi criada com sucesso, e diferente de 0 se algum erro ocorreu ao criar a thread.

Definition at line 814 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00816 {
00817       return( d_neti->CreateKeepaliveThread( ) );
00818 }

void NetMgr::dumppkt ( const char *  label,
char *  data,
int  datal 
) [static]

Definition at line 745 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00746 {
00747     int   off;
00748     int   i;
00749     char *s;
00750     char line[100];
00752     RioErr << label;
00754     off = 0;
00755     do
00756     {
00757         s  = line;
00758         s += sprintf(s,"%4.4x ", (unsigned) off);
00760         for(i = 0; i < 16 && i < datal; i++, data++)
00761         {
00762             s += sprintf(s, "%2.2x", (unsigned)(*data & 0xff));
00763             if((i & 3) == 3)
00764             {
00765                 *s++ = ' ';
00766             }
00767         }
00769         *s++ = '\n';
00770         *s++ = '\0';
00772         if(off > 0x20 && off < 0x5a0)
00773             ;
00774         else
00775             RioErr << line;
00777         datal -= 16;
00778         off   += 16;
00779     } while(datal > 0);
00781     RioErr << endl;
00783 }

int NetMgr::ExpectBlock ( char *  buf,
int  len,
callback_t  callback,
void *  callbackparm,
int  sendack = 1 

Definition at line 280 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00282 {
00283     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00284     RioErr << "[NetMgr] ExpectBlock chamando ExpectData." << endl;
00285     #endif
00287     return d_neti->ExpectData( bufadr, buflen, callback, callbackparm,
00288                                UNICASTTRAFFIC, sendack );
00289 }

int NetMgr::ExpectCmd ( callback_t  callback,
void *  callbackparm,
cmdcallback_t  cmdcallback 

Nova chamada para usar a funcao ExpectCmd da RioNeti.

callback callback a ser chamada quando o objeto NetBuf criado for removido.
callbackparm parametro a ser passado a callback.
cmdcallback callback a ser chamada quando recebermos a resposta com o tamanho do arquivo de busca e o identificador deste arquivo.
Identificador do NetBuf usado para receber a mensagem com o tamanho do arquivo de busca e o identificador deste arquivo.

Definition at line 883 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00885 {
00886     return d_neti->ExpectCmd( callback, callbackparm, cmdcallback ); 
00887 }

void NetMgr::expecttellcmd ( void *  parm,
char *  pktp,
int  pktl 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 564 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00565 {
00566     xtwork *wp = (xtwork *) parm;
00567     int i;
00568     u32 data[5], *dp;
00570     dp = (u32 *) pktp;
00571     for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
00572     {
00573         data[i] = *dp++;
00574     }
00576     // most byte order is already ok, fix up some
00577     data[0] = ntohl(data[0]);    // command
00578     data[2] = htons( (short) (ntohl(data[2])));
00579     data[4] = ntohl(data[4]);    // seq id
00581     if(data[0] != (unsigned) RioPktC::CMD_TELLID)
00582     {
00583         return;
00584     }
00586     // check for duplicate tellid here.. / add to duplicate table..
00587     for(i = 0; i < wp->dupct; i++)
00588     {
00589         if( data[1] == wp->duptab[i].ip &&
00590             data[2] == wp->duptab[i].port &&
00591             data[3] == wp->duptab[i].reqid &&
00592             data[4] == wp->duptab[i].seq
00593           )
00594         {
00595             #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00596             RioErr << " -- duplicate --" << endl;
00597             #endif
00598             return;    // duplicate cmd
00599         }
00600     }
00602     if(wp->dupct < xtwork::DUPTABN-1)
00603     {
00604         wp->dupix = ++wp->dupct;
00605     }
00606     else
00607     {
00608         ++wp->dupix;
00609         if(wp->dupix >= xtwork::DUPTABN-1)
00610         {
00611             wp->dupix = 0;        // wrap spot to use
00612         }
00613     }
00615     i = wp->dupix;
00616     wp->duptab[i].ip    = data[1];
00617     wp->duptab[i].port  = data[2];
00618     wp->duptab[i].reqid = data[3];
00619     wp->duptab[i].seq   = data[4];
00621     wp->pendingsends++;
00623     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00624     in_addr dest;
00625     dest.s_addr = wp->duptab[ i ].ip;
00626     RioErr << "NetMgr::expecttellcmd recebido as informacoes do bloco "
00627            << "ao NetBuf com o identificador wp->myreqid = " << wp->myreqid 
00628            << ", associado a posicao " << i << " de wp->duptab, com as "
00629            << "seguintes informacoes: ip = " << inet_ntoa( dest ) 
00630            << ", porta = " << ntohs( wp->duptab[ i ].port ) << ", reqid = " 
00631            << wp->duptab[ i ].reqid << " e seq = " << wp->duptab[ i ].seq 
00632            << ". wp->pendingsends = " << wp->pendingsends << endl;
00634     RioErr << "[NetMgr] expecttellcmd - chamando a SendData" << endl;
00635     #endif
00637     wp->mgr->d_neti->SendData( data[1], data[2], data[3], wp->bufp, wp->bufl,
00638                                &expecttellsend, (void *) wp, 1, 0, 
00639                                &wp->duptab[i].sendreqid );
00640 }

