readMetaData.cpp File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "RioInterfaceTypes.h"
#include "ObjectInfo.h"
#include "ObjMapMgr.h"
#include "ServerTypes.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define PADSIZE   7
#define MD5SUMSIZE   16


int main (int argc, char *argv[])


const char * TypesObject []

Define Documentation

#define MD5SUMSIZE   16

Definition at line 37 of file readMetaData.cpp.

#define PADSIZE   7

Definition at line 36 of file readMetaData.cpp.

Function Documentation

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 39 of file readMetaData.cpp.

00040 {
00041     int j, HandleArq, NumLidos;
00042     unsigned int i, NumBlocos;
00043     short TipoObjeto;
00044     struct ObjectHeader Header;
00045     struct tm *UltimaEscrita;
00046     struct RioDiskBlock *Blocos;
00047     char StrUltimaEscrita[ 80 ];
00049     if( argc < 2 ) 
00050     {
00051       printf( "Sinate: %s <nome arquivo>.\n", argv[ 0 ] );
00052       return 1;
00053     }   
00055     HandleArq = open( argv[ 1 ], O_RDONLY, 0 );
00057     if( HandleArq == -1 ) 
00058     {
00059         printf("Erro ao abrir o arquivo %s: %d - %s.\n", argv[ 1 ], errno, 
00060                strerror(errno));
00061         return 1;
00062     }
00064     /* Le o cabecalho. */
00065     NumLidos = read( HandleArq, &Header, sizeof( struct ObjectHeader ) );
00066     if( NumLidos == -1 ) 
00067     {
00068         printf( "Erro %d (%s) ao ler o arquivo %s.\n", errno, strerror( errno ),
00069                 argv[ 1 ] ); 
00070         close( HandleArq );
00071         return 1;
00072     }
00074     if( ( unsigned int ) NumLidos != sizeof( struct ObjectHeader ) ) 
00075     {
00076         printf( "Erro ao ler o arquivo %s: lidos %d bytes (esperado %lu bytes).\n", 
00077                 argv[ 1 ], NumLidos, ( ( unsigned long ) 
00078                                        sizeof( struct ObjectHeader ) ) ); 
00079         close( HandleArq );
00080         return 1;
00081     }
00083     /* Verifica se e um objeto  do servidor RIO. */
00084     if( strncmp( ObjectSignatureValue, Header.Signature, 8 ) != 0 ) 
00085     {
00086         printf( "O tipo do arquivo %s nao e valido.\n", argv[ 1 ] );
00087         close( HandleArq );
00088         return 1;
00089     }
00091     /* Le os blocos do disco. */
00092     NumBlocos = Header.nRep * Header.nBlocks;
00093     /* Aloca memoria para os blocos. */
00094     Blocos = ( struct RioDiskBlock * ) malloc( NumBlocos * 
00095                sizeof( struct RioDiskBlock ) );
00096     if( Blocos == NULL ) 
00097     {
00098         printf( "Memoria insuficiente para ler os blocos do arquivo %s.\n", 
00099                 argv[ 1 ] );
00100         close( HandleArq );
00101         return 1;
00102     }
00104     NumLidos = read( HandleArq, Blocos, NumBlocos * 
00105                                         sizeof( struct RioDiskBlock ) );
00106     close( HandleArq );
00107     if( NumLidos == -1 ) 
00108     {
00109         printf( "Erro %d (%s) ao ler o arquivo %s.\n", errno, strerror( errno ),
00110                 argv[ 1 ] ); 
00111         free( Blocos );
00112         return 1;
00113     }
00114     if( ( unsigned int ) NumLidos != NumBlocos * sizeof( struct RioDiskBlock ) ) 
00115     {
00116         printf( "Erro ao ler o arquivo %s: lidos %d bytes (esperado %lu bytes).\n", 
00117                 argv[ 1 ], NumLidos, ( unsigned long ) ( NumBlocos * 
00118                                      sizeof( struct RioDiskBlock ) ) ); 
00119         free( Blocos );
00120         return 1;
00121     }   
00123     printf( "Arquivo %s:\n", argv[ 1 ] );
00124     TipoObjeto = Header.Type;
00125     if( TipoObjeto > 6 ) 
00126         TipoObjeto = 6;
00127     printf( "-Tipo do objeto: %d (%s)\n", Header.Type, 
00128             TypesObject[ TipoObjeto ] );
00129     UltimaEscrita = localtime( &Header.LastWrite );
00130     strftime( StrUltimaEscrita, sizeof( StrUltimaEscrita ), 
00131               "%a %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z", UltimaEscrita );
00132     printf( "-Tempo da ultima alteracao: %s\n", StrUltimaEscrita );
00133     printf( "-Numero de replicacoes: %d\n", Header.nRep );
00134     printf( "-Tamanho dos blocos: %u\n", Header.BlockSize );
00135     printf( "-Numero de blocos: %u\n", Header.nBlocks );
00136     printf( "-Tamanho do objeto: %lld\n", Header.Size );
00137     printf( "-Taxa de transmissao do video: %u\n", Header.VideoRate );
00138     printf( "-Valor da variavel booleana nullmd5: %s\n", 
00139             Header.nullmd5 ? "true" : "false" );
00140     printf( "-Valor do MD5 (em hexa): " );
00141     for( i = 0; i < MD5SUMSIZE; i++ )
00142         printf( "%02x", Header.md5sum[ i ] );
00143     printf( "\n" );
00144     printf( "-Valor do campo pad (%u bytes): ", PADSIZE );
00145     for( i = 0; i < PADSIZE; i++ )
00146     {
00147         printf( "%02X", Header.pad[ i ] );
00148         if( i < PADSIZE - 1 )
00149             printf( ", " );
00150         else
00151             printf( "\n" );
00152     }
00153     printf( "-Blocos logicos do disco: [replica: (disco, bloco)]\n" );
00154     for( i = 0; i < Header.nBlocks; i++ ) 
00155     {
00156         printf( "--Bloco logico %u: ", i+1 );
00157         for( j = 0; j < Header.nRep; j++ )  
00158         {
00159            printf( "%d: (%d, %u)", j+1, Blocos[ i*Header.nRep+j ].disk, 
00160                    Blocos[ i*Header.nRep+j ].block );
00161            if( j < Header.nRep - 1 )
00162                printf( ", " );
00163            else
00164                printf( "\n" ); 
00165         }
00166     }  
00167     free( Blocos );  
00168     return 0;
00169 }

Variable Documentation

const char* TypesObject[]
Initial value:
 { "Objeto invalido", "Diretorio", "Dados", 
                              "Link de dados", "Link de diretorio", 
                              "Link quebrado", "Tipo invalido" }

Definition at line 32 of file readMetaData.cpp.

Generated on Wed Jul 4 16:03:30 2012 for RIO by  doxygen 1.6.3