void NetMgr::expecttellcmplt ( void *  parm,
int  result 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 665 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00666 {
00667     xtwork *wp = (xtwork *) parm;
00669     wp->cmplt = 1;
00671     wp->result = result;
00673     // Se ocorrer algum erro, cancelamos todos os envios de blocos pendentes.
00674     if( result != S_OK )
00675     {
00676        #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2 
00677        RioErr << "NetMgr::expecttellcmplt a copia do bloco terminou com o "
00678               << "erro 0x" << hex << ( unsigned int ) result << dec << " ("
00679               << GetErrorDescription( result ) << "). Abortando todas as "
00680               << "copias pendentes para o NetBuf com a identificacao " 
00681               << "wp->myreqid = " << wp->myreqid << endl;
00682        RioErr << "NetMgr::expecttellcmplt wp->pendingsends = " 
00683               << wp->pendingsends << ", wp->dupix = " << wp->dupix 
00684               << " e xtwork::DUPTABN = " << xtwork::DUPTABN << endl;
00685        #endif       
00686        // Remove todas as entradas. Isso esta correto (wp->dupix -> ultima 
00687        // entrada usada, mas pode voltar para 0 caso seja maior ou igual a 
00688        // xtwork::DUPTABN).
00689        for( int i = 0; i < xtwork::DUPTABN; i++ )
00690        {
00691            if( wp->duptab[ i ].ip != 0 )
00692            { 
00694                #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00695                in_addr sip;
00696                sip.s_addr = wp->duptab[ i ].ip;
00697                RioErr << "NetMgr::expecttellcmplt cancelando o envio do bloco "
00698                       << "na posicao " << i << " de wp->duptab, com as "
00699                       << "seguintes informacoes: ip = " << inet_ntoa( sip ) 
00700                       << ", porta = " << ntohs( wp->duptab[ i ].port ) 
00701                       << ", reqid = " << wp->duptab[ i ].reqid << ", seq = " 
00702                       << wp->duptab[ i ].seq << " e sendreqid = " 
00703                       << wp->duptab[ i ].sendreqid << endl;
00704                #endif
00706                if( !wp->mgr->d_neti->CancelCopyBlock( wp->duptab[ i ].sendreqid, 
00707                    result ) )
00708                {
00709                    #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00710                    RioErr << "NetMgr::expecttellcmplt erro ao cancelar o envio "
00711                           << "do bloco com a seqreqid " 
00712                           << wp->duptab[ i ].sendreqid << endl;
00713                    #endif
00714                }
00715            }
00716        }
00717     }  
00719     expecttellcom((void *) wp);
00720 }

void NetMgr::expecttellcom ( void *  parm  )  [static, private]

Definition at line 644 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00645 {
00646     xtwork *wp = (xtwork *) parm;
00648     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00649     RioErr << "[NetMgr] expecttellcom - Chamando a MulticastCallBack da "
00650            << "RioMMVideo" << endl;
00651     #endif
00653     if(wp->cmplt && wp->pendingsends == 0)
00654     {
00655         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00656         RioErr << "[NetMgr] expecttellcom - Chamando a callback" << endl;
00657         #endif
00658         (*wp->callback)(wp->callbackparm, wp->result);
00659         delete wp;
00660     }
00661 }

int NetMgr::ExpectTellId ( char *  buf,
int  len,
callback_t  callback,
void *  callbackparm 

Definition at line 533 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00535 {
00536     xtwork *wp = new xtwork;
00538     wp->mgr          = this;
00539     wp->callback     = callback;
00540     wp->callbackparm = callbackparm;
00541     wp->bufp         = bufadr;
00542     wp->bufl         = buflen;
00543     wp->result       = 0;
00544     wp->dupix        = 0;
00545     wp->dupct        = 0;
00546     wp->pendingsends = 0;
00547     wp->cmplt        = 0;
00548     // Inicializa o vetor com as reqids.
00549     for( int i = 0; i < xtwork::DUPTABN; i++ )
00550     {
00551         wp->duptab[ i ].ip = 0;
00552         wp->duptab[ i ].port = 0;
00553         wp->duptab[ i ].reqid = 0;
00554         wp->duptab[ i ].seq = 0;
00555     }
00556     wp->myreqid      = d_neti->ExpectCmd( &expecttellcmplt,
00557                                           (void *) wp,  &expecttellcmd);
00559     return wp->myreqid;
00560 }

void NetMgr::expecttellsend ( void *  parm,
int  result 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 728 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00729 {
00730     xtwork *wp = (xtwork *) parm;
00732     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00733     RioErr << "NetMgr::expecttellsend recebido a confirmacao do envio de um "
00734            << "bloco: wp->pendingsends = " << wp->pendingsends 
00735            << ", wp->cmplt = " << wp->cmplt << ", result =  0x" 
00736            << hex << result << dec << " (" << GetErrorDescription( result )
00737            << ")" << endl;
00738     #endif       
00740     wp->pendingsends--;
00741     expecttellcom((void *) wp);
00742 }

int NetMgr::FreeBlock ( unsigned int  block_id,
RioStreamType  traffic 

Definition at line 786 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00787 {
00788     return( d_neti->FreeBlock( block_id, traffic ) );
00789 }

int NetMgr::FreePendentBlocks ( bool  useCache,
int  nBuffers 

Definition at line 791 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00792 {
00793     return( d_neti->FreePendentBlocks( useCache, nbuffers ) );
00794 }

void NetMgr::getalladdrport ( int **  ipaddr,
int **  port 

Definition at line 199 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00200 {
00201     d_neti->getalladdrport( ipaddr, port );
00202 }

void NetMgr::GetBlock ( int  ipadr,
int  port,
int  reqid,
char *  bufadr,
int  buflen,
callback_t  callback,
void *  callbackparm 

Definition at line 388 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00390 {
00391     gbwork *wp = new gbwork;
00393     wp->tellcmplt    = false;
00394     wp->expectcmplt  = false;
00395     wp->result       = 0;
00396     wp->mgr          = this;
00397     wp->callback     = callback;
00398     wp->callbackparm = callbackparm;
00399     wp->myreqid      = ExpectBlock( buf, len, &getblockcb1, wp, 1 );
00401     TellId( ipadr, port, reqid, d_myip, d_myport, wp->myreqid,
00402             &getblockcb2, wp );
00403 }

void NetMgr::getblockcb1 ( void *  parm,
int  result 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 436 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00437 {
00438     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00439     RioErr << "[NetMgr] getblockcb1 - Start" << endl;
00440     #endif
00441     gbwork *wp = (gbwork *) parm;
00443     wp->expectcmplt = true;
00445     getblockcbx( wp, result );
00446     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00447     RioErr << "[NetMgr] getblockcb1 - Finish" << endl;
00448     #endif
00449 }

void NetMgr::getblockcb2 ( void *  parm,
int  result 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 453 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00454 {
00455     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00456     RioErr << "[NetMgr] getblockcb2 - Start" << endl;
00457     #endif
00458     gbwork *wp = (gbwork *) parm;
00460     wp->tellcmplt = true;
00462     if(result)
00463     {    // some tellid error
00464         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00465         RioErr << "[NetMgr] getblockcb1 - Error" << endl;
00466         #endif
00467         wp->mgr->CancelExpect(wp->myreqid, ERROR_NETMGR+0xf0);
00468     }
00470     getblockcbx(wp, result);
00471     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00472     RioErr << "[NetMgr] getblockcb2 - Finish" << endl;
00473     #endif
00474 }

void NetMgr::getblockcbx ( void *  parm,
int  result 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 407 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00408 {
00409     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00410     RioErr << "[NetMgr] getblockcbx - Start" << endl;
00411     #endif
00412     gbwork *wp = (gbwork *) parm;
00414     if(!wp->result)
00415         wp->result = result;
00417     if(wp->tellcmplt && wp->expectcmplt)
00418     {
00419         #ifdef RIO_DEBUG2
00420         RioErr << "[NetMgr] getblockcbx - Chamando a MulticastCallBack da "
00421                << "RioMMVideo" << endl;
00422         #endif
00424         (*wp->callback)(wp->callbackparm, wp->result);
00425         delete wp;
00426     }
00427     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00428     RioErr << "[NetMgr] getblockcbx - Finish" << endl;
00429     #endif
00430 }

int NetMgr::getipaddr (  ) 

Definition at line 208 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00209 {
00210     return d_neti->getipaddr();
00211 }

void NetMgr::Getmyaddr ( int *  my_address,
int *  my_port 

Definition at line 158 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00159 {
00160      *my_address = d_myip;
00161      *my_port    = d_myport;
00162 }

void NetMgr::getmyaddrport ( int *  ipaddr,
int *  port,
int  server = 0 

Definition at line 192 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00193 {
00194     d_neti->getmyaddrport( ipaddr, port, server );
00195 }

bool NetMgr::IsBehindNAT (  ) 

IsBehindNAT esta funcao retorna true se o cliente estiver atras de um NAT, caso a funcao RequestMapping tenha sido chamada pelo cliente para obter o mapeamento, e false caso o cliente nao esteja atras do NAT ou se a funcao RequestMapping nao tenha sido chamada.

true se o cliente esta atras de NAT, ou false se ele nao esta atras de NAT ou se a funcao RequestMapping nao foi chamada.

Definition at line 822 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00823 {
00824     return( d_neti->IsBehindNAT() );
00825 }

void NetMgr::LeaveAllGroups ( void   ) 

Definition at line 185 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00186 {
00187     d_neti->LeaveAllGroups();
00188 }

void NetMgr::LeaveGroup ( unsigned short  multicastport  ) 

Definition at line 179 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00180 {
00181     d_neti->LeaveGroup( multicastport );
00182 }

void NetMgr::mycmdproc ( void *  cmdparm,
char *  cmdp,
int  cmdl 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 228 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00229 {
00230     NetMgr *x = (NetMgr *) cmdparm;
00232     (*x->d_cmdproc)(x->d_cmdparm, cmdp, cmdl);
00233 }

void NetMgr::RequestMapping ( int  ipaddr,
int  port 

RequestMapping faz uma requisicao a um outro objeto NetMgr, pedindo o mapeamento, isto e, o endereco IP e a porta visivel por este objeto.

O outro objeto esta executando em uma maquina com endereco IP e porta dados pelos parametros da funcao. Esta funcao deve ser chamada apos a inicializacao do socket, isto e, somente apos a funcao Start ter sido executada. A funcao de callback passada como parametro e chamada apos um mapeamento ter sido recebido.

ipaddr endereco IP do objeto NetMgr.
port porta do objeto NetMgr.

Definition at line 829 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00830 {
00831     d_neti->RequestMapping( ipaddr, port, 0, &CallbackRequestMapping, this );
00832     // Espera ate que o mapeamento seja retornado pelo servidor.
00833     m_semalidmap->P();
00834     d_neti->getmyaddrport( &d_myip, &d_myport );
00835 }

void NetMgr::RequestMultipleMappings ( struct sockaddr_in *  addr,
int  size 

RequestMultipleMappings faz requisicao a outros objetos NetMgr, pedindo o mapeamento, isto e, o endereco IP e a porta visivel por este objeto.

Os outros objetos estao executando em maquinas com endereco IP e porta dados no primeiro parametro da funcao. Esta funcao deve ser chamada apos a inicializacao do socket, isto e, somente apos a funcao Start ter sido executada. A funcao de callback passada como parametro e chamada apos um mapeamento ter sido recebido.

addr vetor de enderecos IP e portas dos objetos NetMgr.
size quantidades de objetos NetMgr.

Definition at line 839 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00840 {
00841     int ipaddr, port;
00842     d_neti->allocMappingVectors( size );
00843     for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
00844     {
00845         ipaddr = addr[ i ].sin_addr.s_addr;
00846         port   = addr[ i ].sin_port;
00847         d_neti->RequestMapping( ipaddr, port, i, &CallbackRequestMapping, 
00848                                 this );
00849         // Espera ate que o mapeamento seja retornado pelo servidor.
00850         m_semalidmap->P();
00851         // Inicializa d_myip e d_myport com o endereco do servidor (que esta na 
00852         // posicao 0).
00853         if( i == 0 )
00854             d_neti->getmyaddrport( &d_myip, &d_myport );
00855     }
00856 }

void NetMgr::SendBlock ( int  ipadr,
int  port,
int  reqid,
char *  bufadr,
int  buflen,
callback_t  callback,
void *  callbackparm,
int  StreamTraffic,
unsigned int  VideoRate = 0 

Definition at line 257 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00260 {
00261     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00262     RioErr << "[NetMgr] SendBlock Start" << endl;
00263     #endif
00264     d_neti->SendData( ip, port, reqid, bufadr, buflen, callback, callbackparm,
00265                       StreamTraffic, VideoRate );
00266     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00267     RioErr << "[NetMgr] SendBlock Finish" << endl;
00268     #endif
00269 }

void NetMgr::SendCmd ( int  ipadr,
int  port,
int  reqid,
char *  cmdp,
int  cmdl,
callback_t  callback,
void *  callbackparm 

Definition at line 239 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00241 {
00242     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00243     RioErr << "[NetMgr] SendCmd Start" << endl;
00244     #endif
00245     d_neti->SendCmd(ipadr, port, reqid, cmdp, cmdl, callback, callbackparm);
00246     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG1
00247     RioErr << "[NetMgr] SendCmd Finish" << endl;
00248     #endif
00249 }

void NetMgr::SendResult ( int  ipadr,
int  port,
int  reqid,
int  result 

Definition at line 320 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00321 {
00322     d_neti->SendResult( ipadr, port, reqid, result,
00323                         &sendresultcb, (void *)this);
00324 }

void NetMgr::sendresultcb ( void *  parm,
int  result 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 327 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00328 {
00329 }

void NetMgr::SendRst ( int  ipaddr,
int  port,
int  reqid,
int  result 

Esta funcao, que antes era private na RioNeti, agora passou a ser public para permitir que enviemos um erro para cancelar um pedido pendende.

Isso ocorrera quando, ao cliente solicitar uma busca nos logs do servidor, pedir ou um bloco que um arquivo com os resultados de uma busca cuja identificacao nao existe, ou se pedir um bloco invalido deste arquivo. A funcao foi criada na NetMgr para permitir acessarmos a funcao correspondente da RioNeti.

ipaddr endereco IP para onde deveremos enviar o codigo de erro.
port porta para onde deveremos enviar o codigo de erro.
reqid identificacao do NetBuf que desejamos enviar o erro.
result codigo de erro a ser enviado.

Definition at line 890 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00891 {
00892     d_neti->SendRst( ipaddr, port, reqid, result );
00893 }

void NetMgr::SetCmdProc ( cmdcallback_t  cmdproc,
void *  cmdparm 

Este metodo nao esta sendo usado em lugar nenhum do codigo.

Definition at line 219 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00220 {
00221     d_cmdproc = cmdproc;
00222     d_cmdparm = cmdparm;
00224     d_neti->SetCmdProc(mycmdproc, (void *)this);
00225 }

void NetMgr::setLogRotation ( CLogRotation LogRotation  ) 

Funcao para definir o objeto (do tipo CLogRotation) a ser usado para armazenas as estatisticas de envio de pacotes.

LogRotation ponteiro para um objeto do tipo CLogRotation.

Definition at line 876 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00877 {
00878     d_neti->setLogRotation( LogRotation );
00879 }

bool NetMgr::SetMulticastSocket ( unsigned short  multicastport,
char *  multicast_addr,
void *  callback = 0,
BufferStream buffer_stream = 0,
int  enable_join = 1 

Definition at line 165 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00170 {
00171     return d_neti->SetMulticastSocket( multicastport,
00172                                        multicast_addr,
00173                                        callback,
00174                                        buffer_stream,
00175                                        enable_join );
00176 }

int NetMgr::Start ( int  port,
int  maxdiskl,
int  maxpktl,
unsigned int  MaxCreditsClients = 0,
unsigned int  MaxNetworkCredits = 0,
unsigned int  NetworkRate = 0 

Definition at line 132 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00136 {
00137     int rc;
00139     d_neti = new RioNeti( serverInstance );
00140     // Mudanca para passar, ao objeto RioNeti, os novos parametros 
00141     // RioNetiLogPath, MaxClientsCredits, MaxNetworkCredits e NetworkRate.
00142     #ifdef RIO_DEBUG_FILE
00143     rc = d_neti->Start( port, maxdiskl, maxpktl, RioNetiLogPath,   
00144                         MaxClientsCredits, MaxNetworkCredits, NetworkRate );
00145     #else
00146     rc = d_neti->Start( port, maxdiskl, maxpktl, MaxClientsCredits, 
00147                         MaxNetworkCredits, NetworkRate );
00148     #endif                    
00150     if( rc )
00151         return rc;
00153     d_neti->getmyaddrport( &d_myip, &d_myport );
00154     return rc;
00155 }

int NetMgr::Stop ( void   ) 

Definition at line 214 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00215 {
00216     return d_neti->Stop();
00217 }

void NetMgr::TellId ( int  ipadr,
int  port,
int  reqid,
int  tellip,
int  tellport,
int  tellreqid,
callback_t  callback,
void *  callbackparm 

Definition at line 335 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00338 {
00339     u32 data[5];
00341     data[0] = htonl(RioPktC::CMD_TELLID);
00342     data[1] = tellip;
00343     data[2] = htonl(ntohs((short) tellport));
00344     data[3] = tellreqid;
00346     #ifdef WINDOWS
00347     // Windows implementation
00348     WaitForSingleObject(d_seqlock,INFINITE);
00349     #else
00350     // Linux implementation
00351     pthread_mutex_lock(&d_seqlock);
00352     #endif
00353     /*--------------------------------- */
00355     data[4] = htonl(d_seq++);
00357     #ifdef WINDOWS
00358     // Windows implementation
00359     ReleaseMutex(d_seqlock);
00360     #else
00361     // Linux implementation
00362     pthread_mutex_unlock(&d_seqlock);
00363     #endif
00364     /*--------------------------------- */
00366     d_neti->SendCmd( ipadr, port, reqid,  (char *) data, 5*sizeof(data[0]),
00367                      callback, callbackparm );
00368 }

bool NetMgr::thereAreFragments ( RioBlock  block  ) 

Definition at line 796 of file NetMgr.cpp.

00797 {
00798     return( d_neti->thereAreFragments( block ) );
00799 }

Field Documentation

void* NetMgr::d_cmdparm [private]

Definition at line 241 of file NetMgr.h.

Definition at line 240 of file NetMgr.h.

int NetMgr::d_myip [private]

Definition at line 242 of file NetMgr.h.

int NetMgr::d_myport [private]

Definition at line 243 of file NetMgr.h.

RioNeti* NetMgr::d_neti [private]

Definition at line 239 of file NetMgr.h.

int NetMgr::d_seq [private]

Definition at line 244 of file NetMgr.h.

pthread_mutex_t NetMgr::d_seqlock [private]

Definition at line 283 of file NetMgr.h.

Definition at line 248 of file NetMgr.h.

bool NetMgr::serverInstance [private]

Definition at line 246 of file NetMgr.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed Jul 4 16:03:35 2012 for RIO by  doxygen 1.6.3